
To make (someone) very angry or annoyed

Source: Thesaurus to Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word, from the synonym, word tired. Because of the final is coming up, and just seeing your grade at the almost end of semester is unbelievable.  Its not something “Oh semester is almost over, I don’t really care”. I actually want to revised grades if it is lower than C+. However there is limited time to fix it unless if I do not know your grade before the end of the semester. From the experience I had in the semester, maybe it is something that I have to ask for my grade constantly if it is not updated.



extreme in effect or action : severe or serious

I found this word in an article called “Aaron Ralston’s Story”. The word is found in this sentence,”After three days of not seeing or hearing any sign of life Aaron realised he would die there if he didn’t do something drastic.” If I don’t know the definition of this word, I wouldn’t understand how bad the situation was.



a system for treating illnesses that uses very small amounts of substances that would in larger amounts produce symptoms of the illnesses in healthy people

I encounter this word in the reading “Extreme bias at Wikipedia on homeopathic medicine” by Dana Ullman. The word is found in this sentence, “After reading the below body of scientific evidence on the subject of homeopathic medicine, I hope that we can engage in a dialogue that will help reduce the amount of misinformation that pervades certain subjects, such as homeopathy.” Without knowing the definition of this word, I couldn’t understand what this article is about. Now I understand it is a system for treating illnesses.



occurring, operating, or done at the same time.

This word was encounter while I was reading the article Lecture Me. Really, where it says “the mind’s energetic and simultaneous action upon and towards and among those new ideas.” Now I understand that this word mean something is done at the same time. A example of Simultaneous, If the two things are different, they are either simultaneous or in succession.



until now or until the point in time under discussion.

Source: Google Definition

This word was encounter while I was reading Lecture Me. Really. where it says “the mind of a number of ideas hitherto unknown to it,” Now I understand that this word is use to say until to some point in time. A example of Hitherto is someone had hitherto been silent.



pass time by playing tricks or practical jokes; indulge in horseplay

Source – Google Dictionary

I encountered this word when my cousin text me. I asked him what is he doing and he said “Skylark, I’m getting paid to skylark”.

I did not know the meaning of the word so I Google it and found out it means passing time while making jokes. He was joking of course.

[Glossary Entry # 10]




: the act of carefully examining something especially in a critical way


I was reading a paper about Sherlock Holmes wrien by an author from Bangladesh and I was confused when I read the word in a sentence “scrutinizing is the key!”

Now I know it means to look deeply in order to find the answer



“the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.”

Source: Google Definer

Upon reading the article “60 Years Later, Echoes of Emmett Till’s Killing”, the author quoted a previous written article about the Charleston Church Massacre, stating his opinion on Dylan Roof’s motives, and his sense of “Altruism” in his actions. It’s an essential word in his article, due to the sarcastic nature of which he quotes it . It voices the fact that he is against the actions committed, and on the side of victims of said massacre.