
Category: UNIT 5: Final Portfolio (Page 6 of 7)

My Reflections-Final Portfolio

“My Journey” Including my Narrative as a Student in English Class this Semester.

Submitted by: Nadia Douglas in lieu of Final Exam, ENG 1121

Section #: E106

Date: 5/20/2019


Dear Professor,

My Journey as a student is to complete my degree.  I felt like I wasted some years as to completing my degree.  I think that I should have already finish this degree and maybe started another area of study.  Write now I am completing a CST – Computer System Technology degree course, which I started in 2012.  Right now, I have less than 5 classes to complete this major course. There was a three-year gap since I haven’t been to school or have taken any classes.  I gave birth to a beautiful daughter.  I started back classes at City Tech in the Fall of 2018. This is my second semester since I have been back from that long break. I took one class previous semester, and so am I this semester.  I am also expecting my second baby soon, but this time nothing is going to stop me. I made up my mind that I must complete my bachelor’s degree no matter what.

There are some challenges that I face.  One of them are time.  Time to be in school on a regular basis.  Time to be able to do more than just one class per semester.  Time to make the friends or to group up with friends to discuss work materials and papers that are due or just time to get the extra help I may need to help me pass a class.  I think that I am coping fine for now.  I am managing my time.  I am making the time to be at school even if taking one class at a time.  I will soon reach the end of my journey as a student at City Tech.

Right now, I am focusing on completing this (ENG 1121) English Composition 2 class that I am in by getting a good grade. Another challenge(s) that I have is in this class.  One of them is writing with constraints and another is having to prepare a research inquiry, then to get that research inquire on some sort of digital media recording done, then to have it posted to YouTube privately, then to send a link to my professor to view.  How can I forget this other challenge?  Genre and Rhetoric’s.  I think this was one of my biggest struggles in this class.

Genre is a topic I have not given much thought of as I go about my everyday life.  After reading an article by Kerry Dirk – Navigating Genres, I begin to understand that having my own style in writing can contribute to a type of genre that might capture someone’s attention.  Also, the effective way I choose to use rhetorically in my essay writing.  As for now, I cannot say if I have achieved anything.  I think working well in class is completing your assignments and having satisfactory markings by your professor.

I need to make a little more time to achieve what this class is expecting of me.  I also need to read more. Coming to this class held my interest a little bit.  I did look forward to coming to class, to see what new thing we would do.  Our Professor always comes up with some sort of challenging class assignment, for us to do in which we are timed.  I like the way she plays different genres of music according to our given assignment. This method helps us, I guess to think and be able to write at least a paragraph to a page, rather than being stock in the assignment. It causes us to flow.

I think timing our assignment was a food thing because it causes you to think harder and a little more in depth.  I also thing by doing these timed assignments allows you to complete something like a first draft.  It is like the brain-storming part of what we need to do, and later developed for a grade.

Reading articles like Genre Writing Awareness, Rhetorical Analysis, and Shitty First Drafts, did open some awareness for me, and caused me to understand a little more about the different types of writing and how many times we should rewrite, to have a polished assignment.  Creating a Recipe of our own I think was also a great idea.  This exercise allowed me to think.  Starting off the semester writing about freedom was a good thing we had done.  Having to be able to improve our grade is also another good thing you professor Schmerler have granted to us.

Yours Truly,



____________     5/20/2019

Nadia Douglas

Summary of Assignments in all Units (1 – 4) for your Reference

You are almost done! It is Unit 5: Final Portfolio Time. I am going to summarize your assignments for the whole semester here, grouping them under their respective “Units.”  I hope this helps you remember and organize as you start with Unit 1. Good luck! Note: I put “++” next to those assignment that I felt were the most major and ought to be included in your Final Portfolio. Please know that you are welcome to also include other assignments that you feel shed good light onto you and your work in this class.

What happened in Unit 4 — Multi-Modal:

The Multi-Modal Unit asked that you take the Research you did in Unit 3 (of your skill/interest area) and creatively switch it into a digital genre of your choice (video essay, video sports interview, video diary, podcast…). There wasn’t much time for this. You did your best, ++and included a link in your Final Portfolio to what you made. In a way, Unit 4 is yet another genre mashup — only this time: digital!

What happened in Unit 3 — Inquiry / Research:

You stuck with the same skill you used in Unit 2, only delving into it to find out what problems or issues surround it. (You may have completed a couple of Worksheets I provided over spring break to help you organize your thoughts.) ++You wrote a proposal for research to me, at minimum 4 paragraphs, explaining what further inquiry or research would do for this problem, shedding new awareness on it. You gave credit to your (excellent!) sources where credit was due!

