Project #2: Draft

Have you ever been to any of the other borough other than Manhattan? Many of us are afraid to take a step forward to the unknown place that they have never set their foot before. What if there is an opportunity opened up before your eyes? Would you take a chance to discover something you haven’t encountered? There is an opportunity to discover more parts of the New York City, thanks to the City Technology College it made the student more motivated to discover something they haven’t yet in their life. One of the class, ENG1101 was assigned to work on this project that includes on walking from the college to any place around the neighborhood. Brooklyn is a great example of borough that shows the difference in social system and the overlapping such juxtapositions that includes old and new.

Brooklyn, the home of City Tech are combines with many mixed society that expresses equality toward the people and their culture. Brooklyn is nothing like what we see in Manhattan, Queens, or Bronx. Brooklyn is a place where all the borough are collided together. Making a whole new mixed city that does not identify difference in people nor their social class and culture. Some of the stores are old and new, the element of juxtaposition of the time where stores contrasts each other. One of the example is, there is a Off Price Fashion Outlet next to an expensive Swarovski jewelry store. This weird combination of stores next to each other makes this borough unique. Many stores on Fulton Street has something similar like this as an example. Another example of juxtaposition where time overlaps is; there was an T-mobile store in Fulton Street, however within few days the store was already empty and the sign were gone. This kind of phenomenon happens where your memory thinks that “It was just there few days ago” this is something that we don’t see it everyday, other than Brooklyn.

On the other hand, Manhattan is an interesting place where the place represents the tittle of New York City. Times Square, it is an very famous place where everyone knows about it, if you are currently living in New York City or if you hear its city name. The place is intrigues people by its lights of the Broadway show, TKTS, Sephora, Starbucks, the ball drop on New Years and it is called the place where beginning of fashion started. An example of juxtaposition where time overlaps is how the ruby-red stair case, TKTS was not there before 2006 where it began building. The moment where someone says “was this here before?” after nine years of living in the same city for so long, is not a big surprise. Other than the ruby-red stair case that everyone knows about, there was once a tower that was built as twins but as one. The name itself makes everyone become silent, because of what happened in two-thousand one, September, Eleven. This juxtaposition of irreplaceable memories and the historic event makes everyone become as one. It is something that unforgettable and unresistant to look away from the fact that it happened.

Comparing the borough between Brooklyn and Manhattan, it is shown that Brooklyn borough are more mixed in society. There is no difference in social class with the store management where everything have to be the same. Each store are different but in the same location. Because of these stores are arranged, it makes people “The buyers” feel more comfortable walking the place they are familiar. Many people are from different cultural background were seen in the borough, it is different than Manhattan where cars and performers are too noisy for county or upstate people. Brooklyn makes the people feel welcome and to show that there is no difference in their background stories. An example is Swarovski, an expensive jewelry store that is usually found in mid-town Manhattan. However, was found in Brooklyn where the store was next to an Off Price Fashion Outlet store. This historic symbol of an swan and its name itself represents their example of elegance and beauty, it also makes the store to stands out what is around it. This example shows the different juxtaposition of overlapping time and its historic figure of how Brooklyn is a borough that is special than other places.

To conclude, Brooklyn is a great example of borough that shows the difference in social system and the overlapping such juxtapositions that includes old and new. When there is a opportunity opened up, take the chance where they show the different part of city that you have not seen before. Thanks to the City Technology College it made the student more motivated to discover something they haven’t yet in their life. One of the class, ENG1101 was able to work on this project that includes on walking from the college to any place around the neighborhood. Manhattan can be a place that is intriguing, because of the Broadway show, TKTS, Sephora, Starbucks, the ball drop on New Years and it is called the place where beginning of fashion started. However, Brooklyn represent something more and unique that shows other people from the borough like us to understand their difference that are congenial to them. Places like Brooklyn, it makes you think that you just teleported to a different part of New York City, by only taking a few steps.

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