
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 18 of 23)


Eggs – 4
Sugar – 10 tbsp
Milk – 2 cup
Teaspoons Vanilla extract 1/2 tsp

Steps: 1. first make the caramel adding 2 tsp of sugar.
Steps: 2. Add all ingredients to another bowl and mix it well.
Steps: 3. pour the mixture into the caramelize bowl.
Steps: 4. in a large baking dish, pour 1-2 inches of water and place the bowel inside.
Steps: 5. Cook for 45 minutes. 45 minutes later remove from the cooker.
Steps: 6. Cool at room temperature and refrigerate for 2 hours.runs a knife around inside the bowl and flip over on the plate. Cut and serve.

Serving 4


Genres I encounter in my everyday life:

Texting, emailing, personal narrative, journalism, textbook, critique, articles, dictionary, announcements, descriptive writing

I like to read Science Fiction because by reading it you see the reality that doesn’t really exist, but can be possible because it based on science and facts.

If I write, the two most often used genres are texting and personal narrative. I feel free to express myself the way I want, I choose the style, the words and how story will go.

A genre is a category of literature identified by form, content, and style.


I understand a genre as a particular style of writing with specific purpose and audience.


Science Fiction, Children’s books (Picture books), Journaling, Email, Texting, Comics, Novel, Letter, Commercial Slogan, Research paper.

My favorites are the first two:

Science Fiction compelling to me because it present imaginary reality which rooted in scientific fact and it makes it convincing and remotely possible.

I love Children’s books (Picture books) because pictures are often tell more then words and simple words conceal big ideas.


“Navigating Genres” by a professor named Kerry Dirk

I am comfortable to post things on Facebook or anywhere else. Although, I don’t do it often. I guess, I’m next level of introvert. People much older might have other difficulties with online posting. They are not exposed to social media at the same degree or at all. They don’t have as much connections to write to. They are less flexible in their habits. Speaking about habits, when they do post, they might use too formal language or sound like a written latter.

From  a few examples of titles in The Onion (a newspaper that was founded in 1988 at a college) the first one that made me smile were “I am under 18 clicked for the first time in history of Internet”.  Why? Because it’s close to the truth, for one thing, and “history of Internet” sounds peculiar for some reason.

On page 258, Dirk describes the rules we carry around in our head before we start writing in a particular genre. Some of the rules I carry around in my head are use shorter sentences; think of thesis first; thesis needs to be accompanied by three reasons. I struggle to write in logical manner. There is no shortage of ideas, but when I write it looks like I’m jumping from one to another. In reality, it’s hard to follow my logic, because I skip some steps assuming that it’s obvious. “Nothing is obvious” should be another rule in my head. The difficulty is all that omitting process happening unconscious in the background.

Chapter called “Shitty First Drafts” in author Annie Lamott’s book, Bird by Bird

Finally, somebody voicing an honest opinion about difficulties of writing. I’ve been waiting to hear this for so long! “Shitty First Draft” is  what I’ve been doing all my life, I just called them “drafts” and more then the first were “shitty”. So, no, I am not surprised at the chapter’s title, I am relieved!

Do you write a “down draft,” an “up draft,” and a “dental draft” like Lamott says? Ha-ha, very funny! I usually write those and more, because ” there is no limit for perfection”, meaning you always can make it better. The problem is finishing. When do you decide that this is it? I’m still not clear for that question…

I’m old fashioned I like to write by hand using pencil on a paper. Next step is to stop, go have some tea or do something else. Then with fresh eyes I’d go through the text with a marker. After this I’m ready to type and fix all my marked places. Next, I would print that out and after another break I’ll fix the printed version again and the process  of typing and printing repeats at least once more… or endless times.

P.S. Reading this chapter made me interested about the whole book. Maybe, someday, when I have the time I read it.

Navigating Genres

When I write on Facebook I feel much less stress than when I write formal writing such an essay.

Sure, my parents can’t write or respond on the Facebook posts as I do, due to the age differentiation.

I feel more comfortable when I write on Facebook. The older people feel when they have a basic smartphone as they having over technology in their hands, so they can’t write comfortably as I do.

One example I liked from that the author mention is “Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race of Skeleton People” I see it funny because this is what the archaeologist should discover.

I am like most students don’t like to write, but I have no problem to write any kind of genre as long as  I gather information about it.

Shitty First Drafts

Actually, the chapter’s title attracted me to read the chapter fast to know what is it about. The way that the author described that she writes and most of the writers write to make it is easier for me to write if I follow her way and definitely I will. Usually, when I try to start to write I take a long time to decide to write the first word, but the way that she stated that to write whatever in your mind it hasn’t to be in order is a good approach to follow. For me personally, I write three or four drafts to come up with the final draft.



1 onion

1 box of penne

10 turkey meatballs

2 cups – organic mixed peas

1 cup of vanilla unsweetened almond milk

1tbsp dijon mustard

1 stock of celery

1 jar of Alfredo sauce

3 cloves of garlic

1tbsp of hot sauce

1 tbsp of blended parsley, cilantro, green bell pepper, scallion

1tsp of turmeric

1 tsp of ginger

1 tbsp of organic no salt seasoning

1 tbsp of avocado oil

4 cups of water

3 tbsp of Parmesan cheese

1 tbsp of oregano


  1. turn fire under heat under pan to medium heat
  2. cut up meatballs into 4 pieces each
  3. pour 1 tbsp of avocado oil
  4. dice 1 onion pour into pan (stir)
  5. pour mixed peas into pan (stir)
  6. pour almond milk
  7. add seasonings & stir
  8. while meatballs are sitting in the pot , boil pasta water (pour into pot) For 10 Mins
  9. Pour Alfredo sauce into skillet and stir
  10. Once pasta is done boiling, strain it
  11. Pour pasta into skillet & mix
  12. add oregano & Parmesan cheese
  13. Notes: Be sure to stir consistently after adding ingredients. You can also add whatever meat or seafood you desire


Rhyan Oliver





1 egg
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/4 cup milk
4 slices bread



  1. 1)Beat egg, vanilla, cinnamon and milk in a dish.

2)Dip bread in the mixture, turning to coat both sides evenly.

3)Cook bread slices on lightly greased nonstick pan on medium heat until browned on both sides.

4) Put some syrup on it and enjoy

Recipe for dealing with someone’s bullshit

How to deal with someone’s Bullshit


  • A good personality
  • Listening skills
  • A brain that can decipher information
  • Soft voice


  1. Be optimistic
  2. Listen to the person thoroughly and carefully
  3. Have patients. Do not loose your shit
  4. Respond in an according manner that sounds reassuring
  5. Explain the flaw in their reasoning
  6. Tell them to piss off in a respectful manner
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