I’m not so sure how to express myself, in meaningful ways.

But that doesn’t stop me from pursuing what I think is great.

I must face all my challenges, standing before me daily.

There isn’t much of a choice, cause otherwise I would fail me.

While walking among the earth, I analyze what I see.

I appreciate the light; the sun keeps shining on me.

I am just one soul, among a population of billions.

The empty spaces I’m feeling, I propagate for my children.

I’m building a building, where every brick is my own.

From the floor to the ceiling, I consider it my home.

A place where my nature is nurtured, and my spirit is grown.

The way that I glide upon these currents, will keep the signal strong.

For those who are next up, needed to combat against the wrongs.

I look along my line of sight, projecting demeanor calm.

Resting within my temple, while listening to my song.

I oscillate at a frequency to represent where I belong.