Project #1 (Revised)

     My name is Ayano Morishima, I was born in Japan and moved to the United States. I graduated from the high school, The Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) in the year of 2015. I had no connection in any of the art department other than ceramics though my course of study. I am now nineteen years old and going to New York City Technology to learn more about the arts; to be able to move one step closer to my dream.

      My passions lie in anime, because it’s what I grew up with. When I was little, I used to watch these different types of kids animation that intrigued me into thinking, “It will be awesome if I could create something like that!”. As I grew up, the variety of anime or should I say genre of anime expanded. The expansion made me watch more teen type of anime where the graphics and the action was much more. Because of this experience, I eventually started drawing anime as I practiced off other people’s work which it made me to create my own. I also like anime because it is almost a fantasy that will never come true in life. Sure, there are shows that turned to live actions. However it’s different because of anime, they could create something beyond. Many of my friends insist on me becoming an manga artist, however I refused. There are two reasons, first I cannot draw the same character and second living as a manga artist is a hard in financial terms. First problem can be solved, if I keep working on my drawing skills, however I cannot go through life which takes a lot of time selling manga and receiving money off of it. Instead, I want work as a character designer by hand and digitally. I’m usually aesthetic about my art work, because I get frustrated when final drawing looks horrible than the one I imaged in my head. Where some body parts are bigger or smaller than to others. I am more into modern style of anime drawings, because old characters are drawn in a simple structure. Such as long face and big shiny eyes. I like to draw more complex and detailed characters which most people are more interested.

      Usually I draw most of the time with a single pencil, but I hope I learn how to use various range of pencils. So that I could expand my drawing skills. Recently I am into digital drawing on a tablet. I find digital drawing interesting because there were techniques that I was able to do digitally and not by hand.

However you can check my drawing at: Here (*Do not read the profile, it contains the wrong information.)


      The avatar that I chose was a character from the BGM that I recently found on YouTube. (If interested, the music is from this link: Here) I fell in love with it, because of the catchy lyrics and the awesome beat grabbed my heart instantly. After that started to go to its official website where I encountered with the avatar. Before knowing it, the character itself matches my personality and the features. As I looked closely, his sharp eyes and angry eyebrows shows a powerful and smart mentally. However his one hand is covered over his chest, this action makes the connection that I also have the weak side and doesn’t always acts strong. We both have a same length of hair, however the difference of the avatar is that I don’t have a white hair and my gender is a girl.

      My avatar can mislead people into thinking that I am mean or cold to people, because of the facial expression. Also, the characters that are written in the paper might mislead people that it is in Chinese characters rather than Japanese. Many people say that they are the same, however they are not. In history that these characters came from China. However, when it came across to Japan those characters changed a little to a simple character which people could understand more. In addition where the characters looks more girl like than the guy. In addition, people may say that I like to draw chibi’s meaning characters that has big head and little bodies. I picked the avatar, because it is adorable and fits my personality. However when I draw, I prefer to draw more of a regular characters.

      My profile conveys that I am a hard worker, and an amazing person who has a passion for anime. My imagination can go beyond the world, and always have a creative story that I can just make a book about it. Hoping that my creative imagination will become real in animation and my creativity would be acknowledge. This profile matters to me because this is who I am and always will be. After 10 or 20 years, I would still be interested in anime and have a creative mindset. If I changed, it will most likely be that I’ve become a boring person who only thinks about reality. Its good to have a time to be in your own world.

ENG 1101 Project #2 Process

When we discussed about the word, “juxtaposition” during our class time, I was not sure what that word meant and I was kind of in between of what I was suppose to do for this project. I had few ideas on that we have to explain, but mostly I was thinking about “How am I going to explain about the walk I done around Brooklyn neighborhood.?” After searching up the word, it made sense to me on what I must do for the project. Mostly, the brainstorming part for the project helped me what I needed to include. It also made me able to refined my work as I kept reading the sentence over and over, until it made sense to the reader and if I missed any part of the element that I needed. I determined what to eliminate, when words were unnecessary to the topic that we are discussing in the project. Some of the sentence were weaker than the others, so I carefully eliminated if it was unnecessary or not. My classmates’s feedback was the most helpful things that I received. Since some of the part from the project that needed to be fix, was only visible to the other readers. I spend on brainstorming ideas about an half an hour, thinking about what kind of overlaps that I wanted to explain to the reader and also looking at the pictures that I took from the walk I done with my peers. Other than that, outlining took be about thirty to forty-five minutes, and the drafting was about three hours, and forty-five minutes on revising. So in total, the amount of time I spend of writing this whole project was about five hours.

