
Category: M+G Mechanics and Grammar

M+G 2: Run-On Sentences

M+G Workers, heads up:

Complete this quiz (link below).

Online Run-On Quiz, 1

When you make any answer — right or wrong — click on the box that says “explanation please” so that you know the rule governing the answer.

You can take a screen shot or make a document that shows that you completed the quiz and upload it under CATEGORY: M+G ASSIGNMENTS.

Want to help others?: Add your own resources/quizzes/explanation for further practice with Run-On Sentences in a new post and select M+G under CATEGORIES. Your fellow students thank you.

M+G 1: Subject/Verb Agreement

EXERCISE 1 DOWNLOAD: CUNY Grammar Subj Verb Exercise 1

For M+G Workers, head’s up:

Download this exercise. Complete it. To prove you did it you can: edit it in an electronic document and upload it; or you can print it, complete it, and scan/photograph your results. When you upload your document be sure to check CATEGORY M+G Assignments. If you upload a photo, you must make it FULL SIZE.

Please help your fellow students to improve. Do you have other resources or exercises that they can use to practice and get stronger in M+G? Post them here and select “Mechanics and Grammar” under CATEGORIES.