project #2 – final

New York is an ever changing place with many places throughout the city tending to overlap with two different New York’s.  So I went around the surrounding area of City Tech to find one of these Overlapping New York’s, I finally did at Brooklyn Heights. First off I exited the Namm building and turning left down on Jay Street towards Tillary Street. From there I made a left on Tillary until I got to Clinton Street  you know that you’re going the right way because on your left is a small park dedicated to all the Korean war veterans.  I continued to follow Clinton Street until I hit Pierrepont Street. When i arrived at Pierrepont Street I followed it noticing all of the nice buildings and how many of them differ from each other and how much they differ from the buildings I’m used to in Times Square, until I finally arrived at Brooklyn Heights.

The overlapping New York in that area is that you can see the huge differences between the small building in Brooklyn Heights and the huge towering buildings of Manhattan. You can see the difference between them in that all the residential buildings in Brooklyn Heights are made of brick while the huge buildings of Manhattan are made of steel. Also from the side of Brooklyn Heights some people may have different views of both Manhattan and Brooklyn. For example some people from the side of Brooklyn Heights may see Manhattan as the place where they work while others like myself see Manhattan as home. On the other hand people on the side of Manhattan looking at Brooklyn will either see Brooklyn as home or either as a foreign place to those who may have never been too Brooklyn. While I was there I also saw a photograph of the old New York skyline with the twin towers tied to the fence. I thought that it offered a bit of insight into someone else’s New York. For example someone who might have lived in Brooklyn heights before 9/11will remember the skyline before the twin towers fell and therefore make that a part of their own New York while those that came after 9/11 only know what the skyline might look like without the twin towers or with the Freedom tower in the skyline. The best example of this that I can think of is in Colson Whitehead’s novel City Limits. In it Whitehead says “I still call it the Pan Am building, not out of affectation, but because that’s what it is.” This clearly shows that different people can have their own version of New York. Like I said those that had lived before 9/11 will always see the freedom tower as the place where the twin towers stood and those who lived after will see it as the new freedom tower. Another point that helps is when Whitehead says: “For that new transplant from Des Moines who is starting her first week of work at a Park avenue South insurance firm, that titan squatting over Grand Central is the Met life Building, and for her it always will be.” This quote further drives home the point the different New York’s between different people.   Regardless those are three different New York’s that may belong to anyone that lives in Brooklyn Heights.

Also in view at Brooklyn heights is the Brooklyn Bridge to everyone it represents a connection between both Manhattan and Brooklyn. This bridge is used to bridge two different people, even though they are the people in both Brooklyn and Manhattan are still all New Yorkers they are all entirely different people. So in that sense it is not only a bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn but it is also a bridge between different New York’s

In the photo I took captures the juxtaposition between the small quaint buildings in Brooklyn heights compared to the huge towering buildings in Manhattan. You can easily see the differences between the buildings size and design. It also captures the differences between the different skylines of the different New York’s and how some people may have grown up with one thing while others grew up with another. These are all ways people may see New York through their eyes. That will never be the end either, as more new people come into this world at different times they too will experience completely different New York’s compared to the New York we have experienced in our life.

Eng. Project #2 Draft

New York is an ever changing place with many places throughout the city tending to overlap with two different New York’s.  So I went around the surrounding area of City Tech to find one of these Overlapping New York’s, I finally did at Brooklyn Heights. First off I exited the Namm building and turning left down on Jay Street towards Tillary Street. From there I made a left on Tillary until I got to Clinton Street  you know that you’re going the right way because on your left is a small park dedicated to all the Korean war veterans.  I continued to follow Clinton Street until I hit Pierrepont Street. When i arrived at Pierrepont Street I followed it noticing all of the nice buildings and how many of them differ from each other and how much they differ from the buildings I’m used to in Times Square, until I finally arrived at Brooklyn Heights.

