Project #1 Introduction (Final)

My name is Eftekar but I would prefer to be called Efy. I am 18 years old and a freshman in college. I live in Brooklyn and I used to attend the High School Of Telecommunication Arts and Technology. My major is Art and Advertising design. I chose this major because I’m really interested in art. Most of the time when I’m not busy and have nothing to do I turn to art. My personal aesthetic or  artistic style  is drawing with a pencil and a journal size sketchbook. I don’t mind drawing on a bigger canvas but I prefer to draw on a regular size canvas. Usually, my drawings are simple but can have positive feedback. When I draw I rarely use color because my style of art is more realistic then cartoonist, so I leave the sketch with its shading/contouring. In the future, I hope to see my self as a famous artist/ advertising person working for a famous company or even better owning one of the biggest/famous companies.

The picture I chose for my avatar is a sketch that I’ve drawn my self, It’s called “growing without knowing”. The way to describe it would be a rose growing in the shape of a question mark, and the rose’ roots are wrapped around a heart, also the rose looks very bright and full of color. I chose this to describe me as a person because I’m interested in art and this is a piece of my work. To go in deeper meaning, this sketch describes me because as I was growing older, year by year adults like teachers or my parents would always ask me “what do you want to be when you grow up” and my answer would always be different or not really relating to what I really want. This is because I really didn’t know what to do when I grow up but I knew what I like to do as a hobby an that is to draw.

When looking at my avatar people might see differently then what I intend to portray. The viewer might think of their own deeper meaning of what the picture is. They might think I didn’t know what to chose as my avatar because of the question mark and they would think that I’m a hard person to get along with because of the thorns on the rose or they might be just confused because the avatar isn’t straight forward to the viewer.

I feel like my profile would help others know more about me as a person. It would show what I’m interested in, what my aesthetic is and what I hope to become. My profile would also help me meet new people that are interested in the same things I’m in.


Urban artifacts: Phase 3

Compared  to the last phase, phase 3 was just like phase 2. This is because both at first were complicated to understand but after understanding how and what to do they got simpler. Also this phase was similar to the last one because we had to choose an ambiguous and stable piece of work and transfer it to a Bristol board.


The piece to the left took approx 2-3 hours to finish and the piece to the right took about 5-6 hours.

Discover: face #1

The three objects I selected to use from the urban journey are a rock/pebble, a receipt, and something that looks like a tube but was unidentifiable. All these objects are unique in their own way and have their own story. For example, the rock is very dimensional, its color is white with some grays, and is filled with dirt from the place it was found at. The story it has that I can interpret, is that one day a group of construction workers were fixing the street and while they were doing their job a few pebbles and rocks started to fall in different directions and one of them landed on the sidewalk for me to find. The second object is the receipt, I found this item on the grass of a buildings yard. It was crumpled up and filled with dirt. The story that can be perceived from this is, one day a person came out of a store and while they were walking they crumpled up the receipt and threw it on the ground. It was then kicked around and swept by the wind to a bunch of different places while getting a bit dirty. Finally, the third item which is the tube thingy. I found this item on the edge of the sidewalk where pedestrians can hook their bikes so they can return for them later. This item looks like its a torn part from the full thing that’s why its unidentifiable. To describe it, its black, about the size of a fun size snickers and its dirty. The story that can be told about this item is that, as a person was riding their bike one day they accidentally broke off a piece from their bike and while they were hooking their bike on the pole to rest that certain piece fell off and was left their to collect dirt. Overall, the three items were interesting to work with even though they all were filled with dirt and germs from the street.

Sketches: Each sketch took about 4-5 min.


