Project #2 (Final)

     Have you ever been to any other borough other than Manhattan? Many of us are afraid to take a step forward to the unknown place that we have never set our foot on. What if there is an opportunity opened up before our eyes? Would you take a chance to discover something you haven’t encountered? People see unusual things such as an expensive store like Swarovski jewelry store next to an Off Price Fashion Outlet, which is a store you can get cheap clothes. Although, Manhattan consumers know areas to get specific cheap and expensive items, Brooklyn consumers get the overlap of the contrasting elements.

      Brooklyn is one of the five boughs that represents New York City. It combines with many mixed society that expresses equality toward the people and their culture. In Brooklyn, there are many stores that have different backgrounds which is nothing like what we see in other boroughs of New York, includes Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, or Staten Island. Stores in Brooklyn is where different boroughs are collided together, meaning stores from Manhattan can be found in Brooklyn next to stores from Bronx. It makes a whole new mixed borough that does not identify difference in people nor their social class and culture. Most of the stores are differentiated by cheap and expensive, the element of juxtaposition of the costs where stores contrasts each other. There are many stores on Fulton Street that has an example that shows the juxtaposition of cheap and expensive stores. The article, “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead, states that “You start building your own New York the first time you lay eyes on it” and it is indeed true. Colson explains how every person who lives or visits New York gets a different thoughts on the city. Since every person’s perspectives are different, it changes the point of view on the city; Noticing the overlaps around the different boroughs when they visit. One of the example is, there is a Off Price Fashion Outlet, where you can get cheap clothes next to an expensive Swarovski jewelry store. This weird combination of stores next to each other makes this borough unique. Another example of juxtaposition where time overlaps is; there was a T-mobile store in Fulton Street, however within a few days the store was already empty and the sign were gone. This kind of phenomenon happens where your memory thinks that “It was just there a few days ago” this is something that we don’t see everyday, other than Brooklyn.

      On the other hand, Manhattan is an interesting that is most known for the reputation of New York City. Times Square, which is in Manhattan is a very famous place that everyone knows about it, if you are currently living in New York City or if you hear the city’s name. This place intrigues people by the lights of the Broadway shows, TKTS known as ticket booth, Empire State Building, Central Park, the ball drop on New Years and it is called the place where beginning of fashion started. Instead of having stores mixed like in Brooklyn, Manhattan is divided into two parts that shows the example of juxtaposition. Manhattan is divided into West and East sides, they are different in which people believe that expensive stores are located in the east side and cheap stores are located in the west side where more people can afford. This statement may not be true, many people know when they reach to a certain areas that they come across are different. Example of juxtapositions between cheap and expensive stores in Manhattan is a lot similar in Brooklyn, however same stores in costs are located in the same areas.

      Comparing the borough between Brooklyn and Manhattan, it is shown that Brooklyn borough are more mixed in society. There is no difference in social class with the store management where everything have to be the same. Each store are different but in the same location. Because of these stores are arranged, it focuses on the client-tell feel more comfortable walking the place they are familiar. Brooklyn makes the people feel welcome and to show that there is no difference in their background stories. An example is Swarovski, an expensive jewelry store that is usually found in mid-town Manhattan. However, was found in Brooklyn where the store was next to an Off Price Fashion Outlet store, where you can get cheap clothes. This historic symbol of an swan and its name itself represents their example of elegance and beauty, it also makes the store to stands out what is around it. From the article “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead, states that “… started to wonder why some sidewalks sparkle at certain angles, and others don’t”, Colson clearly conveys how people do “wonder” about the difference of cheap and expensive stores in juxtaposition. These example shows the different juxtaposition of overlapping costs in cheap and expensive.

      When there is a opportunity opened up, take the chance where they show the different part of city that you have not seen before. Manhattan can be a place that is intriguing, because of the Broadway shows, TKTS known as ticket booth, Empire State Building, Central Park, the ball drop on New Years and it is called the place where beginning of fashion started. However, Brooklyn represent something more and unique that shows other people from the borough to understand their difference that are congenial to them. Places like Brooklyn, it makes you think that you just teleported to a different part of New York City, by only taking a few steps.

