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Jelani Barro
ENG 1121 – E-115
Instructor: Sarah Schmerler

Writing in constrain with this logography was the first for me. I didn’t even know what a logography was until this class. I must day that out of all the assignments and units we did, this stood out to me the most. Certainly, I felt like I was using parts of my brain I never used before. I felt as if I was painting with words in my mind and painting them with the physical words on the paper. I found a new appreciation for English and I will continue to practice examples such as this to sharpen my writing skills.
In this essay, I was tasked with a bid to write a “lipography” about something that I am afraid of, omitting all descending letters of the alphabet, such as: g, j, p, q and y.
You know what scares me the most? DEATH!!! Oh, not that I will die sometime, I’ll be dead, what would I care about death when I’m onboard the death train? No, I’m not at all a-scared of death for me. What scares me the most is losing a loved one; that’s the hardest element to deal with in this world, to me at least.
all other circumstance in this world, while we are still alive; time heals. Time heals all wounds, the loss of a loved one; I wish was just a wound, but time cannot heal this absolute loss. With this one, time allows us to relive our lives without them. It allows us the room to learn how to live with the loss, but it will never make them visible in our world, it just makes it a little easier to not think about the loss, but to think about their lives which remains stand fast in our memories.
It wasn’t until last summer – I wish I can write the name of the month, but It ends with a letter I cannot use; It wasn’t until then, when I received an answer to better receives and handle this unavoidable transition, we call death! The voice within the universe said to me: “Do not hold death so close to you, it is the natural occurrence of all creatures of this world. Mom and Dad are to board the death train in advance! What’s worse? Mom and Dad to be a witness at their child’s wake, or a child being a witness at Mom and Dad’s wake? It would be so much easier to use one word which starts with a letter I cannot use, instead of Mom and Dad. No Mom and Dad should ever live to see that death has taken their child, but its an ordination that the child must witness such a loss.
It was on that date sometime back in the summer, when I received the sanction to conceded to the inevitable loss that I must and should be a witness to. It was then that the scariness of death to Mom and Dad diminished for me.

Jelani Barro
ENG 1121 – E-115
Instructor: Sarah Schmerler
This genre was fun to do. I thought of it as a piece of art. Turning one form of writing into another form was thoughtful and showed the necessity of learning how to become a good writer and the importance of knowing your audience and how to write effectively to connect with them in such a way that the message is received and processed. After all, that the whole purpose of communication. I really did feel like I was forcing my brain to rewire itself as I had to crosswire norms, genres in this case, in order to achieve the desired new genre.

Brief Summary on Executive Summary
A short but clear analysis of this genre that includes at minimum, the following information: who wrote it/the speaker; the audience; the kind of community that is invested in or impacted by this writing; the purpose of this writing; some key vocabulary or language terms you might find (if any) that are common in this form of writing; the sorts of ways that people try to write effectively in this genre (feel free to go into logos, pathos, ethos here if you can or wish).

This executive summary was written by Day Spa, as part of their Business plan. The audience is for any stakeholders in the company. Stakeholders, are anyone that might have any interest in the company for whatever reason. The type of community that might be interested in this could consists of: investors, potential clients, community boards or board members of the company.

Some key words used might be: summary, forecast, stakeholders, comprehensive analysis, market, uptick, financial plan, statistics, baseline, profits, investment and census.

This executive summary on the Day Spa is summarizing what the spa industry is like and how this spa will be beneficial to the community in what it is seeking to operate in.

I have also included my example of an executive summary about my skill, bowling, which you will find documented in this report.

Genre – Executive Summary
An executive summary, or management summary, is a short document or section of a document, produced for business purposes, that summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. It usually contains a brief statement of the problem or proposal covered in the major document(s), background information, concise analysis and main conclusions. It is intended as an aid to decision-making by managers and has been described as the most important part of a business plan.
For my genre, I will be presenting my steps on how to bowl in an executive summary:

