
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 14 of 23)

Top Ten Genres

1) Sports

2) Law

3) Comedy

4) Facebook

5) Instagram

6) Travel

7) College

8) Food

9) Culture

10) Family

My favorite genre would be sports, more specially baseball. Me and my co-workers would talk nothing more than Law and sports. Law id because the nature of the job we have and the importance it is to completing tasks and making sure everything is updated for the attorneys to read and understand. Sports is because when its not law its sports and the standings and the outcomes of games. Who will play the best in the playoffs and who will bring the championship back home. Its a long season and plenty of conversations will take place.

My understanding of genre is categories of different things, different things that goes on in your life and you get to choose which ones makes you happy and which ones don’t .

Law review: an audio experience

Hearing the opinion of the 7 judges in the NYS Court of appeals in the case of The people vs. Brown makes me think that the argument made by the appellant was suffice and accurate as to the ethical aspect of the case. It was argued that it was a conflict of interest in part of the defense attorney in the matter. The attorney was representing the witness to the crime and the witness hired the attorney to represent both the witness and the defendant is very strange. I am very shocked that the judge on the bench didn’t questioned why the defendant wanted the lawyer and explained to the defendant what a non-waiver of conflict is and how it would challenge his outcome of the trial. The judge ruled against him and was sentenced 25 to life in jail for murder. Now the NYS court of appeals sees the errors that were made in the trial and remanded the case back to Supreme Court New York County for retrial of the matter.

Internal Revision: A Process of Discovery by Donald Murray

1) According to Donald Murray “writing is rewriting” he explains many find it a burden while others accept its condition. The rewriting gives a chance to perfect the story you have written. There is no such a mistake in writing, each writing have unlimited that means there is no score, yet you write for better. In addition there are many opportunities and strengthen you gain from your writing.

2) Donald Murray explains that discovery is a process of using language to discover meaning in experience and to comminute it. The more words you discovery the more vivid and better your writing will be. The discovery used by your creativity in writing where a writers discovers ideas while writing and “ignorance” is were also writers makes progress from their lack of knowledge in writing and understanding the words used.

3)The process and product explained in the text is important  in life and we should be able to find a way to build high quality products with focus and efficiency. The product and process approaches originally appeared in education as different strategies for approach in writing.

4) External revision can involve the processes which are difficult and challenging such advertisements, proofreading, editing and etc. Internal revision is a process which Murray finds to be normally passed on or overlooked by writers. It involves the process of revising your work to improve forms of language, grammar, context and voice.

5) Content is something we should take some time and research new information on the subject matter you are going to write about and search for new content. Form and structure means creating the beginning, middle and end to your story so writing a draft to formulate these concepts and ideas. Language leads the writer to a certain style and flow sort of looking and searching for more words to make the story vivid and alive. The reader would have a really vivd description in their mind of your story.

Recipe for Para legalism

1 cup of knowledge of law

1 cup of Politeness and courteous

1 cup of writing skills

1 cup of excellent communication

Equals to a fully competent and prepared Paralegal!

Best served when its chilled !


Ingredients to maintain a relationship

  • 2 or more people
  • Communication is key to keep your relationship going and be able to talk things out when things may get rough with whoever it is and generally express your feelings for each other feely
  • Be able to understand each other even though there maybe differences
  • Trust is another key component to your relationship going if there isn’t any why who anybody want be in this relationship
  • Be able to bring things to table by being honestly when need be

Different types of Genres

Name 10 Genres you encounter in your life
Comedy books
Comic Books

2. Name one or two that you like the best. And say why. Who is their audience and what kind of language do they use?
The two genres that I like the best has to be anime and poetry. Poetry and Anime stand out the best for because anime is something that i grew up watching. Anime contains messages throughout the story line that can be interesting. Anime originally comes from japan, but it has gotten so popular that it has migrated all the way all over the world. I also chose poetry because without it there wouldn’t be any hip hop/rap. Without that form of music I honestly don’t know what I would do. That form of music brings me joy and can brighten my mood in an instant.

3. What is your understanding of the term “Genre”?
I believe that Genre comes in different forms. It comes in music, tv shows,writing, and many other forms. Genre is basically content in a specific form.