English Project: FInal


New York city is known as one of the fastest developing cities in the world. Everything is being ‘modernized’ as time passes by. In the novel The Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead says “our streets are calenders containing who we were and who we will be next…One day the city…will be gone, and when it goes we go. When the buildings fall, we topple, too.” I agree with this because the city that we live in gives us memories. Our lives develops around the memories we create and the memories are all created in the city we live in. The old buildings that held hundreds of thousands of memories for people are being replaced by building that are yet to create more memories and experiences for the people. But they will never create memories for the locals. Most of them will never see any of the rooms inside the new building. It’s for the tourists to look and the riches to live at. They will create their memories here. They will be here with their Polaroid cameras taking pictures of the hundred stories tall buildings and one day when they are old they will found a piece of picture fall out of some old things they’ve never touch for years. And when they look at it they will feel nostalgic. “I remember those days in New York.” They’ll think. That’s memory. Old memories are getting destroyed to build new ones.

Although the Toren Condominium is one of the most significant skyscrapers of New York,  it’s taking away attention, and business from the small building that is located right behind the Toren and making it hard for the people that works there to make money.


While I was walking down the street I saw an enormous building which is known as the Torren building. It looks very new and futuristic but it doesn’t quite fit into neighborhood it’s at. It’s like a giant five hundred feet man in the village where normal people lives. In order to get to the Toren building you have to walk out of the Namm building of city tech and turn left. walk till you hit the the street. The street is very busy most of the time. It’s the Tillery street. On the other side of the road there’s a park with a handball court, a basketball court and a soccer field. Walk straight for a few block to the Myrtle avenue at flatbush. There you will find the skyscraper. It’s tall. It’s very eye catching with the glass walls and the waves. It’s called the Toren Condominium. It’s a building that provides luxurious condos for people to live at. The prices for a condo ranges from about five hundred thousands U.S. dollars to one million nine hundred and fifty thousands U.S. dollars. But as you walk pass the building stop for a minute. There you will see a small two floor building. It’s made up of office spaces. The building looks torn or faded compared to the shiny building. Toren Condominium is one of the largest skyscraper in New York city. It’s very beautiful and eye-catching. When you pass by the building it’s hard not to pick your head up and look at the building for a second. If you grab a brochure of the New York City that was created as a guide or the tourists the building is probably there. But the little buildings are remained invisible to all.

The Toren Condominium is used by mostly people from upper class. Most of those people have a good job where they doesn’t need to worry about money. They are living in a big comforting big house so it can be assumed that they also owns their own car for their traveling . They doesn’t have to worry about taking care of their family. They’re kids are most likely to go to a private school. They don’t see themselves at a financially unstable position in anytime soon.

The building behind the Toren building is a  small buildings that is no more than two floors tall. They are either small businesses or office space. People that works there are mostly from the middle class families. They probably doesn’t have a fancy place to live at. They are more likely to use the public transportation. Their kids goes to public schools for education. Their kids are not planning to go to a private college not because they are not good enough to get into one. It’s mostly because they can not afford to pay for a good private college or live at a campus.  They barely have any savings for the future. A huge part of their earning goes to their landlords for the rent. After paying the rent and buying a metro-card what they have left is enough to get by for the month.

But the building that became invisible under the shadow of the Toren is unknown. Nobody takes a second to stop and observe it. Maybe one day he past it was known as a point of intersection what everyone used as a guide to their destination. It’s not just that one building. The small building behind the Toren suffering because of the Toren. The became became invisible under the shadow of the Toren. People that works at that office building  probably hadn’t seen the sunlight since the day the Toren condominium was built . The smalls businesses that rented out the space mustn’t doing any good business because their business is not up on the internet. They are still old school business that only gets the clients their workers brings by. There are barely any new customers. But they have every good relation with the customers they already have. Those people are coming for their services for a long time. And since their clientele are also from the same class as they are, they can relate to each other. That is something the people living at Toren doesn’t have. If something breaks down in their apartment they have to take care of it by themselves. If something goes wrong in the building, instead of talking it out with the building managements the condo owners calls their lawyer so they can find a way to get some money off of the situation. If a neighbor is yelling, instead of checking on them they will call the police. They are cold hearted. They can not relate to other people around them. In the novel The Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead says “…New York will go on without us.” I agree with this because it will. It always has. The city changed as the people changes. It evolves around the people that makes the city beautiful. And mostly importantly it knows how to let go of and forget the people that makes the city looks ugly. It slowly turns it’s face to the wealthier community in the city for it’s own benefit. 

