First Year Learning Community

Category: Student Posts (Page 23 of 40)

Midterm Grade

All 3 projects over the course of this semester so far have taught me many things. I learned about figure ground relationships and how they are important in creating a piece to catch the eye of the viewer and give them an idea on what you want to express.  Along with this, when doing project 2, learning about legato and staccato in art helped me to convey smooth and calm or rough and more energetic in my art. Both projects helped me to refine my ideas better and helped me to see how i can better portray my feelings and message in my art. Project 3 helped me to better understand lighting. In making this abstract collage, I had to focus on making my narrow range values narrow enough to be considered so, and to make sure m broad ranged piece was broad enough on the spectrum. This third project helped to give me a better understanding of how to use highlights, low lights, and the rest of the spectrum of gray scale lighting to better express my messages in my art.

Sound Visualizations

Urban Artifacts

Project No. 3

Value Added Portraits: Phase 1

Value Added Portraits: Phase 2

Sound Visualizations: Phase 4

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

This project helped me learn that what you see in art can be interpreted many ways. I was able to use music to create art that would represent the beat and feeling of the song; this art would have to convey what I felt and heard to the viewer. This project was definitely difficult for me because i had problems expressing the staccato and legato music onto the page, but I did learn the importance of being able to convey my ideas and feelings properly in what I create in the future.

Value added portraits: Phase 2

Time spent: 2 hours

Midterm Grade


There are many things that I have learned mid-semester. I have learned how to be open minded about what I see and be different. In the first project, we took pictures of urban artifacts and made them into art. I would have never thought that something that we find in the street can be art. Although I followed the guidelines, I was still scared to be creative. That is one thing that I would change in my first project is having fear of being creative. In the second project, I learned how to pay attention to music, listen deeper to the beat, and instruments. It was very difficult using Photoshop to make a music video of our paintings. In the third project I made a cut out that had to be narrow and broad with a high-key and a low-key tone. The only part in the project that i found difficult was how we had to paint our cut outs. I’ve never used the gauche paint before so it was very difficult. Besides all of those minor things in the project I wouldn’t have changed anything on my project besides the video being a bit more interactive. Overall, these projects have been very fun yet difficult in certain points.

Sound Visualization: Phase 4, Urban Artifact: Phase 4 Value-Added Portraits: Phase 4

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