The overlapping New York in that area is that you can see the huge differences between the small building in Brooklyn Heights and the huge towering buildings of Manhattan. You can see the difference between them in that all the residential buildings in Brooklyn Heights are made of brick while the huge buildings of Manhattan are made of steel. Also from the side of Brooklyn Heights some people may have different views of both Manhattan and Brooklyn. For example some people from the side of Brooklyn Heights may see Manhattan as the place where they work while others like myself see Manhattan as home. On the other hand people on the side of Manhattan looking at Brooklyn will either see Brooklyn as home or either as a foreign place to those who may have never been too Brooklyn. While I was there I also saw a photograph of the old New York skyline with the twin towers tied to the fence. I thought that it offered a bit of insight into someone else’s New York. For example someone who might have lived in Brooklyn heights before 9/11will remember the skyline before the twin towers fell and therefore make that a part of their own New York while those that came after 9/11 only know what the skyline might look like without the twin towers or with the Freedom tower in the skyline. Regardless those are three different New York’s that may belong to anyone that lives in Brooklyn Heights.

Also in view at Brooklyn heights is the Brooklyn Bridge to everyone it represents a connection between both Manhattan and Brooklyn. This bridge is used to bridge two different people, even though they are the people in both Brooklyn and Manhattan are still all New Yorkers they are all entirely different people. So in that sense it is not only a bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn but it is also a bridge between different New York’s

In the photo I took captures the juxtaposition between the small quaint buildings in Brooklyn heights compared to the huge towering buildings in Manhattan. You can easily see the differences between the buildings size and design. It also captures the differences between the different skylines of the different New York’s and how some people may have grown up with one thing while others grew up with another.

City Limits Summary

The book “The Colossus of New York” written by Colson Whitehead talks about how different people have different views on New York. He also goes on saying how the New York he used to know is no longer there. As time goes on he says that everything will eventually change and the New York people will be used to will be gone. He even gives the best example of this where when he passes Park Avenue and sees the Met life building towering over Grand Central station he will always see it as the Pan am building it used to be. He also explains how textbooks in school and even TV documentaries about New York are lies, because you didn’t witness it. That doesn’t mean that the facts they’re telling you are false but that those facts are not a part of the New York you grew up in. He also talks more about the different perspectives of the people that live in New York. For example at one point in time you used to go to a certain store because it was convenient for you but as years go by the store may close down and a new one may take its place the new people that go to that store may never know of what came before it.

Project #2:Locations

For this Project I chose to go too Brooklyn Heights. Before I left I looked a bit into how to get there using the map app on my phone but otherwise I didn’t use my phone until I got too my location so I could look at all the nice buildings that people get to live in. I got there by exiting the Namm building and turning left down on Jay Street towards Tillary Street. From there I made a left on Tillary until I got to Clinton Street  you know that you’re going the right way because on your left is a small park dedicated to all the Korean war veterans. Keep going on Clinton Street until you hit Pierrepont Street. When i arrived at Pierrepont Street I follow it looking at all the nice buildings and how many of them differ from each other and how much they differ from the buildings I’m used to in Times Square, until I finally arrived at Brooklyn Heights. There you can see the huge differences between the small building in Brooklyn Heights and the huge towering buildings of Manhattan. While I was there I also saw a photograph of the old New York skyline with the twin towers tied to the fence. I thought that it offered a bit of insight into someone else’s New York. It’s also a really nice place where you can just sit and admire the view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the New York skyline.



Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

The stable design took about 25 minutes while the ambiguous design took about 35 minutes.


This phase is related to the last phase in that we use the same designs from the last phase but we have to choose 1 of the best from our 2 ambiguous and 1 from our 2 stable designs. The only difference between them being that they are both made by different means. The phase 2 designs were inked while the phase three designs are made out of black paper. which gives us a different perspective into making these different designs.