Project #2 (Final)

     Have you ever been to any other borough other than Manhattan? Many of us are afraid to take a step forward to the unknown place that we have never set our foot on. What if there is an opportunity opened up before our eyes? Would you take a chance to discover something you haven’t encountered? People see unusual things such as an expensive store like Swarovski jewelry store next to an Off Price Fashion Outlet, which is a store you can get cheap clothes. Although, Manhattan consumers know areas to get specific cheap and expensive items, Brooklyn consumers get the overlap of the contrasting elements.

      Brooklyn is one of the five boughs that represents New York City. It combines with many mixed society that expresses equality toward the people and their culture. In Brooklyn, there are many stores that have different backgrounds which is nothing like what we see in other boroughs of New York, includes Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, or Staten Island. Stores in Brooklyn is where different boroughs are collided together, meaning stores from Manhattan can be found in Brooklyn next to stores from Bronx. It makes a whole new mixed borough that does not identify difference in people nor their social class and culture. Most of the stores are differentiated by cheap and expensive, the element of juxtaposition of the costs where stores contrasts each other. There are many stores on Fulton Street that has an example that shows the juxtaposition of cheap and expensive stores. The article, “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead, states that “You start building your own New York the first time you lay eyes on it” and it is indeed true. Colson explains how every person who lives or visits New York gets a different thoughts on the city. Since every person’s perspectives are different, it changes the point of view on the city; Noticing the overlaps around the different boroughs when they visit. One of the example is, there is a Off Price Fashion Outlet, where you can get cheap clothes next to an expensive Swarovski jewelry store. This weird combination of stores next to each other makes this borough unique. Another example of juxtaposition where time overlaps is; there was a T-mobile store in Fulton Street, however within a few days the store was already empty and the sign were gone. This kind of phenomenon happens where your memory thinks that “It was just there a few days ago” this is something that we don’t see everyday, other than Brooklyn.

      On the other hand, Manhattan is an interesting that is most known for the reputation of New York City. Times Square, which is in Manhattan is a very famous place that everyone knows about it, if you are currently living in New York City or if you hear the city’s name. This place intrigues people by the lights of the Broadway shows, TKTS known as ticket booth, Empire State Building, Central Park, the ball drop on New Years and it is called the place where beginning of fashion started. Instead of having stores mixed like in Brooklyn, Manhattan is divided into two parts that shows the example of juxtaposition. Manhattan is divided into West and East sides, they are different in which people believe that expensive stores are located in the east side and cheap stores are located in the west side where more people can afford. This statement may not be true, many people know when they reach to a certain areas that they come across are different. Example of juxtapositions between cheap and expensive stores in Manhattan is a lot similar in Brooklyn, however same stores in costs are located in the same areas.

      Comparing the borough between Brooklyn and Manhattan, it is shown that Brooklyn borough are more mixed in society. There is no difference in social class with the store management where everything have to be the same. Each store are different but in the same location. Because of these stores are arranged, it focuses on the client-tell feel more comfortable walking the place they are familiar. Brooklyn makes the people feel welcome and to show that there is no difference in their background stories. An example is Swarovski, an expensive jewelry store that is usually found in mid-town Manhattan. However, was found in Brooklyn where the store was next to an Off Price Fashion Outlet store, where you can get cheap clothes. This historic symbol of an swan and its name itself represents their example of elegance and beauty, it also makes the store to stands out what is around it. From the article “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead, states that “… started to wonder why some sidewalks sparkle at certain angles, and others don’t”, Colson clearly conveys how people do “wonder” about the difference of cheap and expensive stores in juxtaposition. These example shows the different juxtaposition of overlapping costs in cheap and expensive.

      When there is a opportunity opened up, take the chance where they show the different part of city that you have not seen before. Manhattan can be a place that is intriguing, because of the Broadway shows, TKTS known as ticket booth, Empire State Building, Central Park, the ball drop on New Years and it is called the place where beginning of fashion started. However, Brooklyn represent something more and unique that shows other people from the borough to understand their difference that are congenial to them. Places like Brooklyn, it makes you think that you just teleported to a different part of New York City, by only taking a few steps.

Value-Added Portrait: Phase 1

These are my two pictures that I took, where one on the left is High Key and the right is Low Key. The one on the left is High Key, because the more of the white and gray tone of the stair case stands out. On the other hand, the right side of the image contains more value in Low Key, which it contains more black shadings. Most of the figures of people or an objects turns out to be more of the Low Key.

High Key
High Key
Low Key
Low Key



Complaining in an annoyed way

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word from our reading experts, “Brooklyn was Mine” by Jennifer Egan. This word was mention when Regan explained about Lucy’s personality towards her husband. Most of her personality toward her husband is about love. It is obvious that it is going to be about love, because he went to help out the war and they are separated since than. However, in this particular section, Regan mentioned how Lucy was showing her affection of love differently, in more of an annoying way.