English Project #2: Final

New York city has lots of landmarks, many of them are really famous. The U.S. Post Office on Adams street in Brooklyn is a historical main post office and Federal office building. The building its self appears particularly special in the area because of its Romanesque Revival style design.

The Post Office is just one block away from City Tech, Namm Hall. I didn’t notice it, until I took my sixteen minus of walk. To get to the U.S. Post Office with my path, first you need to walk left after get out of Namm hall, at the first block on your right hand side across the street, you can see a park, its a lively playground, many people who is local play sport, handout with friends and relaxing here. As you keep walking, at the same block on your left hand side, there is another building of City Tech. In front of that building cross the street, there is a church which is right next to the park. Keep walking about 5 minus, you can see the third building of City Tech. On the right hand side, you can see a little garden where you can take a break. Keep walking straight down to the next block until reach to the road turn right and look up, you can see a bridge that connects two building, that is for people who in the building could directly walk to other building on the other side of the street . Walking straight to the next block, you can see a parking lot and also, you can see the Brooklyn bridge is not far away from here. Now turn right so you are on the direction towards to the Post Office. This is Adams Street, as you can see on this block its all apartments, until you reach to the end of the block, you can see a restaurant called. Celeste Cafe & Grill. Now look diagonally across the street. There is the U.S. Post Office.

This U.S. Post Office is just one street away, behind the Namm Hall building. The building took over the whole block. The post office is not the only work site of the building, US Passport Agency, US Attorney’s Office, and US District Bankruptcy Court are also in there. The architecture feels like 19th centuries, because of its appearance. The whole building appears in white, it contains many features of the Romanesque Revival style. The building has seven stories tall.


I took this photo at a small park which is at the junction between Johnson St. and Cadman Plaza. In the photo, you can see the square corner tower rise above the roof line. Each level was distinguished with different belt courses around the building. You can also see an American flag is on the left side of the photo. In order to capture angle in the photo of the building, you must stand on the right hand side of the statue in the park I was talking about earlier.

I choose U.S. Post Office as the location because when I first arrive to that location, it attracts me with its bright white appearance, and the juxtaposition of the post office and the nearby building. The architecture feels like it was built in past few centuries , because of the special design of the building. What I thought about of the building is it must has some stories or it may be a very important building back in time, for some reason the origin purpose of the building is gone, however people don’t want take down the building and make a new architecture. They probably think this building is part of the history, its priceless, so they make the building to a post office. From what I learned about this building is this building was build for both a post office and courthouse, designed the building in the Romanesque Revival style of architecture in 1885. Its original purpose was build for post office, and courthouse. In 1999 the U.S. General Services Administration purchased the building and began the renovations included the new courtrooms and the restoration of historic courtrooms, original windows and numerous site features. Then the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, the U.S. Trustee, and the Offices of the U.S. Attorney added in to the building.

From the article “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead, it states that “Go back to your old haunts in your old neighborhoods and what do you find: they remain and have disappeared.” Even though, we didn’t have the opportunity to see the changes of the post office, however the history would like to tell us about what part of the building have change. The building was built in 1885, after the almost fifty years later, in 1930, as the population continued to grow, officials determined more space of the building was needed, the addition extended to the north. The article also mentioned “Our old buildings still stand because we saw them, moved in and out of their long shadows, were lucky enough to know them for a time.” the statement have shown that it was luck enough that people can still see those old buildings as they walking through their long and short shadows.

