
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 6 of 23)

How to Sleep Poem

Sleep Don’t Stop 


Sleep Don’t Stop 

Can’t stop, Won’t stop 

If you don’t sleep you will drop, and forget the clock 

 Sleep is detrimental 

If not utilized, you will lose your mental 

Don’t forget it  

Time to learn how to: 

Step 1: Work hard until you cant no more  

Until your about to hit the floor. 

Step 2:  Land on that bed harder than you hit anything before  

Step 3 : Enjoy the experience of what comes  

Aint nothing better under the sun 

Step 4: Wake up feeling ready for some new fun  

Step 5: Be ready to do it again  

It’s the only thing keeping you sane 


How to be A Friend “Recipe”


How to be a good friend 


  • Listening  
  • Understanding  
  • Honesty  
  • Loyalty  
  • Available  
  • Good energy  
  • Communication  
  • Time 

How to: 

Step 1: If your meeting someone for the first time you will have to find some way start a conversation. It cam be about anything. Likes dislikes whatever.  

2: listen to what they say and piggy back off of it to keep the conversation going, to learn more about each other and their beliefs and opinions. 

3: exchange name and info in order to continue the conversation after both parties have left. 

4: if either person has something that their emotional about, listen, understand then send encouragement, and give them positive advice. 

5: Communicate often to create a bond and a sense of trust, and try your best to sustain it daily.  

6: Stay loyal by never changing who you are for them or to go against them. (Be yourself). 

7: Be honesty no matter what comes up, fake nothing. A relationship built on fake wont last.  

8: Enjoy the memories you will share along your journey of becoming closer and closer friends. 


Ticket: Billiards

B0426           3       2     1       ADULT       B0426
$250.00           LOWER LEVEL $250.00            SECTION
SECTION             BARCLAYS CENTER                 3
   3        WEDNESDAY APRIL 10TH 2019 8:00PM     ROW  SEAT 
ROW  SEAT                                         2    1
 2    1     
                 Image result for copy and paste a barcode          

Poem: Billiards

Two civilians playing a game of billiards,

I can’t describe the feeling in words.

A game played with patience and strategies,

I always go on Saturdays with families.


It is very upsetting,

when people tend to end up betting.

it’s all about getting,

but never giving.

Nick Caracci Something I Do Well (Short Story)

Genre: Short Story

Mike and Bob we’re bored one Friday night  they had a very long week and wanted to do something exciting.  Mike was on Facebook and saw an ad for a new comedy club called Nick’s Comedy’s Club the reviews for it were through the roof, he told Bob, “Let’s go to this comedy club it seems like fun and they even have a sit down to eat so even if it sucks we can still eat.” Bob doesn’t really show much excitement for anything so he gives off a “Meh” and gets up and they’re off to the comedy club. They get to the comedy club and it is really alive music is pumping and the tables are all packed luckily they went on Friday which is no kids night so the jokes are a little bit more there speed. They finally find a seat and you hear alarms going off and lights point to the stage and a man walks out, “Greeting ladies and gentlemen my name is Nick I’m gonna be the host for the night hows everyone’s day slow dragging yea me too but now that you’re here we’re gonna put a little excitement into your lives. Nick starts doing a few skits and Mike is completely just loving it and Mike isn’t that impressed. Nick notices it and calls out Bob “Uh oh we have a frown in the crowd I got a special skit for you buddy and you could even be in it.” While Nick is walking down the stairs he trips down them and twists his ankle everybody else is silent and all you hear is one faint laughter and sure enough it is Bob in the back Nick here’s it and says, “It may have cost me a ankle but I got him to smile now someone to call me an ambulance.” The ambulance comes and Mike and Bob leave and Mike asks Bob what he thought of it. Bob’s answer completely surprises Mike, “I loved it I can’t wait to go next Friday this is one of the best places after a long week.” And Mike likes that idea and every Friday Mike and Bob and became great friends with Nick and he gave Bob his own skits to do and Bob learned how to finally put his awkwardness to good use.

How to have a GREAT relationship (with SCIENCE!)


  • Yourself
  • A partner


  • Get into a relationship and form a hypothesis: what do you want from a relationship?
  • Examine yourself, what stupid things must I get rid of variables and independent variables?
  • Examine your partner; Do they compliment you?
  • Experiment – Do a couple of test to make sure that the relationship is sustainable, don’t do one test and stick with the results because you will get inaccurte data
  • Share your results with your partner and come to a conclusion.

Something I do well

Re: What I do very well


Dear Comrade,


From the recent letters that we do not send to each other, I am going to answer the question you proposed to me last time. Come closer and listen up, this is very important. You cannot tell anyone about this. You see, I am very interested in nothing. Now I know what you are going say, but hear me out, and maybe you’ll be interested in it too. Nothing to you may seem boring and a very improper way to answer your question, but trust me its far beyond any of us. Its so vast.. Compare to that bottomless hole you told me about a couple months ago. I said that I wanted to visit it with you cause it reminds me of nothing. The one thing in my life hat I cannot escape. Doesn’t matter how many times I find something, nothing is always lurking behind. So instead of avoiding it, how bout I embrace it right? I just love its silence. Nothing is peaceful to me.





Hello again Comrade!


I can see from my last letter that you didn’t buy the bullshit answer that I gave you. I really thought that you’d believe that I am interested in nothing, but your are smarter than I thought you were. So, no more bullshit. I will tell you what I am really interested in and do not judge. It is porn. Okay that was my last joke I swear. My interest is jokes. I think that you can see I’m not joking about this one this time. I mean look what I just did to you my precious Comrade. I really sat at home and wasted ink, trees, and some of the precious minutes I had left on this planet to write you a whole letter that was just a meaningless joke. Its cause I cherish the art of jokes. It helps me bring optimism to any situation. I hope that now you’ll understand me better.



Me, Again…


PS: I know this has nothing to do with what you asked me, but I want to tell you anyways. There is a difference between horseshit and bullshit. A guy once told me to put the things in a hierarchy,

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