
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 9 of 23)

Successful Relationship

-serves minimum two people

-compassion (1 gallon)

-communication (1 cup)

-understanding (1 1/2 cup)

-Trust (1 gallon)

Always be yourself and love yourself first before loving another

You need to be able to always communicate with one another

Be understanding towards each other

Build trust

Be a good friend

listening skills


Rhyan Oliver

Almost asleep when my phone ticked,
A notification.

Should I check or get my sleep, I know I will regret it in the morning.

I took a peek to see what it is, of course Instagram

Unlock my phone to see the message.

A funny video that made me cry,

I can’t stop laughing I had to watch it twice.

Scrolling through Instagram

Knowing I’ll regret it but, how can I sleep when I’m this happy.

Pick and Strum

Pick and strum, pick and strum
What a warm and delighting sound
When I am serenading to myself that I have found
It is the very sound that brings me from insanity to sanity

Pick and strum, pick and strum
I awake from repose
On a rare day where I don’t need to worry about life’s tasks
I still overthink, I still stress
“Why is this happening?” I ask
It is my mind getting the best of me, I guess

Pick and strum, pick and strum
I walk to my guitar case, a beginner’s guitar case
I bring it to my room
Unzipping it, a feeling of excitement rushes through me
I see a sunset, orangey colored fading into black guitar
I am ready

Pick and strum, pick and strum
I don’t abide in a perfect world, so I have to tune this baby
Once it’s tuned, using a 1/4 inch cable I connect to my VOX amplifier
Everything fades, my worries and stresses
It’s just Tele and I

The violin

Chloe white

  1. 1121 -D439

Genre: poem

You are made of wood

You are light as a feather

You are beautiful

When you play together with your partner

You sound magnificent.

Your partner is long and sturdy

And has lots of horse hair

And before you guys begin your melody

You must be tuned while your partner must be loosened,

You guys were meant for eachother

You guys work well together

Your partner the bow and yourself,

The violin.

Drawing Dream (Realistic Fiction Genre)

I was tired one day so I did what tired people do.  So I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. As my mind wondered  I thought of all the things that I didn’t have. So I decided to start drawing everything that I didn’t have but wanted. The first thing I drew way a mansion, go kart track in the back yard , my own chef ,and even a indoor basketball court. I came to realize that my  drawing where coming to life snd so the next thing I knew was that the was  living in this house that I drew. And when I realized what I could so I start drawing even more things money, fast and luxurious cars, clothes, even a helicopter, and my own business. So things were looking good because I living like a billionaire. One day driving to work in one of my amazing cars a truck hits me head on and jump screaming from my bed.

My Autobiography As an Illustrator

Yuxin Yang or Lily was an American Illustrator who was born January 30, 1999, in China, Fuzhou and move to US, New York after finishing third grade. I was educated in New York City College of  Technology from Fall 2017 to Spring 2019. I was accepted and decided to transfer to the Fashion Institute of Technology in Fall 2019 for the Illustration program. Some of the unique qualities I have developed to become a productive artist is to have imagination, creativity and assiduous. I evolved as an artist over the years by practice, accumulate experience, rich imagination and broaden horizons. Art is not only in painting but also in architecture, music, dance, and culture. Travel is a good opportunity to learn from different cultures. So I have at least one international travel a month. I visited France last summer and let me have a deeper understanding of art in Louvre. And I plan to visit different countries and learn about their culture and arts. People, experiences and other sources that continue to inspire me to be creative is to look at different people’s or students artwork and gain experience from a different professional teacher. I have the skills of using Adobe CC Software, such as Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop,  and some basic hand coding skill (HTML, CSS) for web design. My personal Interests is to do digital drawing, illustrating, watercoloring, during the break I like to traveling, keeping pets, Raising plants.