The U.S. Post office on  Adams street in Brooklyn is a very historical architecture, it’s also a very important building in New York. This is an example of juxtaposition in New York, buildings overlapping each other, make the city more diverse with different scene. Also to remind people that world changes so unpredictable, when they realize something was changed, its probably has changed months ago, because people became so careless about the stuffs they seem everyday in their life. So we should pay more attention to the stuffs surround us, before they change their original form.

project #2 – final

New York is an ever changing place with many places throughout the city tending to overlap with two different New York’s.  So I went around the surrounding area of City Tech to find one of these Overlapping New York’s, I finally did at Brooklyn Heights. First off I exited the Namm building and turning left down on Jay Street towards Tillary Street. From there I made a left on Tillary until I got to Clinton Street  you know that you’re going the right way because on your left is a small park dedicated to all the Korean war veterans.  I continued to follow Clinton Street until I hit Pierrepont Street. When i arrived at Pierrepont Street I followed it noticing all of the nice buildings and how many of them differ from each other and how much they differ from the buildings I’m used to in Times Square, until I finally arrived at Brooklyn Heights.

The overlapping New York in that area is that you can see the huge differences between the small building in Brooklyn Heights and the huge towering buildings of Manhattan. You can see the difference between them in that all the residential buildings in Brooklyn Heights are made of brick while the huge buildings of Manhattan are made of steel. Also from the side of Brooklyn Heights some people may have different views of both Manhattan and Brooklyn. For example some people from the side of Brooklyn Heights may see Manhattan as the place where they work while others like myself see Manhattan as home. On the other hand people on the side of Manhattan looking at Brooklyn will either see Brooklyn as home or either as a foreign place to those who may have never been too Brooklyn. While I was there I also saw a photograph of the old New York skyline with the twin towers tied to the fence. I thought that it offered a bit of insight into someone else’s New York. For example someone who might have lived in Brooklyn heights before 9/11will remember the skyline before the twin towers fell and therefore make that a part of their own New York while those that came after 9/11 only know what the skyline might look like without the twin towers or with the Freedom tower in the skyline. The best example of this that I can think of is in Colson Whitehead’s novel City Limits. In it Whitehead says “I still call it the Pan Am building, not out of affectation, but because that’s what it is.” This clearly shows that different people can have their own version of New York. Like I said those that had lived before 9/11 will always see the freedom tower as the place where the twin towers stood and those who lived after will see it as the new freedom tower. Another point that helps is when Whitehead says: “For that new transplant from Des Moines who is starting her first week of work at a Park avenue South insurance firm, that titan squatting over Grand Central is the Met life Building, and for her it always will be.” This quote further drives home the point the different New York’s between different people.   Regardless those are three different New York’s that may belong to anyone that lives in Brooklyn Heights.

Also in view at Brooklyn heights is the Brooklyn Bridge to everyone it represents a connection between both Manhattan and Brooklyn. This bridge is used to bridge two different people, even though they are the people in both Brooklyn and Manhattan are still all New Yorkers they are all entirely different people. So in that sense it is not only a bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn but it is also a bridge between different New York’s

In the photo I took captures the juxtaposition between the small quaint buildings in Brooklyn heights compared to the huge towering buildings in Manhattan. You can easily see the differences between the buildings size and design. It also captures the differences between the different skylines of the different New York’s and how some people may have grown up with one thing while others grew up with another. These are all ways people may see New York through their eyes. That will never be the end either, as more new people come into this world at different times they too will experience completely different New York’s compared to the New York we have experienced in our life.


There are many juxtapositions near City Tech (The New York City College of Technology). The two locations I choose to juxtapose are Macy and H&M, both are located in Brooklyn, on Fulton Street, near City Tech. Although Macy’s and H&M are both stores that sell clothes, very similar decorations of the interior, but you still could find out the difference by juxtaposing them.

Fulton Street is a long street in northern Brooklyn. There are many chain stores build on it, include Macy’s and H&M. Clienteles prefer to have a clothes shopping in either of these two stores, the stores’ popularity and unique fashion style has attacked majority clienteles who interests on clothes shopping. Otherwise, these two clothing stores are controlling New Yorkers’ fashion storm the most. The six main elements to juxtapose are logo, size, item selling, building appearance, interior appearance, and demographics. The first five elements identify the rate of demographics, and the clientele type they have. The clientele has no age limit, can be teenagers and seniors as well.