Executive Summary for S. Schmerler Bowling Inc.
S. Schmerler Bowling Inc. is a NYC-based company that specializes in bowling and delivery for a frequent strike NYC based companies. For the 2018 fiscal year, the company enjoyed a modest 8.9% uptick in total bowling lane requests (to 90 % 0f the time), and an operating margin of 22.4%. This was based on regional benchmarking reporting. Local Law 84-09 Bowling and Strike Benchmarking requires annual benchmarking data to be submitted by owners of buildings with more than 50,000 square feet for public disclosure by May 1st of every year.
For 2019, we expect a 15% increase in overall business. This is based on two factors: First, increase in bowling lanes will force building owners into renovations and retrofitting. Second, communications between the company and local business owners indicate that 2018 – 2019 will be a busier year for new bowling customers, which will increase the demand for bowling balls and shoe rentals and deliveries. Please note that, in 2018 and for the rest of this year, the company is forced to turn down new lane requests, until the completion of the renovations. This was due to a lack of lanes, prompting this capital expense request for 2019, we are forecasting a 26.8% operating margin with about $1.84 million in total revenue. This represents an increase from a margin of 22.7% in 2018, which also includes our inclusion of costs relating to a requested capital expenditure of bowling balls and shoes, and the cost savings of $65,000 for 2018 and an accumulative 2% savings each following year; which will come from not hiring a new employee as we had a promotion in our department and whom the new automated dispensary system for shoes will replace. However, this is only for 2019. In future years the cost savings will increase along with revenue. The replaced direct labor salary will more than offset the costs of the new equipment.
The reasoning for this capital expenditure involves increasing work capacity. First, we know that the labor cost savings of $65,000 will more than cover the expenditure with a net cash flow of $15,000. The new system will replace the employee, and we can increase our capability to handle the increased operations capacity demand.
As seen in the budget, the savings from the direct labor in the department, even with the 2% increase in wages, and the switch to the automated rentals due to an increase in storage materials and delivery demand of bowling shoes. The wage increase continues a trend that the company has followed for the past several years. For 2018, the increase is 2%, which is down from 5%, but still significantly higher than the national cost of living increase. As for the automated upgrade, the company has decided to offer more delivery capacity to our customers. The cost will increase to $14 per rental, up from $10. The cost increase, I believe, will turn out to be a good decision, considering the boost in shoe rentals the company will experience. It will also allow us to charge a higher premium for our services. Please find a copy of our current steps for achieving a strike, below this summary for your reference.
Request for Approval:
I hereby request the approval of the 2019 operating budget, as well as approval of a $50,000 capital expenditure to purchase one additional automated shoe dispensary system. This system will help facilitate an expected 15% increase in business and will accommodate the increased operations capacity in the coming year.

Jelani Barro
Facility Manager
S. Schmerler Bowling Inc.

1. Get bowling shoes
2. Pick out bowling ball – The ball shoed fit comfortably in the palm of your hands. Your fingers should fit comfortably in the holes on the ball, which allows your to cup the ball with your palms, and your fingers should have room at the tips.
3. When it’s your turn to bowl – pick up your ball with both hands.
4. Position the ball by your chest
5. As you step onto the floor with your left foot (switch foot position if your left handed), use both hands to lift the ball up and away from your chest.
6. As you step again, start off with your right foot this time. Then separate your left hand from the ball as you start to swing the ball out and down in from of you with your right hand.
7. As you step out again, with your left foot, your left hand should swing out in front of you as you swing the ball behind you with your right hand.
8. Then, as you bring your right foot out in front of you, swing the ball to the front of you as you aim towards the 6 pins – using the arrows in the alley to help guide you and release the ball in the direction of you estimated, with your right foot in front of you at this time.

Jelani Barro
ENG 1121 – E-115
Instructor: Sarah Schmerler

This genre was fun to do. I thought of it as a piece of art. Turning one form of writing into another form was thoughtful and showed the necessity of learning how to become a good writer and the importance of knowing your audience and how to write effectively to connect with them in such a way that the message is received and processed. After all, that the whole purpose of communication. I really did feel like I was forcing my brain to rewire itself as I had to crosswire norms, genres in this case, in order to achieve the desired new genre.

Brief Summary on Medical Coding

A short but clear analysis of this genre that includes at minimum, the following information: who wrote it/the speaker; the audience; the kind of community that is invested in or impacted by this writing; the purpose of this writing; some key vocabulary or language terms you might find (if any) that are common in this form of writing; the sorts of ways that people try to write effectively in this genre (feel free to go into logos, pathos, ethos here if you can or wish).

This article on medical coding is from Medical Billing and Coding Education organization, that trains and certifies students in becoming medical coders in the medical industry.