I have been very fond of drawing since I was a child, but I have never known what I really want to do. There are too many careers related to drawing but I have never been able to find a profession I like to develop. Like everyone, there are changes to the goals that I’m looking for at different stages. When I was in elementary school to junior high school, I only knew that I really like drawing. I didn’t know the profession about painting except for art teachers and artist. So I wanted to be an art teacher or open a painting exhibition. After I was in high school, I’m pretty sure I want to be a designer, but whenever someone asks me what type of designer I want to be, I don’t know how to answer, and I always answered them awkwardly, I haven’t thought about it yet, although I have always thought about this question many times, I think I will study in graphic design major, but I don’t know much about this major and I don’t know if this major is right for me, this problem has been bothering until I went to college. Before going to college, many of my talented friends gave up their design majors. Some even changed their majors after they had studied design because they and their parents felt that designer profession competition was too strong and they couldn’t make much money. But I think that compared to a career that I don’t like, I want to turn my favorite things into my profession. I felt like this kind of life are complete, and I won’t regret it. When I was in my second year of college, I had a friend who also studies communication design, she talked about the illustration major with me, after listening to it, I was a little bit interested. After that, I queried more about the illustration online, but this is not enough, and I want to know more about this major and learn it, so I want to transfer to Fashion Institute of Technology and learn more about illustration.

Internal Revision by Donald Murray

In the past decade the writing process was defined as three steps. 1) Prewriting 2) writing 3) rewriting but Murray change these three words to be 1) prevision 2) vision 3) revision.

Discovery meant to be inventive and have high imagination in writing, while Ignorance means almost the opposite meaning of Discovery

The process that Murray is talking about is the way in which we view the world, how we feel about it and how we convey that through language.  We also invent the world through our perception of it. While the product is a traditional approach, in which students are encouraged to mimic a model text.

Internal revision is everything writers do to discover and develop what they have to say, beginning with the reading of a completed first draft.  They read to discover where their content, form, language, and voice have led them
The audience is one person

External revision is what writers do to communicate what they have found to another audience
They eye their audience and may choose to appeal to it.  They read as an outsider.

Internal Revision: Donald Murray

  1. Murray defined writing as a process using language to discover a meaning in experience and to communicate it, also he  defined writing as a rewriting process. Murray explained that today many writers are getting away with “one-word drafts” and how they are no longer revising and revising their work. He referred to the needed of the three processes (prevision, vision and revision) of writing.
  1. Discover: to write in order to understand as much as you be understood. Discover is like a vision discovery draft. By completing this vision of what may be said, the writer stakes out of a territory to explore. Murray states that exploration begins with a prevision, next is the vision and finally revision which is ourselves going over our work and editing or altering till we feel it is complete. Ignorance: what writers feel about what they write. They often feel embarrassed and think others will not like what they wrote about. 
  1. Process is when writers used their best capabilities to generate ideas for done their first draft of writing. Product is when writers using what they have done on their process and work on it to product a pure writing or as a final draft. 
  1. Internal Revision is to review all work that a writer have done on first draft and figure out or edit ideas or. External Revision is when a writer proofreading his writing and read it as audience in order to understand how the ideas will be shown to the audiences when they read.
  1. Murray means by the “content”, “form and structure”, “language” is that any writer has to have a meaning, or goal for his/her writing to deliver it to the audience in a complete and understood format.

Comment Section ‘ Recipe for Basic Sculpture”



I Followed Steven’s recipe for sculpture to like.. the EXACT detail. I found a picture of this dog i thought it was cute, so i decided to follow his instructions. It came out NOTHING like it was supposed to. The instructions were not exact, and i think certain parts need clarification. I’m only giving it one star because my girlfriend could tell it was a dog by looking at it. Save your time, look elsewhere for this info.

posted 5 seconds ago.


Faisal Rahman

English 1121- E106

Ten genres that I encounter in everyday life:

1.Texting 2.Novel 3.Online news articles 4.Non-fiction books (astronomy) 5.Online ads( YouTube, Facebook, and ads during browsing the internet in general) 6.Music: alternative rock 7.(TV shows: comedy, 8. Action) 9. Google maps 10. YouTube

I like watching YouTube videos the most and as a matter of fact that’s what I do for a big chunk of my free time. I watch a lot of “how to”, science, and funny videos in YouTube. It helps me to unplug myself from the  hassle of everyday life and gives me some motivation to carry on through the day. The audience for the science videos, mostly space science or astronomy, are people  who are passionate about space. These people can be very young, who just happen to have an interest in the topic, or people like me who are in college, and have developed a likeness for the subject as they grew older. The language and style in these videos are not formal and the reason being is that the video makers want to keep their audience engaged and not feel bored.

I think genres are different categories of information or types of communication. It helps us to find the type of information that we want since they are categorized.





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