
[verb ad-vuh-keyt; noun ad-vuh-kit, -keyt]

Spell Syllables

verb (used with object), advocated, advocating. speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument;recommend publicly:

He advocated higher salaries for teachers.


2.a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person,cause, etc. (usually followed by of):

an advocate of peace.

  1. a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; intercessor.
  2. a person who pleads the cause of another in a court of law.


After coming across this word during my reading of Barney Collier’s Book I had no idea what this word meant until I took the time out to look up the definition. This word basically means to argue for or against something in a negative or positive way.


[mang-guh l]

Spell Syllables


verb (used with object), mangled, mangling.


to injure severely, disfigure, or mutilate by cutting, slashing, orcrushing:

The coat sleeve was mangled in the gears of the machine.


to spoil; ruin; mar badly:

to mangle a text by careless typesetting.


During my reading of Barney Collier’s Book. I had an idea of what this word meant but not a full idea. Now that I read the definition I see that the word means to mess something up or to disfigure something.





past tense: revolted; past participle: revolted


cause to feel disgust.

“he was revolted by the stench that greeted him”

synonyms: disgustsickennauseate, make nauseous, make someone sick, turn someone’s stomach, be repugnant to, be repulsive to, put off, be offensive to, make someone’s gorge rise;

informalturn off, gross out

“the smell revolted him”

I came across this word during the reading of Barney Collier’s Book. This word basically means when you feel a bad way about something or you don’t like something.





  1. 1.

a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups.


I found this word during the reading of Barney Collier’s Book. When I read this I didn’t really know what the word ghetto actually meant, but now that I read the definition I have a better understanding of what the word means. This word just means where the lower to middle class people live.


[trib-yoon, trih-byoon]

Spell Syllables



a person who upholds or defends the rights of the people.


I found this word from the excerpt of Barneys Collier’s Book. After reading the definition I understand why it’s called the New York Herald Tribune. This is because the New York Herald Tribune because it gives out the news that would help people out.



the online world of computer networks and the Internet


I encounter this word in the reading “That love thing”. The word is found in the sentence ” If guys can satisfy their cravings with virtual vixens in cyberspace then they could conceivably have a more relaxed attitude about just hanging out with girls in a perfectly innocent way playing football with them or taking up scubadiving.” By knowing the this word means the online world of computer networks and the Internet. I better undertand what the situaion.

My Glossary Entires
















These glossary entries really helpful and useful of my reading skill, because I still in the english learner level, these words will more difficult to understand it. By having these words of my glossary, I tried to understanding the meaning and remembered all the words. Even though I don’t remember it, but I still have the first impression of these word. Sometimes I looked at my classmate post about the glossary, it was the other way to know more. In my glossary, it made me really interested to know the meaning of these words, because I never saw these words that I didn’t know them very well. I believe the glossary not only for the homework grade, probably for my vocabulary also these words helped my classmates . When I go through the glossary post, I saw a lot of the vocabulary my peers post, some words I never saw it before I looked at it. I was pretty thankful of my classmates who posts their entries benefit me a lot.



not having the things that are needed for a good or healthy life


I encounter this word in the aritle “Love at first bite”. The word is found in the sentence “Meiwes told the court that he had felt deprived and neglected as a child after his father walked out on the family.”By looking it up in the dictionary, I know it means not having the things that are needed for a good or healthy life.



existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the sametime


I encounter this word in the reading called “What is reality?”. The word is found in the sentence “The scientific worldview which so dominates our contemporary consciousness is not as innocent as it may at first seem.” After I look it up in the dictionary, I know it means existing. That helps me better un derstand this article.



controlling the people of a country in a very strict way with complete power that cannot be opposed


I encounter this word in the article “The real Big Brother”. It is found in the sentence “The telescreen was one way the Party could detect what the book calls Thought Crimes. In totalitarian regimes the thought of dissent is itself an act of treason”. By knowing it means controlling the people of a country in a very strict way with complete power that cannot be opposed, I understand the idea that the author wants to express.