The purpose of this writing is to make billing ion the medical field much easier to process bills and other charting categories used in the industry.

Some key vocabularies are: numeric, alphabetical, medical diagnosis, procedures, equipment, and health care services.

People use codes to represent different diagnoses or procedures that needs to be billed or reviewed by the medical industry.

This example from the web site that I am presenting, explains the background of medical coding and also has some examples of what coding is.

You will also find my example I used for bowling to illustrate the genre of medical coding to simplify the billing process of a bowling alley.

Second Genre – Medical Coding

Start Get shoes 0
Ball selection Choose correct bowling ball H
Choose lane Enter game info B.
Game result Strike C
Game result Spares X
End game Total score of game Z
Finish Return items Z

Example #1: 0HBCZZ
In this example, we have a strike in the first game. The bowler then decided to leave for whatever reason and so the code shows them leaving.
Example #2: 0HBX
In this example, the bowler played their first game and got a spare.
Example #3: X
In this example, the bowler played their second game and got the spare (all the remaining pins).
Example #4: ZZ
In this example, using the same bowler as in example #4, the bowler decided to leave and end game after their spare.

This format, although highly unlikely to be used in a bowling alley, we can see where this coding could be very useful for a busy bowling alley to code their players for faster billing purposes.

Student Name: Muaz Alkabass, Jelani Barro, Bilal Javed
Course and Section Number: ENG 1121 E115
Date: 5/21/2019

This unit was fun to do. As we were given the opportunity to work in a team. We are able to coordinate out time together to get out work done, and especially with making the video we did was even more fun to do. I think this was very befitting as our skill were sports, and in sports we do work as a team. I think for future classes our group can be used an example as we were the only group in our class to complete this exercise as a team/group.

UNIT 3 Worksheet 2 brainstorming your Research Proposal
Write a short draft (at barest minimum, 4 paragraphs) in which you present a proposal for research. In this proposal you will state your problem and tell the reader how your inquiry will potentially shed new light on this problem. Whom (what individuals or groups) will your inquiry benefit? How might your inquiry be of benefit to them (socially, economically, etc etc)? Show us how you are bringing some new perspective to an understudied area of this problem.
(To put this another way, this paper is where you tell us, enthusiastically, why you care about your issue, and why we should care as well.)
At the end of your Proposal. create a List of Relevant Sources in proper citation format and a short explanation of why each is helpful/relevant/has bearing on this topic.

We feel that it is important to open up further discussion and analysis of taking precautions while participating in any sports, whether it’s bowling, hiking, or wrestling. These three activities, were our skills we chose to write about during our genre exercises throughout the course. We were given the opportunity to participate in this research exercise as a team. We feel that this is a very fitting opportunity, as our skills were all related to sports, and most sports require participating with team members.

It is important to us, because such discussion would bring the following potential benefits to anyone who is willing to participate in any extraneous activities. Here are some examples for each of our skills:
• Selecting the correct ball
• Using good form while bowling.
• Correct shoes for the alley
• Packing emergency equipment
• Proper disposal of waste
• Good navigation skills
• Proper safety gear
• Proper form
• Good health condition

This discussion would foster awareness of the importance of being safe, and practicing good habits for anyone who wishes to participate in of these sports. These habits will foster positive experiences for all participants and team members if applied.

This awareness is important because following the proper rules and guidelines will harness safety, not only for themselves, but also for all other participants or perhaps other team members. For example: proper form in bowling can prevent wrist injuries as this is most common occurring injury in this sport, for hiking proper disposal of litter can prevent fire hazards, and in wrestling proper head gears can protect against brain injuries.

List of Relevant Sources:
“Bowling Injury Risk Factors.” Twin Boro Physical Therapy, twinboro.com/sport/bowling/bowling-injury-risk-factors-nj.html.
This source was very helpful because the information gathered from this, was from actual injuries that were being treated by physical therapists.
“The Hazards of Bowling | e-LawLines.” e, 18 Apr. 2018, elawlines.com/2005/01/16/bowling-hazards.
This source was very helpful because the information gathered from this, were injuries that actually occurred and were seeking some sort of compensation from this law firm.

