
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 8 of 23)

recipe to play soccer

Faisal Rahman

Eng 1121 E-106


  • Love for the game (this is the most important ingredient)
  • Soccer boots
  • Turf shoes (if you plan to play indoors)
  • Soccer ball (at least one)


Make a schedule and try to designate at least 30 minutes of your time towards practicing soccer every day.

Put on your shoes, get your ball and run to the field.

Since you have run to the field, you are already warmed up.

But you should still stretch to avoid injuries.

Now start off by feeling the ball with your feet and get used to moving the ball with your feet. You will have problems balancing but its’s totally normal. With enough practice you will be comfortable with the ball under your feet.

Use BOTH of your foot to control the ball, as playing with just one foot will make you “one footed”; One footed soccer players are extremely predictable in the field.

Practice to pass, dribble and shoot the ball everyday as these are the basics of the game.

If you follow these instructions, you should have the basics of the sport down within a month.

Learning the basics is the most important step to become a good player


Drink lots of water and eat healthy food. Drinking will replenish the lost water from playing and eating healthy will improve your performance in the field. Welcome to the “beautiful game”

Genre…On the Train

Jay street metro tech platform March 25
On the subway
Time: 8:45pm
The sound of a binder clicking open and shut;  papers turning. A man in front of me reads pages from his binders that contains lots of words and tabs.
Diagonally across the cart near the doors, a couple sits. The man looks totally disinterested while the woman talks about something I can’t really hear. The couple get off together  2 stop later.
At this hour the occupants of my cart seem tired and restless, eager to go home and relax after a long day. No one is conversing. Everyone seems preoccupied in a book or their phone.
Of all days when I am seeking something to write about,  suddenly it’s quiet. Go figure. Oh, luckily there are students on the other side that just got on talking but I can’t hear anything except the sounds of voices in a foreign language. They are not talking loud enough for me to get the gist of their conversation. Oh, now their voices have lowered.
Uuuch I just want to get home and take a shower. I feel like my body is covered with a film of airborne dirt from riding the trains. The germs all around me make my stomach churn. Ewww.
Now a Spanish couple came up and about 8 people leave. I can’t even understand Spanish but they speak in hushed voices and are glued to their phone watching a show together while sharing one ear bud……Sadly we have conditioned ourselves to constantly be entertained. Woe to the soul who is unable to text, play games, or watch TV, or think in solitude? Can we ever just allow ourselves to have a breather with technology? I am no better. Look at me. I’m just being a busy body typing about everyone and no one is the wiser. Say, what if the other people were doing the same identical thing I am doing? Close yet so far….
The man with the binder just left with his attaché case. I wonder what kind of documents he was reading?
3 more stops left.
April 1st
Grand Central Station platform
A crowded 6 downtown train at 51st
I can barely move
Conversation 1, ” My dad is getting season tickets!”
I am totally distracted. I cannot move. A train was too crowded and I couldn’t get on. Finally I thrust myself into the train…I am goin on, no matter what.
Woman by the door, crammed like a sardine  cries out,  ” is there space for me?
Woman 2 standing beside me responds rather irritated…..”there is a baby carriage behind me, no I cannot move.” and with that, she resumes to her book reading.
I admire her willingness to read. How she can manage to  concentrate, let alone, turn a page when I can barely feel my toe  seems pretty remarkable to me.
Grand Central nightmare now waiting got the 4, or 5 train
There are too many people
A mother and child are separated for a few seconds as she exits the train holding another child. The train remains open While mother grabs for her child. Strangely enough there are no screams. I’m baffled………
I get off and wait across the platform:
The only voice to be heard is the sound of my own, which I admit is rather loud,  “omg is this typical? So many people?”
Random woman in an 80’s do: “Where are you from?”
Me: “I live in NY but not familiar with this”
80’s woman: “Oh it’s everyday. U just get used to it”
On the platform,  an already train approaches slowly. Doors open. Within one second the already crowded train is even more crowded.
MTA Worker: no room people. Step away. No room. Wait for another train.
Next train I am determined to enter. I don’t care I am late
Doors open
Passengers scurrying getting off and me along with others are mad dashing to enter. I am late for school.
The train makes announcements. I’m too preoccupied with everyone’s breath on me. Eeeek. I seriously need to shower and it smells. Why is this mans elbow in my face? I let go of the pole to record this all. Oh the woman with the 80s look is getting off. She sat in a single seat that always screeches a loud sound as it lifts up. Today there are too many people to even hear that sound. Kinda like the tree in a forest but a ridiculously incomparable fact pattern. As people leave I am literally pushed aside until make a deliberate mad effort toward the seat in the upward position.
Yesssssssss! I make sure that’s mine and thankfully there is no competition to sit. Now that is a New City miracle especially for a city that is always on the go.
Screeching sounds making its way all the way down. I see so many pole holders. Everyone is tired and just like me,  want to get home, but I’m going to school instead. Oh the investments I make for a brighter professional future. I best be going. I hope the lady with the fragrant bouquet leans her flowers toward my face so it can at least overcome the putrid odor….. great she is now standing right near me. Hallelujah

In and Out. Listening

Creak of train wheels
Squeak of rats on train paths
Screech – train is stopping
Crunch of chips
God, I would just grab it from him, I’m so hungry..
Groan of an old man
yawn of a kid
Hiccup of a baby in a baby stroller
This is Nevins street, transfer is available to the 2 and 3 trains…
Rustle of plastic bags
Next stop is Atlantic Ave Barclays center..
I’m tired… and pissed.. he could easily just text me once during his work day… at least once.. he has been always doing it..
My stop.. getting of.. which exit do I need?

