Color Harmony: Phase 3

Color Inventory
Humument Cover
Humument Cover






I chose this piece (CONCEPT ART, SYNDROME’S LAIR, THE INCREDIBLES, 2004) created by Lou Romano and Pixar Animation Studios because I thought the color scheme fit with the theme of my humument. The theme of my humument is calmness, lighthearted, and heartwarming. Overall it took about 30 minutes to do.




anger caused by something that is unfair or wrong

(Source: Merriam-Webster)

I came across this word in The Boston’s Photograph by Nora Ephron. It is found in the sentence, “In this case, of course, the objections were all dressed up and cleverly disguised as righteous indignation about the privacy of death.” I think what this sentence is saying is that the objections were just hidden as anger about the privacy of death.

Color Harmony Palettes

analogouspalette  split-complementarypalette

For this lab, the class had to complete two color harmony palettes; an analogous palette and a split-complementary palette. For analogous, I had to choose three colors that were adjacent from each other on the color wheel and add it to the three interlocking forms. I added one color to tint, two colors for two-colors, and one for shade. For split-complementary, I did the same thing except for the colors. I chose one color and two other colors that were either side of its complements on the color wheel.

Color Interaction Pairings: Phase 3

color interaction

I found this project really fun to do. For project #5, the class had to pair up with someone and think of a color that represents their personality. For my partner, I chose a teal color. I chose this because it has a mix of blue and green. For blue, my partner is calm and creative. For green, it’s for his liking in nature. After we chose the colors, we had to choose a shared color that matched both our personalities. The color that we both agreed on was turquoise because we are both calm. We also had to make a logo that represented our partner. I chose a tree because of my partner’s liking in nature. This project took around 3 to 4 hours to complete.




having a cheap and ugly appearance

morally low or bad

(source: Merriam-Webster)

This word was used in The Boston Photographs by Nora Ephron. The word is found in the sentence,”A tawdry way to sell newspapers.” From the sentences previous from this one, it was talking about what photographs were used/put in the newspaper. Using the certain photographs in the newspaper was a low/bad way to sell newspapers.

Saturation Studies: Phase 3

spicy pop

For this saturation study, I worked with Brandy and TK. In this project, we had to create a band poster using a name that is a cross-sensory word or phrase. We were given three cards; a color card, a composition card, and a concept card. For, color card, we were given was warm color. For the composition card, we chose to do taste and sound. We came up with the name “Spicy Pop” by making a list that were taste and sound. We played around with the words until we came up with Spicy Pop and were satisfied with it. Since we were given warm color, we chose to do red. We used prismatic, chromatic, and muted. Overall it took about 3 hours to complete this project.


Project 3: Revised Pitch

Everyday when we’re off to our destination, we are always taking the same route either on the train, bus, or driving, and seeing the same thing. When traveling, we never really take our time to pay attention or take in what’s around us. We’re use to seeing the same things around us that most of us don’t pay attention to the nature, it’s beauty, and the environment. With the app of  “Walk n’ Nature”, you’ll be able to walk to your destination while also being able to see the nature around you.


One place that will be introduced in the walk will be Columbus Park on Court Street. Starting from the Namm building of City Tech on 300 Jay Street, go south on Jay Street and go towards Johnson Street/Tech Plaza. Turn right onto there, then turn left onto Adam Street/Brooklyn Bridge Boulevard. Turn right towards Adam Street/Brooklyn Bridge Boulevard and then turn another right onto Adam St/Brooklyn Bridge Blvd. Turn left onto Johnson Street, then turn left at Cadman Plaza E, then walk down a little more and you’re at Columbus Park. When you arrive there, you’ll also be able to sit and relax and take in the nature that surrounds you. You’ll see mostly trees and see that it makes a pathway. You’ll also see a fountain that is surrounded with plants. Not only that, but you might also be able to see a farmers’ market. This park gives you the sense of openness and space.  


Exiting from Columbus Park, you can head down to Cadman Plaza Park which is only eight minutes away. When exiting, head east, then turn left on Cadman Plaza East. Turn left onto Tillary Street, then turn right, take a left turn, and then take another right. From where you are, the park should be on the right. When you are in Cadman Plaza Park, you are surrounded with nature. Depending on the season, you might get a different feeling of the park. If you go in the summer and spring time, you’ll see all the trees filled with green leaves and see the different type and colors of flowers that are bloomed. If you go in the fall and winter time, you’ll see that the leaves have changed color and it’s all falling. In some parts of the park, you might feel an eerie sense. From all the trees that are in the park, it’s like a small forest. The walkway in the park also makes it feel like a forest. There are benches in the park where you can relax. There is also a small grass area/field where you can play any outdoor activities. Since dogs are allowed in this park, you might see people with their dog. Another park that is kind of similar to this is Walt Whitman Park. Just head north on Cadman Plaza East, turn left, turn right, turn left, and turn left again. The park should be on the left. This park also has a path where you can walk through, benches where you can sit and this park has game tables.