How to keep a healthy relationship

3 Tablespoons of connection
In order you have or even start a relationship you must first have a bond with them.

2 cups of understanding
In a relationship both partners need to learn how to understand one another and hear each other out. A relationship without understanding has no room for growth.

1 tablespoon of patience
In a relationship you have to be patient with each other. Cant start an argument for something that’s isn’t really a big problem. If you do get mad then talk with your partner in a nice tone, otherwise it’s going to evolve into an argument.

A dash of humor
A relationship is not fun if there isn’t any sense of humor

4 cups of love
This is the most important ingredient. A relationship without genuine love for one another isn’t really a relationship.

with these ingredients you will be able to keep not only yourself but your partner happy as well.

Tropical Kick

To make a 20oz Tropical Kick you will need:


  • 3  Pineapple pieces (see below for prep sizes)
  • 1 piece of Ginger, approx. 1 inch (use the length of the tip of your finger to middle knuckle as reference)
  •  1 Apple , medium size
  • Watermelon  as needed (see below for prep sizes)
  • 1 Spotify Playlist (To players Taste)


  • 1 Nutrifaster Juicer Machine ( if you don’t have one, any juicer machine is okay)
  • 1 Juice pusher (to push hard produce)
  • 2 32oz measurement cups
  • 1 Cutting board
  • 1 Utility Knife
  • 1 Chef Knife
  • Water as needed ( to clean and rinse the machine)

Watermelon Preparation

  1. Cut the ends off using your chef knife and cutting board.
  2. By creating a flat surface you can now stand the melon and safely cut around it. Use the fruit’s natural curve to cut down  the rind.
  3. Once “peeled”  you then cut the watermelon once more in half horizontally. Separate the halves and using one, cut into 1/8th  strip pieces.
  4. Repeat  step 3 with the other half.
  5. Store and date the prepped watermelon later use.

Pineapple Preparation

  1. Using your chef knife cut both ends off.  Now that you have a flat steady surface, stand the pineapple and  proceed to cutting off the hard exterior from top to bottom.
  2. Cut the fruit in half horizontally. Now  you have 2 equal pineapple sections. Separate the halves.
  3. Using one section, follow to cut down vertical into 1/2. Turn 180° and cut down again. You should have fourths.
  4. Cut each fourth in half. You should end up with eighths.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the other half  pineapple section.
  6. Set 3 pieces aside for juicing
  7. Store and date the rest for later use.

Juicing Steps

  1. Make sure the nutrifaster is plugged. Turn on and rinse through once with a cup of water. This is to assure its clean on the inside.
  2. Start juicing the pineapple.
  3. Using your utility knife cut the apple in half, then using the flat surface, cut again in half.
  4. Juice the apple pieces with the ginger to maximize juice from the root produce.
  5. Use the juice pusher to help pass the harder produce.
  6. End with watermelon  pieces as needed to reach 20oz. Watermelon amount may vary due to naturally high water content.
  7. Serve in a cup and enjoy !



Recipe for Meditation


  • A quiet place where you won’t be disturbed
  • Something comfortable to sit on for a prolonged period of time
  • Earbuds or ear plugs
  • Comfortable clothing
  • A mind


  1. Dressed for comfort and in a place you won’t be disturbed, sit down and take a few deep breaths, in through your nose, out through your mouth.
  2. Feel tension leave your body. To further relax, starting from your toes and ending at the crown of your head, consciously and logically release tension from each individual body part. It also might help to flex the part you want to relax if you have trouble tapping the sensation of relaxation.
  3. Return your attention back to your breath. Once you’re sufficiently relaxed, you only need to focus on your breath, no need to try to control it.
  4. Take the same attitude with the random thoughts you will inevitably take notice of. Observe them for a second but don’t judge them. Gently bring your attention back to your breath.
  5. As you delve deeper into your mind, you might start to feel strange sensations or think thought that alarm you. just relax and keep going. It’s still your mind and body, nothing unnatural or bad is occuring. With more practice, you’ll feel more comfortable and start to see certain benefits manifest even when you’re not meditating.
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