

-” the place or area at which different things meet and communicate with or affect each other”

Source: Merrian-Webster Dictionary

This word came up in todays class discussion. I wanted to know the difference between interface and overlap in reference to our project.




: shining with many different colors when seen from different angles

I’ve come across this word when I was listening to the song name “Iridescent” by Linkin Park. Even though that’s the title of the song the word was never used throughout the whole song so I was very curious to know what it truly meant. Now I have a better idea of the song and what the message behind the song is. It’s talking about  what it feels like to be at a bad place in your life and how someone can find the light while you’re walking through the dark.



: towards or at the back part of a boat, ship, or airplane.


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt “Reading Lucy”. This word can be found in the quote “So I’ll throw in another kiss and just an inchy wincy pinch on the aft end”. This quote came from a letter Lucy wrote to her husband Alfred when he left for boot camp. From learning what aft means, it would make sense that Lucy would be at an aft end because she was a mechanic at a Navy Yard in World War II. These letters were ways that Lucy could give her love to Alfred while he was away.



 A word or phrase that shows love or affection

Source: Merriam-Webster

*Little bit of spoiler if you haven’t read the reading yet!

I encountered this word from the reading expert, “Brooklyn was Mine” by Chris Knutsen and Valerie Steiker. I found this word from the third page of the reading, it intrigued me, because of the sound and the word “dear” caught my eyes. Since there was dear in the word, i thought it was some kind of word that “cares one another”. After using our reliable source Merriam-Webster, my thoughts and the definition matched. It definitely connects to the reading, because the main character who was talking about Lucy, explained in details how Lucy and her husband communicated each other after her husband left to join the navy. Her affection toward him was stronger than any other married wife, where she wrote to him every day.



sameness of pitch or tone in a sound or utterance.

Source – Google Definitions

I encountered this word from Graphic Design Principles 1 when professor Spevack was teaching the lesson for today. I now understand that Monotony means something repeating. We are starting a new project and we are using a song to draw from, I now understand that this song will have a repeating beat that is the same.

The example of Monotony from class:

[Glossary Entry 3]



-” a large building that has apartments or rooms for rent and that is usually in a poorer part of a city”

Source: Merrian-Webster Dictionary

I stumbled across this word while brainstorming for our English project #2. As I was conducting research on Brooklyn’s housing, I came across an article that mentioned “NYCHA Housing is one of the city’s living quarters considered to be today’s Tenements.” At first I inferred that it meant secluded,  but upon looking up the word, I discovered it was actually old time slang for run down, lower class living quarters.



  1. lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition and routine:

    “you can become resigned to the monotony of captivity”

    synonyms: tedium · tediousness· lack of variety · dullness · boredom
    We got this word today in COMD 1100. I didn’t understand what this word meant let alone how to pronounce it. Now that I know what the exact meaning of the word is I understand how it goes with the lesson we were learning today.


adjective in·cred·u·lous

unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true

“It saw the bewilderment on your face as you stepped out of the stolen matinee, incredulous that there was still daylight after such a long movie.”




– pleasure and sadness that is caused by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could experience it again

Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

This word came up in a class discussion we had. I had a faint idea of what it meant, but after looking it up, I came to understand that it was associated with more than just “remembering”  but rather also with a feeling of downhearted melancholy with a certain memory. Originally I just assumed it was just a positive feeling of thinking of a memory.