“Fire Safety.” American Hiking Society, 9 Aug. 2018, americanhiking.org/resources/fire-safety/
This source was very helpful because it provided information about causes and prevention of fire.
Kevin’s Hiking Page, www.kevingong.com/Hiking/index.html.
This source was very helpful because it provided information about injuries from hiking and tips for prevention.
Advanced Solutions International, Inc. “Preventing Wrestling Injuries.” Wrestling Injury Prevention, www.stopsportsinjuries.org/STOP/STOP/Prevent_Injuries/Wrestling_Injury_Prevention.aspx.
This source was very helpful because it provided information about injuries from wrestling and tips on how to prevent them.

Link to video: https://youtu.be/mziphbbCzEY

My journey

Student: Bilal Javed

Professor: Sarah Schmerler

English 1121-E115


                                                                                                                                                                                                                 My Journey

Dear professor:

            My journey in English class started just as any other class. I was scared at my first day. I have never been good with English. Also, I never understood purpose of standard English essay. I was scared that I might get some professor who is really strict. On my first day I got surprised when I saw class formation as a circle. There was fire chimney video in the back with slightly soothing music in the background. It kind of calmed me down. I lacked confidence. In past classes I would just sit in the back without participating. I used to have fear what if I say something wrong and get criticized. But professor Schmerler sat in the circle with us. Seeing professor sitting with us calmed me down somehow. Our first assignment was to write without using word “the”. At first I thought it would be hard. But, when I got into it; I realized that I was thinking outside the box in writing. It felt good. Being tri-lingual, I have always had trouble with my vocabulary. I had 2 more assignments with restraints of ascending and descending respectively. For some reason these assignment of restraints made me feel confident about my vocabulary. Best thing about class was we all got to share our work with each other willingly and positive comments were encouraging too. This gave me confidence in speaking in all.

Dear professor, our first assignment was traditional essay on freedom. To be honest I have never liked traditional essays. Restraint assignments helped me write a better essay. Then we had to write a reflection. Which was new thing to me. But I liked that too. But professor Schmerler helped us through that too. I slacked off on this point and started to give up on English because of stress in other classes. I thought oh this class was going to be same as any English class. But my assumptions were clearly wrong. I am glad that I followed through.

Unit two of our class was about genres. Our first assignment was to write something that we love but as a recipe. I would be completely honest in the beginning; I was like whatttt! That does not make any sense. After I was done I became really happy. I felt like I had achieved a really high score in a video game. My skill was hiking. Not only I got to share that also, I had done it in a way that I have never done before. This was easy, but what followed it was a little challenging. I had to write it in any other genre. It was the most interesting assignment I had done for English. I wrote my skill as a flow chart. It took me a few tries to perfect that flowchart. Still this assignment was so interesting that I did it with my heart. Professor schmerler and samples from openlab.com helped during this time. By the time I was done I felt that I can write anything into any genre or form as long as I have knowledge about that genre. This assignment felt most useful to me. I am a nursing student being able to write comfortable in charts in necessary skill for me.

Third phase of this class was inquiry based paper; Otherwise known as research paper. I have never liked English research papers. I feel like we have to cruise through some irrelevant books to find just the type of information that our instructor requires. I have never been able to quiet grasp the point of that. I was scared to write research paper. This has been the only reason that I dropped my English 1121 class before. But professor Schmerler explained it in a way that made sense to me. she gave us to write a research paper on your skill but this time put forth concerns of someone else who is professional on your skill. What made it interesting was that it was my skill that I had to use in life. But what hard was reading the arguments of other people on skill I think I am best at. Then, professor Schmerler explained the importance of reading. She said we underestimate power of reading. Sure enough, she was right. As I looked through articles about hiking and its impacts and precautions. I got to learn a lot of new things. For instance, I had no idea that there is a register at beginning of hikes that we had to log in before hiking. In this assignment Jelani, Muaz and professor Schmerler’s work sheet helped a lot.

4th phase of this class was really interesting. When I got this assignment, I was so glad that I become part of this experimental class. For the first time I was interested to be in English class. We had to transform our research into a 21st century technological way. Me, Muaz and Jelani choose to do a news cast. Which took a few tries to make. But the skills we had acquired through unit 2 of this class helped through it. Overall my journey in this class was most interesting. This helped me to actually gain some knowledge that was useful in everyday life as well as professional life. I hope they continue this way of teaching. So, other students can get to learn what I have learned. I would recommend professor Schmerler to everyone. She is best English professor that I have come across.