Mitigate (Week 10/11~17)

To make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word from our reading experts, “Brooklyn was Mine” by Jennifer Egan. This word was used when Lucy mentioned in her letter where she often get a sore feet from her job. She solved her problem where she used rubber-sole shoes to lessen the pain from her feet. This word, “Mitigate” sounds like it is used in medical terms. Because of the “Miti” close to the word, “Mini” indicating making the pain “smaller” and the rest of the word, “-gate” converts to converting into something. Which in this case it converts pain less.

Project #2 (Draft 2)

Have you ever been to any other borough other than Manhattan? Many of us are afraid to take a step forward to the unknown place that we have never set our foot on. What if there is an opportunity opened up before our eyes? Would you take a chance to discover something you haven’t encountered? People see unusual things such as an expensive store like Swarovski jewelry store next to an Off Price Fashion Outlet, which is a store you can get cheap clothes. Although, Manhattan consumers know areas to get specific cheap and expensive items, Brooklyn consumers get the overlap of the contrasting elements.

Brooklyn is one of the five boughs that represents New York City. It combines with many mixed society that expresses equality toward the people and their culture. In Brooklyn, there are many stores that have different backgrounds which is nothing like what we see in other boroughs of New York, includes Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, or Staten Island. Stores in Brooklyn is where different boroughs are collided together, meaning stores from Manhattan can be found in Brooklyn next to stores from Bronx. It makes a whole new mixed borough that does not identify difference in people nor their social class and culture. Most of the stores are differentiated by cheap and expensive, the element of juxtaposition of the costs where stores contrasts each other. There are many stores on Fulton Street that has an example that shows the juxtaposition of cheap and expensive stores. One of the example is, there is a Off Price Fashion Outlet, where you can get cheap clothes next to an expensive Swarovski jewelry store. This weird combination of stores next to each other makes this borough unique. Another example of juxtaposition where time overlaps is; there was a T-mobile store in Fulton Street, however within a few days the store was already empty and the sign were gone. This kind of phenomenon happens where your memory thinks that “It was just there a few days ago” this is something that we don’t see everyday, other than Brooklyn.

On the other hand, Manhattan is an interesting that is most known for the reputation of New York City. Times Square, which is in Manhattan is a very famous place that everyone knows about it, if you are currently living in New York City or if you hear the city’s name. This place intrigues people by the lights of the Broadway shows, TKTS known as ticket booth, Empire State Building, Central Park, the ball drop on New Years and it is called the place where beginning of fashion started. Instead of having stores mixed like in Brooklyn, Manhattan is divided into two parts that shows the example of juxtaposition. Manhattan is divided into West and East sides, they are different in which people believe that expensive stores are located in the east side and cheap stores are located in the west side where more people can afford. This statement may not be true, many people know when they reach to a certain areas that they come across are different. Example of juxtapositions between cheap and expensive stores in Manhattan is a lot similar in Brooklyn, however same stores in costs are located in the same areas.

Comparing the borough between Brooklyn and Manhattan, it is shown that Brooklyn borough are more mixed in society. There is no difference in social class with the store management where everything have to be the same. Each store are different but in the same location. Because of these stores are arranged, it focuses on the client-tell feel more comfortable walking the place they are familiar. Brooklyn makes the people feel welcome and to show that there is no difference in their background stories. An example is Swarovski, an expensive jewelry store that is usually found in mid-town Manhattan. However, was found in Brooklyn where the store was next to an Off Price Fashion Outlet store, where you can get cheap clothes. This historic symbol of an swan and its name itself represents their example of elegance and beauty, it also makes the store to stands out what is around it. This example shows the different juxtaposition of overlapping costs in cheap and expensive stores.

When there is a opportunity opened up, take the chance where they show the different part of city that you have not seen before. Manhattan can be a place that is intriguing, because of the Broadway shows, TKTS known as ticket booth, Empire State Building, Central Park, the ball drop on New Years and it is called the place where beginning of fashion started. However, Brooklyn represent something more and unique that shows other people from the borough to understand their difference that are congenial to them. Places like Brooklyn, it makes you think that you just teleported to a different part of New York City, by only taking a few steps.

Sound Visualization: Phase 3 & 4

Here is my project for animation. I used two songs that I listen to, Empire by Shakira and Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez. It look me about 2 hours to complete the actual animation and plus 10 minutes in adding sound track.

*Something is wrong with Animatron, progress in fixing.

My Animation : Here