
Category: Assignment 1 (Page 8 of 10)



I don’t think I fear much other than death. I think we all have that fear whether we want to admit it or not. The idea of death must scare us all. I realize that  when we die we wont know what occurred. There is a chance we wont even know how  it occurred and what will become of us. If I died at this moment that will cause it, will I feel it or will I leave in a calm manner. Some people are scared of little stuff like clowns and animals but, we can find a method to exclude them from our lives unlike death which is unavoidable.


Death is avoidable!!!

Fear and Cure


I have lots of fears, but if I had to choose, it would be the fear of insects. I see one, I freeze, then scared, then run and leave. I don’t want to be near them, but insects seem to be there when I least want them. I can kill them…but I don’t want to touch them. I can feel them even in the dark and when I eat…I can’t stand them.


No cure, I give up. See one vermin or near one, my answer, I run away.

Fear & Cure


I used to be a sick kid. Thank God, I’m better. I had asthma for a while when I was little and it would strike with a horrible sentiment that I’d receive an attack and become breathless. It vacated until I became 16, I don’t remember… I don’t want to, in fact. What a dream. Keen to this doze, this face of mine on this cool cushion and out of nowhere at 3 a.m. I need air like never before. I came to the realization of how crucial air is, I mean I do know how much air is needed but this time was different. This obnoxious attack occurred all the times I went to bed. I couldn’t drift into another dream. Unable to find solitude as I close the curtains of this face, I was traumatized. After some time, I healed from it.  ’til this dawn, it hasn’t startled me. Nevertheless, I still fear it, that whenever I see someone else with the same occurrence I fear for them.



Will I ever overcome this illness? I was clinical. I weep. Prayer was mom’s answer.

Fear And Cure


As the elevator ascended, It felt as though we would climb towards the heavens. I was  both nervous and excited I  had never been to the empire state building before. It was only my second visit to New York, there were so many tourists cites to visit and this was one of them. At the summit of this giant of a building, New York was displayed in all it’s beauty. As I drew closer to the veranda , the idea of the welfare of I, the person with a fear becomes abstract. The idea of my greatest fears floods mind of I,  the person with a fear. As I endeavor to keep my mental health intact.


A voice reminds me, that I am scared since I empower it, it’s scary. And what i give energy to will surround me, it’s scary.

Fears and Cure


The heavier I breathe the more nervous I become because I know actions have a reaction. So I made an effort to breathe and think about this situation, but the one concern i had was I needed the cash. So I aimed my six shooter at the clerk and demanded the cash. The clerk realize the nervousness and he reached under the counter so I fired a shot and took the cash and ran as fast as I could.


You were an nicer son  growing up, people unaware  you’ve changed minus me. Organize a primary way so can carry on joyous.

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