Adding a bio to your OpenLab profile


By the start of Wednesday’s class, add a comment with a revised bio here. This is the bio you will use in your OpenLab profile if you are willing to–if you’re not, you can still show that you can make choices about audience, tone, scope, etc, without adding the bio to your profile.

Class notes:

We’ve all thought about our avatars, bios, and OpenLab profiles for Project #2. Our thoughts about having a bio in your profile: Continue reading “Adding a bio to your OpenLab profile”

Project #2 revision and Project #3 draft cover letters

For Project #2:

What’s different about your finished version?

How does it meet the assignment requirements now?

How does this version respond to or incorporate my suggestions?

Any thoughts about the kind of feedback I provided? What worked and what didn’t?

What grade does this new finished version deserve, based on the grading rubric? Consider all 4 categories in the rubric.

For Project #3:

What have you accomplished for this draft?

What work still needs to be done? Be thorough, since this will help me see your vision for your project.

How has this become a topic you’re interested in?

What feedback do you want from me to move you from draft to finished product?

How much more time do you think you need to devote to Project #3?

What grade do you think you have already earned? What grade are you aiming for with the revised version that you’ll submit next?

Class Notes 10/29: (re)Outlining Project #3

use our senses: what are all the different sensory experiences you have there on site? be detailed! Definitely *sight, maybe also *touch, *sound or its absence, or a soundtrack you layered on to the juxtaposition, *smell, *taste?

[think about time of day, time of year, climate, weather, etc]

Use your photograph as well as the experience of being on location

well-organized essay: organize your ideas into paragraphs!

900-1200 words: use this as a guide to get a sense of scope, to drive your revision, but not to make your language awkward and repetitive

make a claim: this is your argument. It comes at the beginning of your work (usually end of first paragraph) and you express it as a thesis statement. Then you bring your ideas back to this point throughout.

juxtapose/compare the elements: the bulk of the writing, very detailed, think about organizing your comparison into a point-by-point or block format or some combination of the two.

use 2 quotations: use these to support your claim, or to push against to make your claim. Your ideas are primary, theirs are secondary, so not in the introduction. Better to include these as you’re making your argument/doing the comparison, though there is a way to bring one (maybe both) quotations into your conclusion–this is much trickier.

You can refer to the ideas from these quotations throughout your project.


Write a rough draft of your outline of Project #3. Be as specific as possible.

Section 1: Introduction with claim

Section 2: Describe the sensory experience at the location [this could be divided into each point in your comparison]

OR describe where the location is, or where it is in relation to City Tech OR the story it tells you, OR why it’s important

Judge for yourself: how important is it to include things like 1-how to get there; 2-story it tells you; 3-why it is important to you; 4-sensory experience

Section3:(point 1) time frame of the two elements of the juxtaposition


Another possibility:




(point 1, point 2, point3, in different sections)

more about juxtaposition





More about juxtaposition/claim (here or after more comparison) Q might go here

point 1

(element 1)

(element 2)

Q might go here

point 2

(element 1)

(element 2)

Q might go here

point 3

(element 1)

(element 2)

point 4

(element 1)

(element 2)

Draft to submit for comments (to guide future revision): 10/31

Class notes: Juxtapositions, 10/24

view from BNY
Photo by Khaleel Holgate

nature (plants, mist and clouds)


old buildings

new buildings






colors: color rich in the foreground, greyscale in the background

juxtaposition of: fence and bridge; buildings in foreground and background

Where is the viewer’s focus? what is the viewer’s vantage point?

what frames the image?


How do we organize Project #3?

introductory paragraph with the thesis statement–that claim or argument you’re making. Start with your topic and narrow down to the juxtaposition and what you want to say about it. [this might not be the first paragraph you write!]