Logo is the symbol of brand, represents a company, contains the management conceptions of a company. Macy’s logo design is  horizontally and contains a red star on the left side of the letter “macy’s”. Instead of using apostrophe between y and s, they add a small black star replace on it for better visualization. H&M has a sloppy logo. It seems to be more like a handwritten letter, the letters are tilted to the right, and if you look at it clearly you will notice this logo can be written down by using marker, the endpoint of each composition has a little waving trace that can be done with a marker only. Macy’s and H&M are using different fonts for their logo, Macy’s logo is very similar to Avant Garde Gothic Extra Light, H&M’s logo is similar to Dom Diagonal. The logo shapes reflect their style. Macy’s tendency trends plain, cozy, generality, and stable. H&M trends stylish, and diversity. But they also have a common in color using which is red. “Interesting things happen when the creative impulse is cultivated with curiosity, freedom and intensity.”, by Rob Marsh. Red is color with strong intensity, “the color red is the color of energy, passion and action”, bright warmness color red can easily catch up clienteles’ attention to their logo, this is why many other companies are also putting red in their logo such as Youtube, Coca-Cola, etc.

The size of building implies how many classifications they do have. The larger the store is, the bigger the chance of clientele to get a view inside the store, unless a small store is famous. Macy’s size is larger and higher than H&M, plus underground floor it contains 7 floors, 5floors more than H&M, so it is possible for Macy to sell more different kind of items in their store, and after my observation, I find out they really do sell other stuffs. Other than clothes, they sell furnitures, fragrances, watches, and daily necessities on the underground floor and the floors over the 3rd floor. People go to stores for shopping items they demand for. Since Macy has more categories of item selling, the rate of the clientele are defiantly greater than H&M, because H&M sells clothes only. Another thing helps clienteles’ rate raises is the location. Macy and H&M are both located on Fulton Street, where many chain stores build on. Macy is getting a favorable place than others. A bus stop of B25, B26, B38, B52 is on front of Macy’s store, there are always many people sitting and standing at the bus stop waiting for the buses. The more buses stop at the bus stop, the more people will be there for waiting. The more people are there, the better chance for them to walk in the Macy’s store even they don’t demand for anything, maybe after they visit inside the store they will find out what they need to purchase. H&M has an inferior location stand, but in my own opinion, I like their building appearance more than Macy’s. Macy’s building appearance is laconically plain, appear light brown color. They have two large glass doors on the ground floor, and a few showcases beside entrances. Macy’s building has no windows, this appearance gives me a feel of less oxygen, depression, and gloomy. H&M build a glassy wall, support with Iron shelf, that means people can clearly see inside through the glasses, for better understanding what type of fashion they have sell, this way is much more efficient than looking at the showcase. In addition, this building appearance appears bright, clean, and fresh, unique building design attracts clienteles’ attention a lot. “Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.” by Julia Morgan.

I have been to Macy’s and H&M twice for observing. The results of my investigation shows Macy’s clienteles more inclined to adult, clienteles for H&M are inclined to teenagers and who born after 90’s. I prefer H&M as a teenager, their logo looks contemporary creative, fashion styles are classified properly, not like Macy’s mix fashion, example when I looked for preppy style clothes I couldn’t find them as a group presents in a precise area, but in H&M I could. This is just my own opinion, not meaning as general. Everyone interests in different type of fashion styles, and this preference lead to the juxtaposition of Macy’s and H&M. “Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.” by Oscar de la Renta.

World changes with the passage of time. No one knows when  things around would be change to unfamiliar, maybe a year, a month, or probably tomorrow. Many changes have led to most of the people become careless to the things around. But if you just paid a little attention to it, you will realize there are many small phenomenon you could realize in much detail ways. Since you juxtaposition, realize the advantages and disadvantages, you will always compare what you see to the others, and most time the equivalence will not be the same. Such as the Macy and H&M locate on Fulton Street. “Cities are about juxtaposition.”, by Richard Rogers.


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