My Glossary Entries


Simultaneous Contrast

These glossary entries really helped a lot. By having to define the words and also explain the meaning of them helped me to get a better understanding of them more. If it wasn’t for these guidelines I would have just looked up the word and not think about it as much as I should have. Also by having my classmates post their entries benefited me a lot. When I go through the Ways Of Seeing site, I see the vocabulary my classmates post from readings. And when I go to read the readings, the words I don’t understand are already defined and explained thanks to my classmates.



A small sample of fabric intended to demonstrate the look of a larger piece.

Source – Google Definitions

I encountered this word while reading the guidelines for project #6 for COMD1100. “The finished inventory should include an image of the color reference and a series of proportionally sized color swatches.”

Now I know what that sentence was saying, I need to include an image of the fabric that I will be inventorying as references for its color.

[Glossay Entry #15]



To face or turn to the east

Source – Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word while reading the guidelines for project #6 for COMD1100. “Clearly orientate the viewer. Make sure the viewer understands how to navigate the cover”

Now I know what that sentence was saying, I have to make the cover so that viewers would want to look at it and clearly understand it.

[Glossay Entry #14]



A complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building

Source – Google Definitions

I encountered this word while reading the guidelines for project #6 for COMD1100. “Here are few examples of proportional inventories created from color references”

Now I know what that sentence was saying, it’s a list of properties from color references.

[Glossay Entry #13]

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 4

Color Interaction Parings
Color Interaction Parings (Right: Romie/Left: Ayano)

For this project, I had to use my knowledge of color interaction, where the color are the same but the background color tricks our eyes to see differently. Also, because of how one is more d saturated, and other are much more muted color. Making the logo stand pop out or sinks it in. The hardest thing to do for this project was where we have to come up with a logo. We had trouble at first, however we decided on using abstract piece. (Explained in Phase 3) Took me about four hours and forty minutes in total, with sketching and everything.



not planned or chosen for a particular reason : not based on reason or evidence

(Merriam Webster)

I came across this word while looking throught the article “Why collaborate?”when it starts talking about being forced into teams that have no particular reason in the name of social correctness.



general agreement

group solidarity in sentiment and belief

(Merriam Webster)

I found this word while reading the article “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?” where they talked about using algorithms to come to a consensus about what is the best route to take.