



An example of the genre I chose to write in is: Non-Fiction Narration about the Steelpan.

An analysis of this genre is:

Myself.  Nadia Douglas, that will be writing about this non-fiction genre.  My audience will be the professor and or my fellow classmates.  The kind of community that has invested in or impacted by this writing is Pan Trinbago Inc. Pan Trinbago is union base organization form by the government of Trinidad and Tobago for working closely with musicians across the countries that are involve in the steelpan, all over the globe. Pan Trinbago are the ones who hosts most of the competitions Internationally and pay the players and or the Captain of the Steel band for their attendance and well-arranged song of choice.


Some key vocabulary or language that I might find that are common in this form of writing are: organization, incorporated, promotion, labor, steel band, musical, and group.  In this sort of genre, Pan Trinbago can effectively write to its audience and tell of the good things they are doing for the steel bands, and the communities, and the way in which they can help steel bands along the way.  They might have some by laws that they might operate by and some disciplinary act the Bands must follow when preparing for or entering a competition. Some of these things’ listings can sound appealing to a reader and cause them to either join the group or join a steel band.


I chose to write about the Steel Pan.  I play the steel pan.  I have a little skill in playing and my interest is to learn more about it, its history, and to become a better player.