Berko’s main idea, which is the proposal of the researchers working on building the app: “Small interventions in your everyday routine can generate a more comprehensive urban experience.” This comes at the end of her article, but our claims will be presented initially in the introduction. In the conclusion, we’ll be able to answer “so what” about our claim–why does it matter, or to whom, or what’s interesting about it, etc.


Do you use I or not? first-person vs third-person response

comparisons: block format or point-by-point

in point-by point, you highlight different points of comparison and address them individually for each element in the comparison. Sometimes you need to do some of each.

What are different aspects of the juxtaposition? aim to have perhaps 3-5 points of comparison

juxtaposition of buildings
photo by Airy (E.N.)

juxtaposing residential and commercial: building height; materials (and the effects of those materials), architectural and decorative style

What are the 3-5 elements you will use to compare the two parts of your juxtaposition?

how can you find these 3-5 elements? Brainstorm! Write down everything you see–be detailed–and start to see the points of intersection.

Reading “Reading Lucy” and more

To start class, let’s write about our Project #3 subjects:

Why have you chosen this subject in particular—what about it is striking to you? What story does it tell you? What would you want to know more about (although conducting this research is not part of this project!).

Jennifer Egan writes about a writing and research project in “Reading Lucy.” We can use her essay to consider how outside information can inform our writing. We can also think about how it represents a different kind of overlap and juxtaposition.

Where does Egan use outside information?

What kind of outside information does she use?

How does she incorporate it?

What is its effect?

Finishing Project #2

In class today, we did some work on Project #2, including some whole-class discussion of our passion, goals for the next 5-10 years, and personal philosophy or design aesthetic, as well as a written Peer Review. Using that feedback plus any other feedback you’ve gotten in class, on our site, or from outside our course, revise Project #2.

When you’re done, post Project #2. Give your project a title, include the work in the post (rather than as an attachment), and choose the category ENG 1101 Project #2. Use the tag Phase 4: Deliver to indicate that this is the final version, plus any others that you think are relevant.

Be sure to re-read your work before you submit it on Wednesday prior to the start of class.

In class on Wednesday, you will again write a cover letter to help me reflect on the work you’re submitting.

If you have any questions about Project #2, please ask them in response to this post.

Class notes from 9/26

Reflecting on “Our Senses”:

1-In a focused free-write that your classmates will read and respond to, write about your experience of visiting the Cooper Hewitt Museum for our field trip. Your response could

  • focus on one aspect of the exhibit
  • focus on the experience of visiting a museum
  • focus on the experience of learning outside of the classroom
  • compare your experience to another experience at a museum
  • compare your experience to learning in the classroom
  • something else.

2-Comment on the response passed to you. Do this by

  • adding to what the author wrote, or
  • contrasting what the author wrote, or
  • a little bit of both
  • or, ask questions for clarification, for provoking thought, for getting the work back on track.

3-Comment: did the comment add to your understanding, thoughts, the conversation? Was it helpful?

4-Comment as for Comment 2

5-Comment: what in the initial freewrite worked well, and would have made for a better start to the conversation?

  • getting specific would be helpful (eg, what senses were engaged)
  • more detail
  • more connections to outside
  • more comparison across works in the exhibit or across exhibits
  • more versatile: more instruction, ask writers to do more in their posts
  • ask questions

6-Comment: what in the comments worked well, and what would have made for a better continuation to the conversation?

  • ask more questions
  • variety in questions, responses–don’t repeat what someone else has done
  • more controversy! drama! push more!
  • come back to and look forward to all of our materials and experiences


Field Trip to the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum


After visiting “The Senses” at the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum, we all will have encountered works in the exhibit. But we will have experienced them differently! Let’s crowdsource a tour of the exhibit, focusing on what stood out most and what might have been overlooked.

Post the following:

  1. the name and a  detailed description of the one work you found most compelling and why
  2. the name and a detailed description of one work you noticed that your classmates might have missed
  3. photos of each of the two works
  4. name of designer/company for each
  5. date for each
  6. medium (materials used to create the work) for each
  7. choose the category Field Trip and the tag “Our Senses” so we can showcase our tour (and to get credit for your work).