  • to enhance or try to enhance the price, value, or status of by organized and usually governmental action
  • to assign value or merit to

Source:  Merriam-Webster

I found this word while reading a part of the Universe Strikes Back by Ellen Lupton. It can be found on the first page of the reading where it says, “Modernism sought a common language built on systems and modularity in contrast, the post-modernists valorized the special idioms and dialects of cultures and subcultures.” To me this shows how the post-modernists gave value to the idioms and dialects of other cultures.

Project #1 Introduction (Final)

My name is Brian Mifsud a Maltese American just to clarify Malta is an island in the Mediterranean. I’m a freshman at Citytech but I recently graduated from La Salle Academy. I’m an overall friendly person especially with people I get familiar with. I enjoy using my imagination to think of things that may make good stories or visuals. On my down time my mind tends to wander as I imagine my favorite characters whether they’re from video games or cartoons, in different situations that no one has seen yet in the hopes that someday I may be able to bring those imaginations to life. I really love learning new things especially when it helps me further my artistic abilities. There is so much I don’t know about animation and graphic design but I’m not about to let that stop me. With that knowledge I hope to be able to create amazing worlds and characters where ever I end up so that I may be able to provide entertainment for others. Mainly because I really want to affect people’s lives with what I’m creating whether it’s making somebody laugh or teaching someone an important lesson I feel that with the things I am learning I can accomplish that.  I have been inspired into becoming an animator after finding a company called rooster teeth where I found great animated shows like RWBY, Red vs Blue, and their newest show X-Ray and Vav.


The avatar I chose to represent myself is the Achievement Hunter name and logo. It consists of green script lettering for the name Achievement Hunter. The logo itself is a circle with a green star in it, in the middle is a small black joystick which to me symbolizes them being gamers.  This picture means a lot to me because I like all the Achievement Hunters am a gamer I also like to consider myself an unofficial achievement hunter because in games I always try to get all the achievements that the creators put in the game. But also because of Achievement Hunter they’re videos have led me to their main site Rooster teeth. Like I said before the site brought me to animated shows like Red vs Blue and now RWBY these shows have inspired me into becoming an animator because they showed me to do what you love in life with shows like RWBY it shows me that when you’re an animator you can let your imagination run wild and create things you would never be able to otherwise so it helps me become inspired an continue doing what I love which is drawing. They have also showed me the wonders of what animators can bring to life and how they can immerse their audiences in the worlds the created and the characters inhabit it.


To others my avatar may be misleading. Most people won’t be able to understand why I have chosen the logo as my avatar. Some may think that I have chosen the picture as my avatar only because I am a fan of Achievement Hunter. Or they may think that I want to work at Achievement Hunter.  But that is only a small part of it. Mainly because to me they have been a huge inspiration to me in terms of what I would like to do with my life after college.

My complete profile will covey that I am very determined and hard working to get what I want. I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. I tend to express myself either through games or drawing mainly because they are both what I am the best at. I will work as hard as I can until I deem something to be complete so that others will be able to watch, admire, and enjoy my work.

ENG 1101 Project #1 Process

As I was writing my essay I knew what I wanted to include in it because I wanted to put in all the things I thought where important about me that others should know. These things would show how I am in and out of class and how I might translate that to when I am working. When it came time to refining the essay I knew I had to include a better description of my avatar because in my draft I did not describe it as well as I should have. Also I have to rearrange some elements to areas where they are actually relevant to that paragraph. I also had to take out a couple of things. I figured out what to take out of my essay by thinking about what is important and relevant to the essay and what is not relevant. My classmate’s feedback contributed heavily on my work process because I listened to what he had to say and I tried to fix the problems that he saw because I also saw those same problems. I actually spent quite a lot of time brainstorming I had to think of all the things that are important about me but then I had to choose the most important parts about 15 minutes. So i had to choose what to leave in and what to take out, which took about 10 minutes. Not to forget writing up the essay itself which took about 30 minutes. Now I will have to add my revisions to my final product. So overall this project will have taken about an hour.