
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 21 of 23)

Shitty First Drafts & Navigating Genres

Normally I write one draft. I write down all thoughts and everything I know or heard about the topic, then I read it again, replacing parts, write more in some parts, edit it. I wasn’t surprised about the title, it sounded to me obvious, so I kind of knew what it would be about. I don’t think my writing of drafts will change a lot, because I feel like suffering every time I have to re-write it or change it, it takes concentration and patience which I don’t really have unfortunately.

I used to use Facebook a lot and post and share lots of my feelings, thoughts and private events of my life. But I stopped doing so because I realized one day that it is read only by my friends and family members, there are people who I don’t want to see my posts and my life and they are somehow hack them and everything become public. Also, I agree with one saying: “happiness loves silence” – meaning if you are happy and you don’t want your happiness to be ruined – keep your life private. There are plenty of people who are jealous and who would just want you to lose everything you cherish.

I don’t think someone older than me feels less comfortable using Facebook. It all depends on how well you’re aware of the content and programs. There are people who deal with social media and computers in general every day and do it better than some young people due to their experience in working with them. For instance, my grandmother knows computer programs for artists and designers very well because it was required for her to know and her job was tightly connected to them, while I don’t have almost any knowledge of them because I was never taught them. She also uses Facebook and feels pretty comfortable in navigating there, but she doesn’t really post much, because it takes time for her to type.

“‘I Am Under 18’ Button Clicked For First Time In History Of Internet”

I usually care more about how to make my text more coherent and looks not like separated thoughts. This is the hardest part for me. I don’t like rules, structures and restrictions and don’t think that the writing as a kind of art can me put in this restrictions, rules and structures, it has to be the way you express it, you feel it, it is as unique as fingerprints.

Shitty First Drafts

I don’t really have a set amount of drafts that I write. Usually I do 2-3 drafts, but it depends on whether I’m submitting it for a grade or not. When I write personal pieces I leave them as drafts to retain a more accurate self portrait of my mind. With actual assignments I usually have 3 drafts, just like Lamott. Her title and writing felt very relatable, because it always frustrated me when my first drafts would always end up being heavily revised despite the amount of time and effort I’d put in. Lately though, I’ve started loving my shitty first drafts. They’re fun to write and definitely don’t cramp my style.

“Navigating Genres”

In this article by Kerry Dirk he writes about how genre is nothing more than a specific category,  each genre is specific to see which way you should go when writing. When it comes to write in social media, such as Facebook, as it mention on the article I keep in my who is my audience, who I’m a speaking to. I try to keep it short so is better to receive. For my mother it will be very difficult so write anything on Facebook,she doesn’t know how to navigate the web, so without help it will b very difficult. I will always keep in mind the kind of genre which I’m writing for, and keep in mind that if I’m clear and short sometimes people in social media understand better.

“Shitty First Drafts”

I begin my process with my first draft, since I need to start somewhere  I put anything that crosses my mind.  I have learn in this class to just use words  which are really some scribbled notes. I try to focus on the subject and genre  and just keep writing.

”Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. This is why I am not surprised about the tittle of this article. I learn to quite the voices on my head and write anything that I think of.




Two readings responses:



Responses for “Navigating Genres”


  1. Facebook posts are based on the writer’s will, unaffected by any limiting factors that would restrict writing in another genre.  Therefore, the writers can post anything they wish to express freely. I feel much more comfortable than old people because some old people are worried more than ever about privacy. For example, some old people don’t like to post their birth date in public. Sometimes they use  emojis in a strange way.
  2. My favorite title is “Commas, Turning Up, Everywhere”. I’m curious about it. Before I start writing I have to keep the rules in mind. I learned the rules about the writing of summary and analysis last semester. The most difficult particular genre in this semester so far is the writing without ascending letters.


Responses for “Shitty First Drafts”


  1. Normally I make two drafts in a writing: the first draft and the final draft. The first draft is just everything about the topic that popped into my brain according to the outline, then I fix and edit the first draft to a complete final draft.
  2. I’m not particularly surprised by the chapter’s title because I always have a “shitty first draft” too. I think if I make an outline in advance before starting the first draft, then I don’t need to make changes to the way I write. 

Navigating Genres

As stated in the previous article “Navigating Genres” by Dirk, that Facebook posts as kind of genre, I personally used to post and write comments or texts a lot on that site and that was before six years ago as I remember. However I rarely write on Facebook these days. That is due to the change and evolution of Facebook to a platform used by most of the world’s population and interact with it in a new way every day which made Facebook an official thing between people. I used to be active and write on Facebook when I wasn’t worried about if someone will read my comments or posts because it wasn’t something official for me.
Perhaps age may be a cause of differing opinions and therefore writing anything on Facebook may not mean anything to the attention of people who are at a different age from the writer. But age is not always the only reason. Culture and education could be important in differing opinions. Sometimes writing from a person at small age would be like writing of a person at old age and vice versa.

My favorite title is “Study: Alligators Dangerous No Matter How Drunk You Are”

What I always care about during writing is how to make what I write is something effective to the readers and how to keep them engaged with what I’m writing.

Shitty First Drafts

When I write, I usually do write one draft. That first draft will be written on a piece of papier and to review it I typed it on my laptop. While I type the first draft, I notice how many things need to be fixed and clear. What I need to change is to write more than one draft before typing.

Navigating Genres

Facebook is a huge asset in our world today. It can be used to play games, interact with family, friends, and even express your feelings for your friends to see. I personally don’t use Facebook to post about how I feel or even post at all. The reason behind that is because Facebook public. Anything that you post can be seen by anyone. It can’t be trusted, you don’t know what type of people can be creeping around looking at your information or what type of information you post. Also Facebook can cause a lot of trouble to teenagers. Believe it or not Facebook is actually a huge part of the chaos teens go through today. There are a lot of cyber bullies that say and do things that can actually hurt someone to the point where they might want to hurt themselves or the cyber bully. Older people like my parents don’t really have to worry about posting on Facebook. The reason is because unlike most teens, older people worry about who’s adding them on Facebook. Older people only add people that they know, but the youth usually adds anyone just so they can have more friends and more likes. Also older people know not to post their life in social media. In comparison, teenagers have the tendency to post pictures or statuses that are not appropriate for social media. The genre I struggle the most with has to be poetry. I have a problem with no being able to connect the right words when writing a poem.

Shitty First Drafts

When I start writing I think a lot of things together. First, I like to write down some points so that I can use them for some sentences. Then I fix those sentences for the title. It helps me to write about the title that makes sense to others and make it more interesting. After that, I go back to my paragraph and start organizing everything.

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