Project #1

Comment on: Wind, Sand and Stars “The Tool” by Antonie de Saint- ExupĂ©ry


The Wind, Sand and Stars “The Tool” by Antonie de Saint -ExupĂ©ry, tells the reader how design is not to only to add, but to take away as well. This sentence from the chapter “to refine the curve of a piece of furniture, or a ship’s keel, or the fuselage of an airplane, until gradually it partakes of the elementary purity of the curve of ‘a human breast or shoulder
”, shows that there are elements that are necessary to make an object function to achieve its purpose. It connects to our graphic design principle and our everyday life, because in drafting it will take many hours and it will not be complete if elements are missing from the objects. The key is to start with something simple where you can go back and change. It will eventually take you another step closer to the finish line.


Verb officially make (someone) a minister, priest, rabbi, etc. officially establish or order (something)


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt “The Tool”. This word can be found in the sentence “It is as if there were a natural law which ordained that to achieve this end…”. The use of ordain in this case is to order. As the sentence continues ” to refine the curve of a piece of furniture, or a ship’s keel, or the fuselage of an airplane, until gradually it partakes of the elementary purity of the curve of ‘a human breast or shoulder…”, I see that there are elements that are necessary to make an object function to achieve its purpose based from understanding what ordained meant. For example, the fuselage is needed to  make the airplane function properly in order to make the plane fly. The fuselage is part of the natural law towards the airplane’s ability to achieve its purpose which is flight.