G.Gomez My Journey / Final Reflection

Gomez_Gisselle_Eng1121-E115_Final Reflection

Gisselle Gomez
New York City College of Technology
Professor S Schmerler
English 1121- E115
May 21, 2019

My Journey

As the end of this semester approaches, I find myself with ever growing willpower and courage to finish this semester strong. I used to have a history of not finishing what I started (academically). My priorities would get wrapped up in real world problems like paying bills, having a social life, and maintaining family relations. I would take the experience of being in a class learning for granted. I didn’t care.

I found this English 2 composition class to be encouraging. Unlike the other (three) English 1121 classes I have taken. One of the main takeaways I learned from Professor Schmerler’s class is: Permission. In this class its about giving yourself the permission to write. Everything is writing. The poetry I wrote in a notebook somewhere about stationary pens is writing. So, am I a writer? Yes. I am a writer. Am I a “good” one? I don’t know. But I know there is always room for improvement. Even though this semester is over, this year is not. Perhaps this will inspire me to write more “pen poems”. Maybe on the train. Or on a plane. Taking the bus. Wherever it is, I know I must (write).
This class helped me with my, not phobia nor fear but, caution of writing. I feel myself growing the confidence to write just for the act of writing. I know that to grow as a writer I must detach myself from the words. Detach from the idea that anything and everything I write must be “good”. The purpose of writing should be for authenticity.

Each unit in our curriculum taught me more about myself as a writer.

Unit 1 started off the semester with constrained in-class writing assignments. Those assignments helped me realize how I should continuously strive to expand my vocabulary. By removing certain letters or words from my writing I had to find new ways to express myself

Unit 2 helped me get out of my comfort zone. I had to take a specific form of writing and transfer the content into another form. This assignment helped me notice the different genres we see in our day-to-day life. Everything is a genre. This unit also reinforced my skills on how to translate information in order to transfer it to another format (and possibly another platform).

Even though Units 3 and 4 were short units, I felt that the skills I used in the previous units helped me get through these last units. The skill of adapting and transferring information from Unit 2 helped me visualize a media format for the multimodal project.

Professor Schmerler – Thank you for a great semester 🙂

Gisselle Gomez

Research Group Project

Student Name: Muaz Alkabass, Jelani Barro, Bilal Javed
Course and Section Number: ENG 1121 E115
Date: 4/30/2019

UNIT 3 Worksheet 2 brainstorming your Research Proposal
Write a short draft (at barest minimum, 4 paragraphs) in which you present a proposal for research. In this proposal you will state your problem and tell the reader how your inquiry will potentially shed new light on this problem. Whom (what individuals or groups) will your inquiry benefit? How might your inquiry be of benefit to them (socially, economically, etc etc)? Show us how you are bringing some new perspective to an understudied area of this problem.
(To put this another way, this paper is where you tell us, enthusiastically, why you care about your issue, and why we should care as well.)
At the end of your Proposal. create a List of Relevant Sources in proper citation format and a short explanation of why each is helpful/relevant/has bearing on this topic.

We feel that it is important to open up further discussion and analysis of taking precautions while participating in any sports, whether it’s bowling, hiking, or wrestling. These three activities, were our skills we chose to write about during our genre exercises throughout the course. We were given the opportunity to participate in this research exercise as a team. We feel that this is a very fitting opportunity, as our skills were all related to sports, and most sports require participating with team members.

It is important to us, because such discussion would bring the following potential benefits to anyone who is willing to participate in any extraneous activities. Here are some examples for each of our skills:
• Selecting the correct ball
• Using good form while bowling.
• Correct shoes for the alley
• Packing emergency equipment
• Proper disposal of waste
• Good navigation skills
• Proper safety gear
• Proper form
• Good health condition

This discussion would foster awareness of the importance of being safe, and practicing good habits for anyone who wishes to participate in of these sports. These habits will foster positive experiences for all participants and team members if applied.

This awareness is important because following the proper rules and guidelines will harness safety, not only for themselves, but also for all other participants or perhaps other team members. For example: proper form in bowling can prevent wrist injuries as this is most common occurring injury in this sport, for hiking proper disposal of litter can prevent fire hazards, and in wrestling proper head gears can protect against brain injuries.

