

Designed or intended to teach people something

—used to describe someone or something that tries to teach something (such as proper or moral behavior) in a way that is annoying or unwanted

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word during class time, where we have to write a short paragraph (About 75 words) about our humument project that will be going to be posted on the wall. Didactic means to teach or tell the reader. For our class, we made the didactic panel to teach the readers on that we learned from our COMD 1100 and Eng 1101 class. We have to include in our didactic, to show how our original theme of the book was changed and introduce our each thought about the project.



: hidden from view : private and not used or seen by many people

: placed apart from other people

source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/secluded

I saw this word when I was looking for the link to use as my bibliography. Its from my third link, on line:” The island was a secluded hospital where several famous patients stayed….”. This sentence tells most patients stayed in secluded hospital, they need a quite surrounding.



In or into the middle of (something)

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word when I was doing my assignment on annotating bibliography. (Source 2) This word is located at the first paragraph which it made me catch my attention, where I thought it was some kind of religious name. After I searched it on Merriam1Webster dictionary, I couldn’t believe that it meant, into the middle of (something). It is surprising that I have never heard of this word before. I am just wondering where in my conversation that I am going to use this type of word.

Gist (Week 11/2~8)


The ground of a legal action

The main point or part

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this vocabulary from one of our reading, “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?” by . This word can be found at the last paragraph where the author of the article explains, how people should experiment on taking a different route. The word, gist shows the reader how the main point of this article is taking another route can change a person’s view on their walk.



: an attitude or opinion

: feelings of love, sympathy, kindness, etc.

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sentiment

I found this word in reading excerpt: “The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter”by Ben Merchant. This word can be found in the sentence ” For insance, three cemeteries—Palisades, Weehawken, and Holy Cross—attracted among the strongest Twitter sentiment on the list.” Sentiment can also be mood, when you describe about your feeling you can use either mood or sentiment, no difference.


noun(plural form of anomaly)

  • something that is unusual or unexpected : something anomalous



When I came across this word in the reading excerpt  “The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter” by Ben Merchant, it was misspelled so I provided the right word. This word can be found in the sentence ” There are some strange anomalies in the study, too”. In the passage before this sentence researchers claimed that hospitals and prisons had some of the most negative tweets. The passage after the sentence explains that researchers found 3 cemeteries which attracted among the strongest Twitter sentiment on the list. While two cemeteries received many negative tweets, the third cemetery had many positive tweets. Researchers were unable to determine why that might be. By that being said I can see how the results were anomalous.




  • a person who does not like other people


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt  “The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter” by Ben Merchant. This word can be found in the sentence “Having been to just about all of the above, I can attest that each is capable of turning the gentlest romantic into a misanthrope”. When reading this sentence I inferred that misanthrope was going to involve hate since hate is definitely opposite from “the gentlest romantic”. This sentence came after a list of transportation hot spots. Before this list transportation spots was known to make people frustrated.



an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation

Source – Dictionary.com

I encountered this word while reading, The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter The city’s emotional divide has remained mostly one of conjecture”.

Now i understand that this sentence means people are divide by opinions and theory even though the information is incomplete or not true.

[Glossary Entry 5]