English Assignment 1

After reviewing the assigned articles they both covered rhetorical writing. They both outline the format and structures used to have what is to be considered good writing. The article “Teaching Rhetorical Analysis to Promote Transfer of Learning” spoke of how to evoke writers to be passionate about their writings in such a manner that there is extreme emphasis of this placed in their work. Traditional writings did not demand this of writers. Even though both writings outline structure it still leaves room for the writer to be free formed in their delivery.

Structuring keeps the reading easily able to follow and that it is clear and concise. Generally I believe writing should just flow at least when I am writing thought just over pour.

I am the type to write continuously and then go back and read my thoughts. Sure enough there will be tons of mistakes, hopefully not too much but sometimes there is just so much going on inside this head of mine. Writing has always been a way to release these thoughts.

Both articles touched the topics ethos, pathos and logos. I always thought that if your writing was good enough you would never have to specifically focus on how to convince or persuade the reader. If you writings are true, true to heart, desires, dreams or whatever inspires that everything else would fall into place. So taking a look at how these were defined I found that in my writings you will find these elements naturally. These writings both place emphasis of growth in writing no matter the style or format chosen.

I think the best works utilize bits and pieces of persuasion. Ultimately it states the conclusion the author wants the reader to arrive at, after reading their point of view. It is more than just a view point, it’s the visualization of seeing something through someone else’s eyes. It does not put less value if you disagree but it should have you think beyond and outside of the box. The articles place emphasis on how they grow the writer utilizing structure but in a different way. I think in relation to ethos, pathos and logos it speaks of the person’s character. In everyone’s writings there is a piece of them lying underneath and when the reader analyzes, looks over or tries to have an understanding they draw a conclusion based on their prior experiences and influences.

I am still here trying to piece them all together, to try to have a better understanding on how would you know how much to put in your writing, should you have balance? Is there dependency on the topic? Hopefully I can gain more insight as I grow through my writings to see where I am more aligned. Is it truly all about growth in your works or the underlying’s of who you are through your work?

Both articles very insightful, a little long but at the very end it shows you how writings can be broken down and where our thoughts are derived from.