Sound Visualization: phase 2

The inked mashup of both legatto and stacatto took me about 2 1/2 hours. I first had to create my layout and measure boxes for accuracy. Then with a very light pencil I drew each composition one by one. After wards I used my pigment liner and brush in order to fill in my designs with black. After all that was done I made sure to let my artwork dry over night before erasing the lines which made up the layout so therefore each staccato and legatto would create a border for themselves since they juxtapose. I would post a photo on to this post but i am unable to so I will have a clickable link to my artwork once i upload it to my e-portfolio

Sound Visualizations: Phase 3

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After about approximately 3 hours of work time overall, I was able to finish my final animation for project #2. Overall im pretty satisfied with the final product, although i wish i couldve had more time to experiment with the Animatron program, and been able to learn how to use it better. I used the songs “Without Me” by Eminem, which is a very straight,staccato rap composition, and “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars, which is a more flowing legato composition.