Note: This personal Research was hopefully very interesting both to you and to me. It was not something I could find verbatim on the Internet, in a box, or on an essay site. It made you want to do more! (see unit 4)

What happened in Unit 2 — Genre and Rhetoric:

+You choose a skill/something you do well. This “skill” would become the focus of/form the written content of all your future Unit assignments henceforth.

++Your first genre switch was that you create a written “recipe” for a skill/something you do well

You listed 10 or so types of writing (genres) that you encounter in your life

++You picked one of these genres/forms of writing and gave me a clear example of it

++You analyzed this example rhetorically (who is its audience? its writer? who is impacted by this genre? what kinds of language to they use? etc.)

++You did a creative switch in which write about your “skill” in the form and style of this genre

You had readings assigned and you wrote and posted reflections on them. Depending on your section number, they would be: “Shitty First Drafts” by Annie Lamott and “Navigating Genres” by Kerry Dirk and “Internal Revision: A Process of Discovery” by Donald Murray.

You were working on the train, bus, in transit to record Outer and Inner Dialogues in at least three different locations or times, with setting and situation noted. (Note: We didn’t have time to address this assignment, but you may include it in your Final Portfolio with some prefatory notes to me if you wish!)

What happened in Unit 1 — Language and Metacognition:

This was a very long Unit. I will put “++” next to the major assignments, but there were many small ones as well:

++lipograms and general constraint writing — one without descending letters on the topic of “fear” and one without ascending letters on the topic of “cure

++a formal essay on the topic of “freedom”

You wrote reflections on assigned readings including (depending on your section #) one by author Laura Carroll called “Backpacks v. Briefcases”; one by author Nelson Graff called “Teaching Rhetorical Analysis”; and “Grammar to Get Things Done” (section 115 only)

A reflection on how this Unit had been working for you (its challenges, its triumphs) so far, and how you felt.

Short in-class writings about your day, your path to school, little things you noticed…

Lots of vocabulary work (section 439 in particular)


Final Portfolio Unit 2

Amani Shihadeh
ENG 1121 – D439
Final Portfolio
UNIT 2 – Rhetoric/Genre

In unit two we were asked to write an essay on what freedom means to us, which I enjoyed doing because freedom has a universal value. It can mean all different ways to all different people, and everyone in class wrote about how they perceive freedom. We also explored different types of genres and wrote recipes. Writing recipes was easy and fun and genres was a bit confusing to me because I actually never thought about the different types of genre and ways to further break it down. So we had to choose our favorite genre, I picked wikihow because I am always looking up how to do things and wikihow makes it easier with the little pictures along with the instructions.


Amani Shihadeh

ENG 1121 – D439

Genre: WikiHow



The type of genre I chose is WikiHow, which is a website made for people when they’re looking up how to do a particular activity like, how to roast marshmallows or how to exercise. Many people nowadays are always looking for new things to do or try whether they already know it but have never tried or it’s completely new to them so they look it up. I chose to do my genre in WikiHow, writing on how to apply makeup. Wikihow is meant to be an easy step picture guide on how to achieve a particular activity, which makes it simple and convenient for people to follow. In my case, my audience would be makeup lovers, beginners, influencers or anyone who simply interested can use this greatly as a tool to learn or teach.



How to Have a Successful Relationship
• Serves minimum of two people
• Compassion (1 Gallon)
• Communication (1 ½ cup)
• Understanding (1 ½ cup)
• Trust (1 Gallon)
• Emotion (1 Gallon)
Always be yourself and love yourself first before loving another.
You need to be able to always communicate about important topics (good communication)
Be understanding towards another
Always try to make time for one another
Building trust is very important
Being a good friend comes first
Have good listening skills



I never really post on Facebook just like most people, I am not comfortable with anyone knowing my business. Occasionally, if I feel passionate enough to share/repost a video – something probably related to politics, education or just a meaningful life lesion video because I enjoy those. I feel like older people on Facebook love to write anything, even if its too much information or misspelled. My grandmother for that matter doesn’t, she just likes to scroll and watch videos. I do believe that are some older people who are better than young kids on social media.
My favorite title was “I Am Under 18 Button Clicked For First Time In History”
Rules I carry are that essays, writing pieces, thesis statements, etc., are supposed to be formally structured yet that’s the thing I find myself to struggle in, to properly structure and not have it look like scattered thoughts.



