
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 10 of 23)

Recipe for Basic Sculpture


  • Clay, or otherwise pliable material.
  • An idea of an end product.
  • Tools for shaping, Hands in a pinch.
  • photographs or drawings, for reference.


**Take time to view you reference material. In this particular case, let’s say we wish to sculpt a dog. A simple, no frills dog.**

  1. Examine Your drawing, or photograph. At this point, we are looking to break down the many shapes that make up the dog. Take the shapes to their most basic form. The head of the dog becomes a sphere; The body and legs,  cylinders of various size.
  2. Roll out and shape your clay to fit the various sizes and elemental shapes of the dog.
  3. Arrange your pieces in groups, and ensure you have fabricated the appropriate amount of each element.
  4. Starting with your body cylinder,  join the head to one end, smooth the clay between to join.
  5.  Affix the 4 legs, one by one, to the underside of the cylinder (below head). Smooth attached end in a fashion similar to head.
  6. Attach tail to the other end on the opposite side of head.
  7. Marvel at your geometric pet.

Donald Murray: Internal Revision: A Process of Discovery

  • Rewriting is an important part of the writing process for Donald Murray. Murray quoted Neil Simon’s analogy of rewriting process and I think this quote tells us how he defines the writing: “rewriting is when playing writing really gets to be fun … in baseball you only get three swings and you are out. In rewriting, you get almost as many swings as you want and you know, sooner or later, you will hit the ball.” Murray’s process of writing has three format: prevision, vision, and revision. The writers can in fact find themselves via writing – a journey of discovery. Teachers should teach students how to discover themselves through the creative art of writing.
  • The process of discovery of using language to find out what you are going to say is a key part of the writing process. However, discovery can be very scary process, this process can take you inside yourself. As per Murray writers have to protect their ignorance, writing is a journey of discovery.
  • Product can be finalized written piece which, went through all the stages of writing vs. process. Process can be where the writer starts from brainstorming to rewriting, also going through the three stages: prevision, vision, revision.
  • In internal revision writer acts like a scientist with a piece of experiment, where he/she writes anything just to start then, the whole process goes on such as language, form and context. External revision includes proofreading, editing. 
  • The first important aspect of the internal revision is content. Writers should have an abundance of information during the process through research and brainstorming. An extremely significant element of language is that form and content are the writers’ voice.


Genre defined myself

My definition of genre is any form of communication capable of conveying info.

10 genres of everyday:

  1. Weather report
  2. Political views
  3. Rap
  4. Poetry
  5. Facebook
  6. Service manuals
  7. Cosmology
  8. Contracts
  9. Comedy
  10. Road signs

I like service manuals the best, because it is technical writing design to produce a specific result. The language used is English with the expectation of a High School education. The audience are technicians.

My understanding of genre is a form of communication between a writer and audience.

Donald Murray Reflections. Is my reflections the answer to your questions?

Internal revision: A process of discovery



  1. Murray defines the writing process as rewriting. It has the purpose of discovering visions.
  2. Murray means exploring, unknown streams of information when he uses the term discovery. He means not prejudging the fluent disbursal of words used in writing, when using the term ignorance.
  3. Product is defined as writing in a genre. Whereas, process is defined as prevision, vision and revision, staging meaning into the form and structure of writing.
  4. Internal revision refers to the reflection upon the writing, to find meaning. External revision refers to rewriting, to build form and structure.
  5. Murray meant, “content” was vision; “form and structure” was process and product ; “language” is the vocabulary that a writer draws, to illustrate vision into form and structure.

Donald Murray Reflection

1. How does Murray define writing? What is its purpose?

Writing is rewriting until you “hit the goal.” The “final product” of a writing usually goes through many drafts before it is put out into the world to be read. Writing cannot just have one draft and call it a day. To be at its best, it suggested that it goes through revision and rewriting process.

2. Talk about what Murray means when he uses terms like “discovery” and “ignorance.”

When Murray mentions discovery, he talks about the way he writes. Rather than writing about a research, he writes it as if he was included in the research. Through writing, the writer is able to connect other words of information to those they write about. They will be able to write through their own ways with different uses of words to describe their piece of work. As for ignorance, writers will go through the oblivious to what they are doing at the moment and too focused on the future.

3. What is “product” vs. “process”?

The process tends to be long depending how fair a writer want to go until the reach the perfection writing. The product is usually the end product that is showcased to people presenting the idea of the writer.

4. What is “internal revision”? What is “external revision?”

Internal revision is when all the ideas are written down with the intentions to be narrowed down to find the ideal topic to go deep in detail. The reviser is themselves. External revision is with a different audience that offers a different opinion compared to theirs in order to find the right language, form and voice.

5. Explain, in your own words, what Murray means by the following: “content,” “form and structure,” “language.”

Content is where the new/old information come in that could be used to back up the writer’s purpose of the writing piece. The form and structure is the formating the bring the reader from start to end rather than throwing random points at different points. With formation allows the reader to understand and grasp the point better. As for language, it is the style that the writer use to demonstrate their piece. They could bring in new words to experiment with the way they approach their point or connecting them to other words to strengthen a point.



  • Pen or pencil
  • color pencil (optional)
  • sketch paper or any paper you want to draw on
  • eraser
  • ruler (optional)
  • Think of what you want to draw
  • structure what you want to draw (basically draw a skeleton of what you want to draw)
  • start drawing what it is that you what over the skeleton as your guide
  • when your done drawing the outline with guide, eraser or leave the guide and reinforce your outline
  • color or shade in the areas that’ll make your draw visually pleasing and stand out

recipe poem

I sit and stare at the skates

As they await my weight.

One sock, two socks on my feet,

Must get them on before I hit the streets.

Fastening them on tight,

I stand tall like a knight.

I start to glide left then right,

ready to take flight.

I bend my knees,

I stay low feeling the breeze.

Seeing the trees pass by I’m at ease.


Recipe about Roller Skating

Prep time: 5 min

Total time: Until you had enough fun


  • A pair of socks
  • A pair of skates
  • A helmet (if needed)
  • Knee pads (if needed)
  • Courage


  1. Sit down
  2. put on your socks
  3. Put on your helmet and knee pads if needed
  4. Put on your skates
  5. Take A deep breath
  6. Believe in yourself
  7. Start to glide
  8. Have Fun
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