


  1. 1.

very unusual or remarkable.

“the extraordinary plumage of the male”

synonyms: remarkableexceptionalamazingastonishingastounding,sensationalstunningincredibleunbelievablephenomenal;



I came across this word during my reading of the Boston Photograph. i had an idea of what this word meant but not the full meaning. Now that I looked the word up I have an idea of what this word means. This word basically means that something is different in an unusual or remarkable way.



anger caused by something that is unfair or wrong

(Source: Merriam-Webster)

I came across this word in The Boston’s Photograph by Nora Ephron. It is found in the sentence, “In this case, of course, the objections were all dressed up and cleverly disguised as righteous indignation about the privacy of death.” I think what this sentence is saying is that the objections were just hidden as anger about the privacy of death.


demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; belligerent; pugnacious.
I encounter this word during the reading of The New York Times – Has Europe Reached the Breaking Point? . When I looked at the sentence “Western superpower without the bellicosity or the laissez-faire hardheartedness of the United States.”


comprehending or thoroughly understanding with one’s mind; having an extensive mental range or grasp, as of a particular subject or many subjects.
The detailed layout of an advertisement, showing placement of photographs, illustrations, copy, etc., as for presentation to a client.
Often, comprehensives. Also called comprehensive examination.
I encountered this word, from The New York Times Documenting Rape in India, the sentence ” a problem that could be alleviated with a comprehensive program……”



fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

Source: Google Definition 

This word was encounter while I was reading the article Lecture Me. Really. where it says “Note-taking should be just as eloquent as speaking.” I think this means taking notes should be like fluent speaking. And now I understand Eloquent means fast and fluent writing or speaking.



slow and clumsy because of great weight.

Source: Google Definition

This word was encounter while I was reading the article Lecture Me. Really. Where it says “When any reading assignment longer than a Facebook post seems ponderous.” Now I understand this word in the text means any reading is longer than a facebook post, people will be so tired to read about it.




of very great weight

Source – Merriam-Webster

I found that word while I reading the article ‘Lecture me. Really,’ in a sentece what said “…any reading assignment longer than a facebook post seems ponderous…”.

Now I know that it’s saying that people can’t read anything long because they’re so use to the lightweight readings.



a peculiarity of constitution or temperament :  an individualizing characteristic or quality

(Merriam Webster)

I first heard this word while listening to a collider heroes video on YouTube where Max Landis writer of the new comic book series Superman: American Alien describes his version of Superman as idiosyncratic.