Depending on the assignment I normally do two drafts, reading this article made me realize that I’ve always been doing “down drafts, up drafts and dental drafts” without even realizing but someone finally put it in words. I wasn’t surprised by the title I think it was pretty straight forward. Shitty first drafts are supposed to be somewhat shitty, so I don’t think that will change. But I can see myself now focusing on lowering the voices when writing.


Amani Shihadeh
ENG 1121 – D439
Prof. Schmerler
March 1, 2019

Finding Freedom

What is freedom? Is it an absolute right? I believe we are born to be free. Freedom is interpreted differently by everyone. Some define freedom as a natural right, a human being is born with. Everyone wants to be free and independent from others. Freedom is the right to do what one wants, live where they want, learn what they want, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of choice, without belittling or harming others rights.

How can we live free? From my point of view, we can live free by respecting others rights to live free too. We cannot ignore the rights of people with whom we share society with. We cannot simply do what we want and ignore others. We must take other people rights into consideration. The idea behind freedom is to be respectful and useful to our society. Freedom is important to everyone. When freedom is guaranteed, I can think freely, go where I want, say my opinion without fear from people who would not like my opinion. Freedom of opinion is among the most important branches of freedom. In some societies where freedom of opinion is not guaranteed by the authority, the creativity of mind is killed and buried. Society is the largest and biggest loser from this lack of creativity. Someone once said, freedom of opinion will never result in animosity among people if they respect each other. Freedom is not an absolute right, and there are too many constraints on it. Firstly, society rights including national security which is very important. Security is just as important as freedom. Our practicing of freedom should never lead to threatening our national security. Secondly, freedom of belief, to believe in what you want and choice of your religion. We also should have the right to establish our own places where we perform our religious actions.

I also believe that freedom has to be understood in the right time in one’s life. It comes through maturity, learned lessons and challenges faced throughout your life. Finding who you are as a person and your place, is a big thing for everyone in this world, and once you do you will be at peace. Freedom can most definitely come in the most unexpected ways and places, the irony of Malcolm X is that he learned his in prison, where freedom does not exist. Malcolm X had the freedom of time. With that time spent in prison he fought through his ignorance to teach himself reading and writing new vocabulary words and understanding books. I believe confinement is definitely mental and spiritual than physical.

Parents must teach their children the value of this word and to define it to be exactly what it is, free. They must instill in them the love for freedom. Freedom in the teen years is very important for building a good character and stable personality. Although for young teens growing up it can easily be misunderstood. Freedom isn’t supposed to mean hanging out late or whenever they feel like it, or acting out in a disrespecting manor. It is the responsibility of positive and creative expression, to learn and love who you are and where you come from. And to be at peace with that.

Final Portfolio Unit 1

Amani Shihadeh
ENG 1121 – D439
Final Portfolio
UNIT 1 – Literacy

In unit one we explored writing exercises as a warm up to the semester. I liked that were able to express our fears in writing, at the time I wasn’t sure what to write about I know I’m scared of many things but out of everything I chose spiders to write as my fear. Although I am seriously afraid of them, I wish I can go back and chose something else maybe like death or aging. I never was asked to write about my fears, so it did interest me when we were asked to write on it. We also discussed our influences like TV shows, books, music etc. and placed them on our “shelf” which was also fun to talk and write about.

When I see it, I run. Others scream, when I look further its fast to run and hide. They come in all shapes and sizes, more legs than others, I fear arachnids. Arachnids are little creatures that can be found indoors and outdoors. When I see them, I call someone else to come kill it but the second you turn around its gone. I wish arachnids didn’t exist.
                                                          TV SHOWS/ INFLUENCES
Greys anatomy: By Shonda Rhymes – This show has taught me many life lessons, not to take anyone or anything for granted. It shows us how fast life can change within seconds and overall it speaks to your heart and makes you want to grab “your person” and hold onto them for dear life.
Power: By Courtney Kemp – This show has changed my perspective on New York City and all its drug dealing truthfulness. There is some serious life lessons within every show. It has also taught me the many devious doings of our justice system.

Final Portfolio (unit 3)


In this unit (unit3) it was a little confusing for me to understand the research paper assignment since this assignment is unique it is different than the usual research paper this type of writing called research inquiry, you don’t have to write a research paper, instead, writ what type of problem the research about and who will benefit from such problem, what is a proposed solution. From my point of view, this type of research is more effective and touches the core or the main reason of the research itself.


