

Complaining in an annoyed way

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word from our reading experts, “Brooklyn was Mine” by Jennifer Egan. This word was mention when Regan explained about Lucy’s personality towards her husband. Most of her personality toward her husband is about love. It is obvious that it is going to be about love, because he went to help out the war and they are separated since than. However, in this particular section, Regan mentioned how Lucy was showing her affection of love differently, in more of an annoying way.

Mitigate (Week 10/11~17)

To make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word from our reading experts, “Brooklyn was Mine” by Jennifer Egan. This word was used when Lucy mentioned in her letter where she often get a sore feet from her job. She solved her problem where she used rubber-sole shoes to lessen the pain from her feet. This word, “Mitigate” sounds like it is used in medical terms. Because of the “Miti” close to the word, “Mini” indicating making the pain “smaller” and the rest of the word, “-gate” converts to converting into something. Which in this case it converts pain less.

Commit (Week 10/4~9)


To do (something that is illegal or harmful)

To decide to use (a person, money, etc.) for some particular purpose or use

To say that (someone or something) will definitely do something : to make (someone or something) obligated to do something

Source: Merriam-Webster

I knew this word already but I am posting it here, because I recently started using this word again. I cannot say “at what moment” I used this word, because it is personal. However, I used this word to describe something that I recently committed on. This word is a strong word that determines what you are doing, which I need for my life. I should keep using this word, because I makes me motivated and can understand the feeling of what I accomplished.



 A word or phrase that shows love or affection

Source: Merriam-Webster

*Little bit of spoiler if you haven’t read the reading yet!

I encountered this word from the reading expert, “Brooklyn was Mine” by Chris Knutsen and Valerie Steiker. I found this word from the third page of the reading, it intrigued me, because of the sound and the word “dear” caught my eyes. Since there was dear in the word, i thought it was some kind of word that “cares one another”. After using our reliable source Merriam-Webster, my thoughts and the definition matched. It definitely connects to the reading, because the main character who was talking about Lucy, explained in details how Lucy and her husband communicated each other after her husband left to join the navy. Her affection toward him was stronger than any other married wife, where she wrote to him every day.



Person who brags a lot

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word at the end of the sample from the reading expert “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead. “Except for that bit about the Dutch buying Manhattan for twenty-four bucks there are and always will be braggarts who “got in at the right time.”” I never heard of this word this before nor I read it somewhere else. The reason what caught my attention was the pronunciation of the word. I believe this word fits the upper class, because of how much money they make compared to the lower class. This sentence shows that the Dutch were braggarts, because they bought Manhattan for twenty-four bucks. Compared to the time back than, the money became less value than it used to be.



  • to enhance or try to enhance the price, value, or status of by organized and usually governmental action
  • to assign value or merit to

Source:  Merriam-Webster

I found this word while reading a part of the Universe Strikes Back by Ellen Lupton. It can be found on the first page of the reading where it says, “Modernism sought a common language built on systems and modularity in contrast, the post-modernists valorized the special idioms and dialects of cultures and subcultures.” To me this shows how the post-modernists gave value to the idioms and dialects of other cultures.



Impossible to separate

Closely joined or relate

Source: Merriam-Webster

I came across this word from the reading expert “Universe Strikes” Back by Ellen Lupton. I picked up this word because it stood out from the sentence that I read, “A cosmopolitan place such as New York or Paris or Kumasi draws its energy from a mix of persons inextricably connected with a larger world who have the right to participate in a world discourse”. Meaning that energy from the places all around the world mixes to together to form a bigger picture that can speak against the world. This word is something that connects individual to form unity, that brings our differences together. I also picked this word, because of the upcoming election. I wanted to share this word and how we have to realize that Barnie Sanders knows more than other voters; what is better for the people and the country.


noun / cos·mo·pol·i·tan

the ideology that all human beings belong to a single community, based on a shared morality.

(SOURCE – Wikipedia)

This word was found in the reading Univers Strikes Back, “the Princeton philosopher and ethicist born and raised in Ghana, has questioned the values of multiculturalism in the name of a new “cosmopolitanism,” literally, “world citizenship.”  Now I understand that this word means a thought that all human had same by sharing morality.



1. to move in one direction and then back again many times

2. to keep changing from one belief, feeling, condition, etc., to an opposite one

3. to change in strength or direction regularly

Source: Merriam-Webster

I’ve come across this word from the reading expert Wind, Sand and Stars “The Tool” by Antonie de Saint -ExupĂ©ry. I picked up this word from this sentence, “The indicators that oscillated on the instrument panel warned us of a thousand dangers.” Because it connects to our graphic design principle and our every day life. To achieve, we have to put our efforts in. Just like drawing, drafting will take hours to reach its final completion. The key, to this sentence is to start with something simple which you will go back and change. It takes you another step closer to the finish line.