
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 4 of 23)

Finding freedom from the court calendar.   

T-Jai Murphy 

ENGLISH 1121 E106 

Professor: Sarah Schmerler 

Date April 28th, 2019  


English Essay 

Finding freedom from the court calendar. 


I search my universe to come forth with a verse; while I disburse my experience among all alert. I am a person. What more should I assert? I decided not to approach the United States District Court bench. I held a perspective in which I saw an ulterior motive, so I preemptively sent in my notice. I move about from within my realm of thoughts. I find freedom knowing I am often shining bright enough to be seen in my transmission of thought. Finding freedom in the form of thinking presented itself to me. Not the other way counter clockwise. I am the clockwise counter. 


Thinking happens to be a form of freedom that I possess. Without thinking, my experiences through life would be seen solely in an unknown subjective state. Having thoughts, or if its further defined to speak on my ability to have an imagination, allows me to construct ideas in detailed ways in preparation for my projection. I can exemplify myself through the similarity of vocal or literary patterns I find cognizable, seen by the behavior in the perceived audience. I interpret the resonance of the audience that receive my illustrated thoughts. There are individuals who have dedicated their lives, guiding secular flows through information. Each person has dialects which they profess their selves with. It is up to me to imagine how to orchestrate my pattern of thoughts to transmit what I resonate.  


I find the mobility of an individual capable of traversing grounds unfamiliar, is dependent upon the fluency with which one can find himself ethereally moving with the current sea of events. Not approaching the bench, is my means of acting out the images I see as parallels within my own cosmos. I have enlightened other people in seeing the lights that I look upon, as comparisons to what I hold sacred in this world we share.  Such matters are paramount to my beliefs and equate to licensure to be privy to my thoughts.        


When my thoughts are sought after, demands are made. There is rarely tenderness displayed while in pursuit of the focused agenda. Nonetheless, activity is an ongoing process, where the constituents of a conglomeration are affected by the impact of forces that approach their circumference. The transmission of thought has force. The power, or freedom found, is the ability act with or respond to given forces from varying angles.  


The essence that I intended to present with my self-propagating steam, is seen as the location of my focus, where my form of condensation has its apex of aggregation. All of which has been written to express the context of finding freedom in the multitude of abundant resources. Use of such resources requires the application of forces across a distance, to continue the promotion of forward motion. Motion within a domain or plane of existence occurs through sustained efforts. Freedom is held while balancing interdimensional positioning and being cognizant of density. Freedom is in the ability to act and respond. The choice to do so is on the will of time and space. Clockwise counting turns my gears and mathematicise my efforts. There must be freedom in the oversight or the sight that is seen! 


Student Name: Aizhan Akhmetova

Course and Section Number: ENG 1121, E106

Date: April 29th, 2019


UNIT 3 WORKSHEET 1 Note: the following are prompts to help you organize your work. Please make your answers clear and easy to read! Take all the space you need to answer the questions.

My general area of study is: Drawing Blood

  1. After doing some preliminary research, I am able to note below at least one argument / discussion / problem that surrounds my area of study:  Lack of phlebotomy skills or training during the clinical and how the fear with anxiety takes over the good practice.
  2. The people or community of people most affected by this problem are
:  mostly students currently taking the phlebotomy course and patients as well. 
  3.  Here are some key terms or phrases particularly associated with this issue. (For example, if your proposal is about hiking, you might use phrases like “manageable distances,” “maps,” “excursions,” “rough terrain,” “backpack,” “dehydration,” “survival in the elements,” “pathfinding,” et al.):

            “Blood collection”, “anxiety”, “blood clotting”, “blood vessels”, “pathologist”.

  1. Here are the sources I have used so far to read about and otherwise learn about this issue. (Wikipedia, CNN, personal interviews, The New York Times, Psychology Today – whatever the source, please note it. Did you use the key terms you just listed, above, when you conducted your searches? If not, take some time and do so!):


Had a nervous breakdown in the middle of my phlebotomy clinical from medlabprofessionals

Phlebotomist Job Description. All You Need to Know

my inner and outer listening

March 31, 2019 12:15pm at Junction Blv

Awesome got here right on time i see the train coming, i have 15 min to get to work i should be fine with time,  ‘screech,  air being let out’ great this cart is packed with people, ughh its only two stops. ew ew don’t touch me, move. ” stand clear of the closing doors please”  “achoo” did that guy really just sneeze right next to me  and not cover his f$#@# mouth !!! god people are so gross i need to get a car i cant deal with public transportation anymore. finally here “excuse me”




April 1, 2019 5:21pm at the train station Roosevelt Av, 74th street

Shit,shit, Ima be late, gotta make before the next train gets there.
Yes I see it ok, got 45 minutes to get there
Gotta make it down the stairs first, ‘walking fast’ speeding down the stairs, get out the way!!! If you’re gonna go down the stairs slowly then move to the f@#$#@  side, “excuse me, excuse me!” If they’re gonna be on their phones why are they standing in the middle?? Finally made it, i hear the train lit, screeching, doors opening, train starts to move, this stop is so long, ‘ cough’ cough’ “Roosevelt island “ ding train starts to move.