Worksheet 1

Student Name                        : Wael Nagy

Course and Section Number: ENG 1121 / E106

Date:                                          4/29/2019


My general area of study is:  The difficulty to get hired


  1. After doing some preliminary research, I am able to note below at least one argument / discussion / problem that surrounds my area of study: Most of the companies required recent graduate or career shift employee to have long period experience or long internship while it hard to have that.


  1. The people or community of people most affected by this problem are senior students that looking for internship, recent graduate, and the employee that shift their career.



  1. Here are some key terms or phrases particularly associated with this issue. “internship” “interview” “ace” “position requirement” “qualification” “degree”


  1. Here are the sources I have used so far to read about and otherwise learn about this issue. “zipjob” “” “livecareer” “indeed” “Glassdoor”



 Worksheet 2    

Name       : Wael Nagy

Course     : ENG 1121, E106

Professor: Schmerler



I feel that is important to talk about an issue facing students and recent graduate students, which is getting hired in a top-notch company like Lockheed-Martin. This type of companies is hard to get into it even for internship position. Most of the companies prefer to hire a candidate that has long period of training and have done many projects, or through referral, that’s mean the candidates (students) should have good networking or previous training to have a chance to get hired, which is hard for them.


Such discussion would bring many benefits for both sides the candidates and the company. The candidates will know the fact of the hiring process or based on what factors the companies pick their candidates and then they prepare themselves for that fact. While the benefit that the company may gain from such discussion that the hire managers should aware about the problem that faces student and recent graduate, also to put in their consideration that the students having a lack in having networking and also having a lack to have long period training. The hire managers should have another option to consider the candidates.


The companies (the hire managers) should have another option such assign an evaluation project or unpaid training. Choosing the wrong candidate will cost the company a lot, bad reputation and the salary that paid to the wrong candidate. To avoid this problem the company can offer unpaid training then after that evaluate the candidate then choose the right one. I believe this idea will help both sides the candidate and the company. The candidates will have fair and wide opportunities to have the job opportunity. While the companies will choose the right candidate without losing money or reputation

Some of the website that help me to recognize some problems like zipjob website, it shows me how the network is effective in the hiring. Also indeed website help me a lot gathering idea through the comments that the readers post about how hard to get hired.

Final Portfolio (unit 2)


In this unit, some topics have been discussed such the freedom and thy types of genre. Actually, I had a big challenge to define what genre means, not me only but most of my class,  after some research and some discussion with my classmate (as my professor instructed) I start to understand what is genre means. My genre was about something that I passion for which is my dream company (Lockheed Martin) I decided to write about its biography and it was fun. It was fun to write about something you passion about and also is your homework at the same time.


Shitty First Draft

Actually, the chapter’s title attracted me to read the chapter as fast as possible to know what it is about. The way that the author described that she writes and most of the writers write to make it is easier for me to write if I follow her way and definitely I will. Usually, when I try to start to write I take a long time to decide to write the first word, but the way that she stated that to write whatever in your mind it hasn’t to be in order is a good approach to follow. For me personally, I write three or four drafts to come up with the final draft.


Navigation Genres

When I write on Facebook I feel much less stress than when I write formal writing such an essay.

Sure, my parents can’t write or respond on the Facebook posts as I do, due to the age differentiation.

I feel more comfortable when I write on Facebook. The older people feel when they have a basic smartphone as they having over technology in their hands, so they can’t write comfortably as I do.

One example I liked from that the author mention is “Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race of Skeleton People” I see it funny because this is what the archaeologist should discover.

I am like most students don’t like to write, but I have no problem to write any kind of genre as long as  I gather information about it.


Defining Genre

  1. The 10 genres are you tube, Facebook, Instagram, tweeter, news, movies, music, reviews, story, reading, and documentary.
  2. I really like to watch documentary videos, I feel kind of calm when I watch it.
  3. My understanding of genre is could be type or kind of music, writing, movies.



Name       :Wael Nagy

Course     :ENG 1121, E106

Professor: Schmerler



Receipt of design a Gearbox



  • Computer
  • 3-d software like inventor
  • Information and knowledge of the design that being worked on.
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Book references for calculation formulas and equations.



You have to do deep research about the project that you going to design, define the possible material that you see it the best to use it based on the research that you did ( you have to define the material first, you will use the type of material in the calculations).

To guarantee the best design with less error, start in your design with consulting with your classmate, your professor, or with your coworker. Sometimes others see problems or things that the designer himself could not see it.