4/5 train, Friday 3pm

It’s expensive restaurant…
It’s usually right…
You buy something and..
This is Bergen St…
Wheels..killing me…
Carol usually just…
This is Coney Island bound F local train…
Stand clear…
My head is killing me… I think when I was smoking I didn’t have migraines that often.. weird.. smoking 12 years and quit because I fell in love..
this is Carol street..
Now I have to go to Ave P instead..
How to open this car… Smith 9th street… why the car locked with keys inside again.. oh god, I remember how I hit my head last time trying to open the car from the trunk… I almost ended up in hospital.. or I thought my head cracked…
These white spots in front of my eyes, doctor said it’s aura of migraine.. f*ck..
This is Coney Island Stillwell ave bound F local train…
wheel screeching..
Next stop is Fort Hamilton Parkway… stay clear…
These white flashes in front of my eyes are torching me…
It’s only Wednesday yet.. can we make it to a doctor today? The appointment is at 4:45… or 3:45?… no, 4… Fort Hamilton..
why it takes soooo looooong…
attention all passengers, we will be moving shortly…
it’s like a razor blade cutting my brain in pieces… would my daughter or son have migraines as well? Poor baby…

April 3rd, 2:30pm, F train

That’s my mom birthday.. Can’t believe she is 50 now! How come? She just turned 38, didn’t she?

This trains are so slow on weekends.. I would rather be in a car in a traffic..

And can you imagine, he just left her, right there! What an as*hole!

3 girls speaking Chinese.. hmmm, it always sounds so rough and unpleasant to hear.. like German..oh I can imagine how I sound for them when we speak Russian…

The next stop is Avenue J… stay clear… interesting, Avenue J because Jews live here?:) haha…

Allochka, I am telling you, just buy this sundress, you won’t regret at all… 2 Soviet-looking ladies straight from 70es discussing loudly something..

Krrrrrrrrrrr……. next station is Newkirk Plaza…

April 6th, 10pm, Q train

Genre (My Dream Company Biography)

Name       : Wael Nagy

Course     : ENG 1121, E106

Professor: Schmerler


Lockheed-Martin Biography.

Lockheed Martin is an American international company that works in deferent sectors such aerospace, defense, security and advanced technologies. Lockheed Martin is a result of combining of 2 companies, Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta. Lockheed Martin has a huge number off employee; based on 2018 statistics it has approximately 110,000 employees worldwide. 

Lockheed Martin considered among the largest companies in the world that work in these sectors. It has the largest defense contractor in the world in 2014.

Lockheed history starts a long time ago since 1926 when Lockheed establish his company as Aircraft Company, then a few years later john Northrop a chief Engineer join the company and developed a four-passenger monoplane, it was the first aircraft that succeed and achieved several records, this success was the start for Lockheed.

During the period of World War 2, Lockheed had a contract or association with the US government and had been starting to gain a good reputation not only in the USA but around the world.

In 1995 the big merge had been started between Lockheed Company and Martin Marita Corporation to be one company that is Lockheed Martin.




Genre- WikiHow

How to Apply Makeup

If you ever applied makeup before, all the products can be intimidating. Don’t worry this will walk you through step by step on how to apply makeup.

Preparing the face

Step 1: When applying makeup its necessary to start with a clean palette. You should always start with using moisturizer and primers for your skin.
• Keep in mind you should always remove your makeup at the end of the day, sleeping with your makeup can clog pores and cause blemishes and wrinkles.

Applying Foundation

Step 2: There are all different types of foundations but they are generally applied the same way. Foundation is like creating an even base for all your other makeup. Use a brush or a damp beauty sponge to apply the foundation and blend all around your face and neck for a seamless look.
• You can use a concealer brush to add a little extra foundation to cover up stubborn areas and blemishes.

Applying Concealer

Step 3: Apply concealer under the eyes, chin and forehead. Then blend your concealer so it seamlessly blends into your foundation.
•The purpose of concealer is to even out uneven skin tone like dark circles and blemishes.
•You can use a concealer in a shade lighter to brighten dark areas.

Setting Powder

Step 4: Set your foundation and concealer. Use a damp beauty sponge to apply the powder under your eyes, forehead and chin, use a brush to remove the excess powder.
• If you’re looking for a long lasting, crease free makeup you should use a setting   powder to hold your foundation and concealer in place.


Step 5: To provide depth you’ll need to create the illusion of highlights and shadows. Contouring involves using a shade darker than your skin tone, applying it under the cheekbones, sides of your nose, under your jaw line and next to your hair line. Buff it out to blend it. Apply highlighter above your cheekbones, down your nose, chin, inner corners of your eyes and eyebrow bone. This will make your face look more bright and awake than it would otherwise

Applying Eyeshadow

Step 6: Using an eyeshadow brush, apply the darker color on the outer eye and blend inward and outward and the main color in the middle of the eye. Make sure colors are blended together to prevent any harsh lines. If you’re using multiple colors of eyeshadow make sure to blend them together.

Applying eyeliner/mascara


Step 7: Apply eyeliner to provide the illusion of a fuller lash line. Follow your lash line as a guide to help draw your liner, and extend your wing outward and upward. Finish off your eye look with mascara. Looking straight forward, apply it to the top lashes with upward strokes and bottom lashes with downward strokes. Some helpful tips, wiggle the brush as you apply it to grasp every strand. And never apply more than two coats of mascara this will create a clumpy unnatural look.

Applying lipstick

Step 8: To finish off your look apply lipstick. You want to outline your lips first to make it easier to apply the lipstick. Apply your lipstick or lip gloss start in the center of your lip and blend outwards.
• Be sure to apply the color as close to the edges of your lips without overdoing it and going outside your lip line.

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