Don’t forget to comment on at least 1 other student’s post. These comments are your chance to add to the tour your impressions and observations of the works your classmates chose to write about.

Discussing “Ways of Seeing” with our different roles

Congratulations to you , our first group of Role 1 posters, for posting about Part 1 of “Ways of Seeing”! Now everyone who signed up to respond can do so. If you need to remember what this whole Roles thing is or how this assignment will work, check out this previous post I made describing what you need to do and when.

Here are the Role 1 posts: from @vhenny space mind, from @bribrianna Brianna M, from @airy Air (E.N.). @rcortes, you were also going to post a Role 1 post–there’s still time today or even early tomorrow morning–so long as the next group has time to read, process, and add their work.

Role 2 folks: that’s @garence, @sruan, and @ezraab. Get ready to post something by Wednesday (again, early Thursday morning won’t destroy us in this first round, especially with the holiday, but we’ll get on  a stricter schedule as this becomes more comfortable to each of us). Read the above posts and choose one to respond to. If someone has already responded, please move on to another until they’re all responded to once before doubling up (this is more a concern for Role 3 this time, since everyone wanted that).

Role 3 folks: that’s everyone else (unless you decide to add to Role 2 just to balance things out). You’ll add your responses by Thursday (or early on Friday, again, just this time). Remember to choose a post that doesn’t already have a Role 3 response until all have one, then make sure it doesn’t already have 2. We want to keep things even, so everyone gets to enjoy the conversation!

After this round, we’ll move on to Part 2 of “Ways of Seeing,” then Part 3. We’ll check in before Part 4 to see if we need to adjust. Your role for each shifts down one (Role 1 becomes Role 2, Role 2 becomes Role 3, and Role 3 becomes Role 1).

This might sound complicated, but it will be exciting to have more of our work read and responded to than all of us talking at once with no one listening!


Discussing “Ways of Seeing”

To discuss “Ways of Seeing,” and to begin our blogging in earnest, we will attempt a sequence that puts everyone in conversation. The person in Role 1 will write a post (category “Reading Discussion,” tag “Ways of Seeing” Part [1, 2, 3, or 4], plus any other relevant tags) approximately 200-300 words long, in which they consider the assigned video. The people in Role 2 and Role 3 will write a comment that is approximately 200-300 words.

To do so, choose one of the following roles for the first day. You will cycle through all three roles. You are of course welcome to comment additionally!

Here’s where it might seem complicated: follow the due dates for your particular role. I will update this with your initials so you know what to do when.

Part 1: Role 1, due 9/18: choose a passage or moment from the video and write a POST about it

Part 2: Role 2, due 9/21: In a COMMENT in response to that post, compare that passage or moment and what your classmate wrote about it to another passage or moment in the video
Part 3: Role 3, due 9/24: in a COMMENT in respond to what was written above, making an additional connection to something either in the video or something else we have encountered so far in either course of this Learning Community.
Part 4: TBD

Part 1: Role 2, due 9/19: In a COMMENT in response to that post, compare that passage or moment and what your classmate wrote about it to another passage or moment in the video
Part 2: Role 3, due 9/22: in a COMMENT in respond to what was written above, making an additional connection to something either in the video or something else we have encountered so far in either course of this Learning Community.
Part 3: Role 1, due 9/25: choose a passage or moment from the video and write a POST about it
Part 4: TBD
Part 1: Role 3, due 9/20: in a COMMENT in respond to what was written above, making an additional connection to something either in the video or something else we have encountered so far in either course of this Learning Community.
Part 2: Role 1, due 9/23: choose a passage or moment from the video and write a POST about it
Part 3: Role 2, due 9/26 before class: In a COMMENT in response to that post, compare that passage or moment and what your classmate wrote about it to another passage or moment in the video
Part 4: TBD