

existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the sametime


I encounter this word in the reading called “What is reality?”. The word is found in the sentence “The scientific worldview which so dominates our contemporary consciousness is not as innocent as it may at first seem.” After I look it up in the dictionary, I know it means existing. That helps me better un derstand this article.



controlling the people of a country in a very strict way with complete power that cannot be opposed


I encounter this word in the article “The real Big Brother”. It is found in the sentence “The telescreen was one way the Party could detect what the book calls Thought Crimes. In totalitarian regimes the thought of dissent is itself an act of treason”. By knowing it means controlling the people of a country in a very strict way with complete power that cannot be opposed, I understand the idea that the author wants to express.


: an attitude of doubting the truth of something (such as a claim or statement)
Source – merriam-webster
I encountered this word from the news ” Ancient human ancestor may have persisted through Ice Age” by Kerry Sheridan. I looked at the sentence “….. they were greeted with skepticism by some scientists.” Now I have an idea of this word means when I search in the dictionary. Even though this word may be not common to use at the class, but useful to describe of the real life.



to throw into disorder or disarray

I encounter this word in the article “What we’ve lost”. The word is found in the sentence “A few moments later, my younger brother (we’ll call him E) joined me – dishevelled, disgruntled and half asleep.” By konwing the word means to throw into disorer, I better understan the situation that the author is describing.




: having sides or halves that are the same
: having or showing symmetry

Source – merriam-webster

I found the word of the field trips at the Cooperhewitt, when I looked at the didactic panel of the Spun 2007-11, I saw this word of the title. ” Can a rotationally symmetrical form make a comfortable chair?” Since I learned the word “asymmetrical”, it was the other way of learning the opposite word.


: complaining in an annoyed way
synonyms: petulant, peevish, pettish, complaining
Source – merriam-webster
I encountered this word from the article “Brooklyn was mine.”. ” She also had a habit of footnoting words whose meanings Alfred might not know — like querulous — and providing definitions.” This word of the  sentence show the feeling of the character, that will help reader more understand of the story.


declaim verb
: to say (something) in usually a loud and formal way
Source – merriam-webster
I encountered this word from the article “Lecture Me. Really” by Molly Worthen. “A lecture is not the declamation of an encyclopedia article.” I know this word probably noun of this sentence. When I know the meaning of this word, I laugh a whole time. I always say that word with my friend but using in Chinese version.

Evaluating Glossary


AP Wire Service

The glossary assignment for the semester was very effective in helping me. It made me understand each words, with meaning and the use of parts of speech wise. It definitely helped me in the process of reading, however other than reading the article provide to us, it did not. I do not mean that it didn’t help me, however I actually had no time reading such other materials. By checking the definition, on Merriam-Webster which I thought it would be the best dictionary source, it showed me a clear view on each vocabulary. One of the definition was found from the use of Thesaurus because I wanted to discover new words that had a similar meaning, I believe that using other resource and different dictionary might be just sufficient resource, like google define for a quick search. There was many vocabulary words that contained two definition for a single word, I learned that I had to make sure which one best fits the sentence as a whole. By coordinating with my classmates for this crowd-sourced project, it made a resourceful site and it helped others build on to their vocabulary. In addition, this project will going to help me in the future where I probably need so that I can be more professional speaker and writer. This project felt and united as a being in a community, such we done in the COMD class for the humument project where we picked our single significant page that meant each to us and the class didactic post for the presentation downstairs.



the highest social class in some countries : the people who have special titles (such as dukeand duchess ), who typically own land, and who traditionally have more money and power than the other people in a society


I encounter this word in the reading “Anatomy of Fascism”. I found the word in the sentence ” There was a huge disparity between the riches of the aristocracy and the poverty of those working on the land or in the cities”. After I look it up in the dictionary, I know it means the highest social class in some countries.

Exhibit Catalogue (final)

The artist Brian Mifsud was born on March 29, 1997 in Queens New York. He now currently lives in Manhattan and studies in Brooklyn. The artist drew inspiration from Tom Phillips “A Humument” to create his own versions of this style of composition which combines both language and art to convey anything the artist desires. Tom Phillip was an English artist who purchased a cheap book to use as the basis of an art project known as A Humument. Behind his artwork,  he paints, collages or draws over the pages, leaving some of the text peeking through in serpentine bubble shapes, creating a found text with its own story, different from the original. In this case Brian made three compositions with a theme that juxtaposes with the theme of the original Book. In this exhibit Brian chose the book Hunger Games Catching Fire which has more of a darker and serious theme to it so Brian juxtaposes this theme by making it a bit lighter and more into a comedy. To help convey this Brian also change the title of this composition to Off the Hinge.

Brian created the compositions using a variation of sizes of Micron pens mainly using 0.25, 0.35 and 0.45 mm. Also he used a Faber-Castell Brush pen. For his first design, your idea he creates a composition the perfectly conveys the title of the composition that being your idea using the universal symbol of an idea being a cloud which can be seen in different forms of media, from comic books to cartoons you can see the thought bubble used to convey an idea. The artist also uses different techniques like repetition of the clouds and variation of the cloud sizes to help create emphasis on the main large cloud surrounding the phrase your idea. This composition helps to also convey the theme Brian is trying to get across because the imagery of clouds gives the feeling of dreaming and happiness to help create that lighter theme.

For his second design, Unity, he first had to envision what color combined would make a nice color that is not too harsh so he came up with two colors blue and red which when mixed created a nice purple. So with that Brian colored in one half of the page with red and the other half of the page with blue so when they met in the middle they created a nice shade of purple to show the unity between the colors. The purple line in the middle also has this rhythmic vibe too it that also gives it a nice sense of design.

For his third design Brian wanted to have another design that was in black and white but also did not use the words on the page for his design either. In this design Brian tries again to convey a lighter tone compared to the darker tone of the book. In this composition we see a nice soothing line that goes in a type of wave formation that with dark lines that fill up around the line but not touching the main line with a gap between it. This to the artist gives the composition a lighter tone.

With his composition Off the Hinge, Brian wanted to convey certain ideas that can change the darker tones of the book too the lighter tones of Brian’s new creation. The work of alternated texts along with visual images creates a new story from a preexisting one. It creates more room for stories that have yet to be told as the original source is left as inspirations behind those stories.