The next location that will be introduced is Brooklyn Heights Promenade. The walk here would only take around eleven minutes. From Cadman Plaza Park, head north and make a right turn towards Cadman Plaza E. Turn left towards Cadman Plaza E and make a left onto Cadman Plaza E. Turn left again onto Prospect Street, then turn right onto Old Fulton Street. Turn left to stay on Old Fulton Street and continue to stay onto Furman Street. Turn right and then just turn slightly left. The Brooklyn Heights Promenade is a long platform and a pedestrian walkway. Here you would be able to see Lower Manhattan’s skyline from across. You’ll also be able to see the New York Harbor, Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty from afar. You can sit and watch the view of the river and see some helicopters fly by. The feeling you get from this place is calm and peaceful. You’ll be able to walk on your own pace and see the views around you.


With “Walk n’ Nature” you’ll be able to go to your destination while also getting to be able to see and pass through nature. This app provides you with either choice of a short distance or long distance from your destination. This app will also tell you a little bit of information about the place. You’ll be able to see nature, it’s beauty and the environment around it.

Project #3 – The Route

Everyday when we’re off to our destination, we are always taking the same route either on the train, bus, or driving, hoping to get there on time. But when traveling, we never really take our time to pay attention or take in what’s around us. We’re use to seeing buildings around us and most of us don’t pay attention to the nature and it’s beauty. With the app of  “Walk n’ Nature”, you’ll be able to walk to your destination while also being able to see the nature around you.

One place that will be introduced in the walk will be Columbus Park on Court Street. Starting from the Namm building of City Tech on 300 Jay Street, go south on Jay Street and go towards Johnson Street/Tech Plaza. Turn right onto there, then turn left onto Adam Street/Brooklyn Bridge Boulevard. Turn right towards Adam Street/Brooklyn Bridge Boulevard and then turn another right onto Adam St/Brooklyn Bridge Blvd. Turn left onto Johnson Street, then turn left at Cadman Plaza E, then walk down a little more and you’re at Columbus Park. When you arrive there, you’ll also be able to sit and relax and take in the nature that surrounds you. You’ll see mostly trees and see that it makes a pathway. You’ll also see a fountain that is surrounded with plants. Not only that, but you might also be able to see a farmers’ market. This park gives you the sense of openness and space.

Exiting from Columbus Park, you can head down to Cadman Plaza Park which is only eight minutes away. When exiting, head east, then turn left on Cadman Plaza East. Turn left onto Tillary Street, then turn right, take a left turn, and then take another right. From where you are, the park should be on the right. When you are in Cadman Plaza Park, you are surrounded with nature. Depending on the season, you might get a different feeling of the park. If you go in the summer and spring time, you’ll see all the trees filled with green leaves and see the different type and colors of flowers that are bloomed. If you go in the fall and winter time, you’ll see that the leaves have changed color and it’s all falling. In some parts of the park, you might feel an eerie sense. From all the trees that are in the park, it’s like a small forest. The walkway in the park also makes it feel like a forest. There are benches in the park where you can relax. There is also a small grass area/field where you can play any outdoor activities. Since dogs are allowed in this park, you might see people with their dog. Another park that is kind of similar to this is Walt Whitman Park. Just head north on Cadman Plaza East, turn left, turn right, turn left, and turn left again. The park should be on the left. This park also has a path where you can walk through, benches where you can sit and this park has game tables.

The next location that will be introduced is Brooklyn Heights Promenade. From Cadman Plaza Park, head north and make a right turn towards Cadman Plaza E. Turn left towards Cadman Plaza E and make a left onto Cadman Plaza E. Turn left again onto Prospect Street, then turn right onto Old Fulton Street. Turn left to stay on Old Fulton Street and continue to stay onto Furman Street. Turn right and then just turn slightly left. The Brooklyn Heights Promenade is a long platform and a pedestrian walkway. Here you would be able to see Lower Manhattan’s skyline from across. You’ll also be able to see the New York Harbor, Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty from afar. You can sit and watch the view of the river and see some helicopters fly by. The feeling you get from this place is calm and peaceful. You’ll be able to walk on your own pace and see the views around you.

With “Walk n’ Nature” you’ll be able to go to your destination while also getting to be able to see and pass through nature. This app provides you with either choice of a short distance or long distance from your destination. This app will also tell you a little bit of information about the place.


English Project #2: Process

In the beginning of this project, I was nervous to start it. I didn’t know what exactly we had to do for this assignment. In class we learned about the word, juxtaposition. Hearing the word made me nervous more starting the project. From learning the meaning of the word, I slowly understood what we had to do for this project. For phase one, we had to go on a walk and find a location. In the beginning, I didn’t know what location I wanted to do and had to think about it. After going on a walk after class, I finally found what place I wanted to do. For my first draft, I had a hard time writing it. After the peer feedback, I decided to change the location. Writing the final essay felt easier than the first draft I wrote. But I still wasn’t satisfied with my final writing. It felt that it was short and I didn’t write all what I needed to write about. Overall the essay took about around 3 hours to do.