Name: Wael Nagy

Course: ENG 1121, E106

Professor: Schmerler


Is freedom absolute?

People always say I have freedom, I do whatever I do, but actually, they are not having absolute freedom they have limited freedom. For example, you are free to drive your car whenever you want but you are not free to cross the street while the light is red, that is mean there are rules and regulations you should follow, that is constrained your freedom, yes you are free to follow the rules and regulations or not but you have to deal with the consequences if you choose don’t follow, that is mean you are partially controlled not absolutely free. For me, I believe that the freedom has to be constrained by rules and regulations.

Freedom cannot be absolute, it has to be constrained, from my perspective freedom is limited if it going to hurt someone. These words that I always tell my son when he asks me to do something or not, I always tell him you are free to do whatever you like as long as you put the other people’s rights into consideration.

Yes… we can say there is absolute right, that is mean that I have the right to eat whatever I like to eat, I have the right to wear the clothes that I like, I have the right to learn what I like to learn, actually I have the right to do whatever I like without hurting someone else. For example, Malcolm X was in a prison that means he had no freedom but he had the absolute right to learn and educate himself without any sort of constrained and also without hurt someone else. This

example shows my point and shows the difference between the absolute freedom and the absolute rights.

If we imagine that everyone does whatever he or she likes without some sort of restriction the world will be kind of messy. For example, I remember the day that the electricity cut from the city, a lot of people went into big stores breaking the window glasses and took whatever they found. This is proving my point that the freedom should be restricted to the rules and regulations, not absolute freedom.

Moreover, the USA government believes in my point of view, how?? They put a restriction on selling some material to a certain age and much more such, entering the country illegally, suicide, prostitution, all these kind of rules and regulation made to save people’s lives and also to save others’ freedom not to restrict their freedom.

Using the absolute freedom without consideration to rules and regulations could be a crime and put people in jail, for example, if anyone tries to break the rules and regulation that the country put, it will end up in jail.

In conclusion, freedom cannot be absolute in the other word people cannot do whatever they like without putting the other’s rights and the rules and regulations into consideration. Yes, people have an absolute right to do whatever they like such, eat whatever they like, dress whatever they like. The people who practice freedom without considering the rule and regulation will end up in jail.



Name       : Wael Nagy

Course     : ENG 1121, E106

Professor: Schmerler


Lockheed-Martin Biography.

Lockheed Martin is an American international company that works in deferent sectors such aerospace, defense, security and advanced technologies. Lockheed Martin is a result of combining of 2 companies, Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta. Lockheed Martin has a huge number off employee; based on 2018 statistics it has approximately 110,000 employees worldwide. 

Lockheed Martin considered among the largest companies in the world that work in these sectors. It has the largest defense contractor in the world in 2014.

Lockheed history starts a long time ago since 1926 when Lockheed establish his company as Aircraft Company, then a few years later john Northrop a chief Engineer join the company and developed a four-passenger monoplane, it was the first aircraft that succeed and achieved several records, this success was the start for Lockheed.

During the period of World War 2, Lockheed had a contract or association with the US government and had been starting to gain a good reputation not only in the USA but around the world.

In 1995 the big merge had been started between Lockheed Company and Martin Marita Corporation to be one company that is Lockheed Martin.




  • URL
  • Website TitleEncyclopædia Britannica
  • Article TitleLockheed Martin Corporation
  • Date PublishedNovember 01, 2018
  • Date AccessedApril 26, 2019


  • URL
  • Website TitleWikipedia
  • Article TitleLockheed Corporation
  • Date PublishedApril 12, 2019
  • Date AccessedApril 26, 2019


  • URL
  • Website TitleHistory of Lockheed Martin Corporation – FundingUniverse
  • Article TitleLockheed Martin Corporation
  • Date AccessedApril 26, 2019




Name       : Wael Nagy

Course     : ENG 1121, E106

Professor: Schmerler


Genre Analysis

My kind of genre is a biography; it is about Lockheed Martin company biography, the reason that I chose this company is my passion for it.

The audience of my genre is public people especially the people who interest in this company especially who are looking to work for it.

The kinds of people that may benefit from this writing are a recent graduated, student, and career-shifting employee. These kinds of people can benefit from this writing by having knowledge and information about the company may help them in many things such interview.

The purpose of this writing is to have more information about the company that I love from the research that I did, it may help me or help someone else read it in many things such in a job interview.



Biography Example

Biography Example
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