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Sound visualization: Phase 4

I personally enjoyed this project, the concept of turning music into abstract image is very interesting to me; I like every part of this project. Although I had some misunderstanding in Rule of Thirds, but after listen to my colleague‘s critique, I was able to learn where my mistake is. The last animation part gave me little struggle, because there is some thing wrong with my audio track, and I weren’t able to have my image up show up at the specific rhythm, but the process to making this animation is very fun.

Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

Sound Visualizations: Phase 2

Sound Visualizations: Phase 3

Sound visualization: Phase 4

at first this project seemed very  difficult because we had to listen to songs and visualize something that we can’t see such as sound waves. However, I think the best way to do it is to just imagine how the sound waves would sound and that makes it a lot easier. Then we moved to drawing which was an easy task once we knew how to imagine the sounds. Making the grid was a little hectic because we need to visualize where we would place the patterns that will be arranged in a way that makes a path to the focal point. However, if you did thumbnails it would be easier because you have an idea of the placement. The last step was to animate, now that part was a little hard for me since I missed the day that this was taught. However, as I started playing with all the tools and the menu bars I fond out how to do them, I must say it was vexing to be fitting and pasting the different pattern squares to different layers but after that everything was smooth. I really like this project because it teaches you things that on your own you wouldn’t thought about like the shapes of sounds.

Sound Visualizations: Phase 4

During this project, I definitely learned a lot about how to use photoshop in a way I truthfully didn’t think was possible. Being able to play around with the animation function opened up a lot of possibilities for me. This project was definitely time-consuming (Even though it’s being handed in late) but at the same time, it was a lot of fun. There are a number of things that I know I should have done better. The inking could have been more defined, the animation itself could go along with the beat and have more variety when it comes to the movement. Figuring out what I wanted to do with the animation was the main problem I had and in the end, I couldn’t make it turn out exactly what I wanted to. This project has given me the chance to figure out more advanced animation techniques and inspired me to keep experimenting with photoshop on my free time. As usual, I need to work on managing my work time as well as being prepared for each of the coming projects.


*Phase 2 *

Phase 3

Sound Visualization : Phase 4

This project has truly helped me a lot in my understanding of Staccato and Legato sounds and shapes. Coming into this project, I had no clue what these terms meant. Class discussion and classwork helped me to start to understand what these terms meant. I found myself mixing up the two terms after the first class on Sound Visualization. After the second class, I did completely understand these two terms. This project also helped my analyze sound more carefully. I realized there was a lot more going on than when I usually listened to music. These lessons helped me clearly identity whether a certain sound or instrument was staccato or segato. Due to my previous experience with Photoshop, animating my composition wasn’t much of a difficult task. It did take a lot of my time though. I thoroughly enjoyed what this project had to offer and had fun animating my drawings to visualize these terms.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Sound Visualization: Phase 4

I spend a lot of time on this project because it is my first time trying to make  a gif or video on photoshop. It took me a long time to figure out how to use the program and layers. My animation had up to 23 layers and I have to spend time on all the layers and do them one by one, took up a long time. In this project, I learn how to use the timeline in photoshop to make a video. If we are doing something similar next time, I think I will do a better job on how I position my pieces and make them fancier and spend a little more time on it.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3


Visualizations: Phase 4

My name is Ely Ballinas and This Project on sounds has showed me a lot. The title of my design was Middle because of the song I chose.  I learned how to pay attention on things I really don’t listen to like the actual beat of a song. I didn’t realize before if a song can be staccato or legato until doing this project. I was so naive not listening to music without actually hearing everything making the music like it should be.  This project was very difficult because I never used Photoshop before  and I didn’t know what to do exactly. My Original project also got deleted and I had to buy Photoshop to finish the project at home. Even when I bought Photoshop though I was still confused ,but I finished it and I put my twist into the project in my own way. In the video I created I made the Staccato and Legato images pop out and vanish to go with the beat. The images going around also represented the flow of both songs and towards the end I made the full picture of my painting appear to see the outcome. Overall this was a fun and eye opening project that i enjoyed very much.

Visualizations: Phase 1Visualizations: Phase 2Visualizations: Phase 3

Sound Visualization: Phase 4

This was a difficult project for me because it was my first time making a video in Photoshop. I had difficulty making thumbnails for staccato and legato pattern but then knew what the meaning was and saw examples. The position on the layers was tricky in Photoshop because I did not know where and what to place them to go along with the music. I think if I knew more about making a video in Photoshop and the illustration, I would have done a good job at it. For the next project, if we do video in Photoshop, I know how to use it and also look up at other projects people have made doing this technique.

Phase 1:Discover / Phase 2:Define / Phase 3:Develop

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