Genre Writing Assignment #2. Balanced Chalice.

I’m not so sure how to express myself, in meaningful ways.

But that doesn’t stop me from pursuing what I think is great.

I must face all my challenges, standing before me daily.

There isn’t much of a choice, cause otherwise I would fail me.

While walking among the earth, I analyze what I see.

I appreciate the light; the sun keeps shining on me.

I am just one soul, among a population of billions.

The empty spaces I’m feeling, I propagate for my children.

I’m building a building, where every brick is my own.

From the floor to the ceiling, I consider it my home.

A place where my nature is nurtured, and my spirit is grown.

The way that I glide upon these currents, will keep the signal strong.

For those who are next up, needed to combat against the wrongs.

I look along my line of sight, projecting demeanor calm.

Resting within my temple, while listening to my song.

I oscillate at a frequency to represent where I belong.

Genre 1

Shahadat Hossain

Prof. Schmerler’s


Section D439

                                 Local Pizza Parlors vs. Chain Pizza Franchise: The Better Pizza

Pizza is one of America’s favorite food. The mouth-watering flat, open-faced baked pie of Italian origin, consisting of a thin layer of bread dough topped with spiced tomato sauce and cheese, often garnished with anchovies, sausage slices, mushrooms, etc. originated from Gaeta, Italy in 997 AD.  In 1905, Gennaro Lombardi opened the first pizzeria in New York, United States of America. In the present time, there are two types of pizza joints in the US: local pizza joints and chain pizza franchises. The lingering question of which is better of the two has been a long debate.

Local pizzerias are the place to satisfy one’s hunger. Chain pizza franchise can be found in every corner of the States. On the other hand, local pizza parlors can only be found within the area, therefore, caters only a number of customers.

On the other hand, chain pizza franchise takes pride of their distinct taste in which the regular costumers go to whenever they need a pizza fix, unlike local pizza parlors where customers are uncertain as to the overall taste of their pizzas. Moreover, chain pizza franchise already had made its mark in the industry that they must uphold the name of the franchise at all times. Local pizza parlors, on the other hand, are more experimental on making artisanal pizza, which somehow, turns disastrous at times.

Local produce or ingredients are used by local pizza parlors which make them unique from other pizzerias. However, these ingredients may not be readily be available; since, some are seasonal. For this reason, local pizza parlors can be inconsistent with its menu. On the contrary, chain pizza franchise has ready and available ingredients that could last for a long time. The latter’s quality of pizza is known upon arrival.

At times, people crave for pizza at the later time of the day had only the option to order from chain pizza rather than the local pizza parlor since the former closes in the later time of the day. The availability of the pizza of the chain pizza franchise during anytime of the day gives appeal to its customers. Therefore, local pizzas have only become an option because of its accessibility.


Lastly, local pizza chains are mostly expensive since it uses fresher ingredients and are less greasy than chain pizza franchise. The profit of the local pizza parlors is also dependent on the price range of their ingredients; they rarely give discounts, unlike chain pizza franchises, which, are extravagant, to the point that they have promos such as Buy One Get One (BOGO) pizzas.

Loyal eating customers look for consistency in a product, to which case, the chain franchise can cater its customers. Chain pizza franchise deems to cater more to the customers than local pizza parlors by quality, accessibility, availability and price. Therefore, branded pizza franchise is the place in time of need.



Works Cited


“The Definition Of Pizza”. Www.Dictionary.Com, 2019,


Stradley, Linda. “Pizza – History And Legends Of Pizza”. What’s Cooking America, 2019,

“A Brief History Of Pizza In The U.S.”. Persona Pizzeria, 2019,

“Pizza Chains Vs. Mom & Pop Shops – What’s Cookin’ In NYC”. Eportfolios.Macaulay.Cuny.Edu, 2019,

“National Vs. Local Pizza Chains”. News12.Com, 2019,



Genre Analysis: Realistic Fiction

I want to say that Realistic Fiction can be best described as a story where anything can happen in the real world and anyone could experience it. The author of this topic has to able think put a creatively spin on these stories while keeping it as realistic as possible. The kind of community that this will pertain to are people who has wide imagination that looking for a different way to see the world that they live in today.  Some key vocabulary or language terms you might find that are common in this form of writing is that they lie mostly  in the description of  things or a scenario. The sorts of ways that people try to write effectively in this genre is when they desire or despise something to occur.

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