List of Relevant Sources:
“Bowling Injury Risk Factors.” Twin Boro Physical Therapy, twinboro.com/sport/bowling/bowling-injury-risk-factors-nj.html.
This source was very helpful because the information gathered from this, was from actual injuries that were being treated by physical therapists.
“The Hazards of Bowling | e-LawLines.” e, 18 Apr. 2018, elawlines.com/2005/01/16/bowling-hazards.
This source was very helpful because the information gathered from this, were injuries that actually occurred and were seeking some sort of compensation from this law firm.

“Fire Safety.” American Hiking Society, 9 Aug. 2018, americanhiking.org/resources/fire-safety/
This source was very helpful because it provided information about causes and prevention of fire.
Kevin’s Hiking Page, www.kevingong.com/Hiking/index.html.
This source was very helpful because it provided information about injuries from hiking and tips for prevention.
Advanced Solutions International, Inc. “Preventing Wrestling Injuries.” Wrestling Injury Prevention, www.stopsportsinjuries.org/STOP/STOP/Prevent_Injuries/Wrestling_Injury_Prevention.aspx.
This source was very helpful because it provided information about injuries from wrestling and tips on how to prevent them.


Link to video:  https://youtu.be/mziphbbCzEY

My Journey

Jelani Barro
ENG 1121 – E-115
Instructor: Sarah Schmerler

My Journey

Dear Professor Schmerler:
As you know, My Journey so far has brought me to be a graduate at our 2019 commencement, on Monday, June 3. This isn’t the end of the road for me as you know, I’m currently on the hunt for a PhD Program to start in the Spring of 2020. The road thus far has been rocky, losing my grandfather in the middle of the semester was not easy. I also extend my condolences to you as, we did share losing a family around the same time; although extended for you, but close for your son. Life has a way of keeping us on our toes and sometimes seems to be very unfair and bitter. I will always try my best to remain optimistic however and always try to look at the brighter side of things, after all, we get to write our own stories in our mind so we might as well make them the best. Here are a few things I would like to share with you about my journey in your class.

The first day was quite interesting, Muaz and I thought we were early sitting and waiting for class to start, tuned out we were in the wrong class, next door across the hall. It wasn’t until a male professor walked in, the I realized something must be wrong. It was, we were in a biology class. We rushed over toy your class and there you were, I thought a very cool looking professor with style, your haircut and clothes gave me the impression of an artist, I was right as you did mention to us that you were. I read on “Rate my Professor that you were an amazing teacher and someone who taught unconventionally, your students loved you and had nothing but positive reviews for you; you were actually the top highest rating professor in your category. I am glad I checked it and found you. You turned out to be everything and more that I read about you from your reviews. You have a way of connecting to our subconscious, so that even when I’m on the subway or at home, your voice and your lessons would pop up in my memory – “If you want to become better writers, you must read”, “Writing is re-writing”, “genre” – Genre was the theme throughout the whole class. I never thought of English as such, I always seemed to compartmentalize every subject in their own category and kept them there. This class has really turned out to be more than I ever expected. When I heard about our new structure of how the class was going to be conducted, I was very excited and really looked forward to participating. I really did enjoy this new structure and it worked well for me. I loved not being constrained by strict guidelines of being graded. I think I learned more this way, because my work wasn’t summed up by some subjective correction, rather I was guided along each unit to reflect on my errors and remember to use correct them on my own, or at least become better at doing so, as I practiced writing within each units.

Two of my main errors are, improving my technical skills with punctuations and my tendency to use a lot tautology in expressing myself. I even recognize that in the way I speak sometimes, maybe that’s the teacher in me. I do repeat myself a lot to make sure I’m being understood, or to express an important thought of mine. I think my writing has improved because of you lessens you’ve taught me, and I will forever be grateful and remember you as my professor, especially when I write and use a semicolon, or just replacing it with a comma. I will also always remember and thank you for your assistance and support along my journey this semester with the valedictorian process. I did get selected, but your support and advice has come to mean more to me than the disappointment I felt, therefore, was an integral part of my speedy recovery. Thank you.

As I wrap up this journey I would like to give a few words of encouragement. Please don’t ever change your style of teaching, it is effective and I wish more students would be so lucky to become a student of yours. I hope you will remain inspired and never become weary to continue to inspire others like myself. You are truly an amazing teacher and we are all truly lucky and blessed to have had the opportunity to be your students. Thank you, I wish you all the best in life, and I will try to remain in touch with you, especially to let you know when I find my PhD program.

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