First Year Learning Community

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Midterm Post

Before completing these projects, I didn’t have too much insight on the topics we’ve covered. Out of all 3 projects, my favorite one was the Sound Visualizations. Being able to combine music and art was amazing, I would surely want to do that again. Throughout the projects my vocabulary expanded as well, I now know the clear meanings of different terms. Some things I would’ve done differently would’ve been to ask more questions, and make sure I didn’t procrastinate too much. On upcoming projects I want to be more organized and neater, so that my future work shows a lot more progress.


Midterm Grade


There are many things that I have learned mid-semester. I have learned how to be open minded about what I see and be different. In the first project, we took pictures of urban artifacts and made them into art. I would have never thought that something that we find in the street can be art. Although I followed the guidelines, I was still scared to be creative. That is one thing that I would change in my first project is having fear of being creative. In the second project, I learned how to pay attention to music, listen deeper to the beat, and instruments. It was very difficult using Photoshop to make a music video of our paintings. In the third project I made a cut out that had to be narrow and broad with a high-key and a low-key tone. The only part in the project that i found difficult was how we had to paint our cut outs. I’ve never used the gauche paint before so it was very difficult. Besides all of those minor things in the project I wouldn’t have changed anything on my project besides the video being a bit more interactive. Overall, these projects have been very fun yet difficult in certain points.

Sound Visualization: Phase 4, Urban Artifact: Phase 4 Value-Added Portraits: Phase 4

Midterm Grade

Throughout this semester, I have learned a lot while completing the three projects. In this first project, I was a bit confused about the directions that was given to me. After a while, I was able to accomplish the project; even though it was very tedious I was able to complete it one time. For the second project, I was very excited to use animation and I was able to make my own video. The only thing that I would change in both projects is time management.

Urban Artifacts- Project #1

Sound Visualization -Project #2 

Midterm Grade Post

From the beginning of the semester to now, I have learned a lot working in class and on projects.  I wasn’t sure about many of the topics when we were first introduced to them, but I usually managed to get a good understanding by the second class of each project. In my opinion I have good understanding of ambiguous and obvious work now. I can say the same about staccato and legato sounds and shapes. As for the current project, I feel like I have decent understanding too. Phase 2-3 of each project has been fun and very helpful to my understanding of each principle. I feel this is true because Phase 2-3 is usually the hands on parts of the project and it helps me learn more as I work on it. What I might have done differently next time is maybe spend more time on certain phases of the project. I would also try to make sure everything is handed in on time.

Project 1

Project 2

Midterm Grade Post

From these projects, I learned how to make better use of high key and low key portraits in photos. I think if I had something I could have improved on, it would probably be interacting with my peers more on the projects so I can learn from them. I also believe I could have taken better photos for the first part of the project to better emphasis the difference between high key and low key portraits.

Project 1


Project 2


Project 3

Midterm Grade Post

I learned lots of things, from how to define obvious and ambiguous figure ground relationship to creating animation of sound visualization on photoshop; I also learned that each composition needs a focus point and should directing viewers’ eyes, make them see what you want them to see.  There are few things that I wish I’ve done differently; I feel even thought I understood my instruction, but I tends to forget to apply what I learned to my work, and I think thats something I have to work on. I am not a detail oriented person, thus, my works are often rough, and I wish I have paid more attention to details on my previous works.


Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

Sound visualization: Phase 4

Midterm Grade Post

  • “What have you learned?”

What I have learned from the three projects that we have worked on so far is that it made me realized what my capabilities are in terms of both creativity, and skill. I don’t really believe that my work was really that good, but it seems to be speaking otherwise judging by the comments I have gotten so far from my fellow classmates. These three projects actually pushed me out of my comfort zone to paint as I never liked painting as oppose to other techniques of coloring. I also had the time to do what I wanted to do in order to improve, and that is inking.  I feel that I have improved my skills as I wanted from working on these three projects.

  • “How would you do things differently next time?”

The way I would do things differently next time is that I would upgrade the projects I have done with my improved creativity, and skills in order to make something better so that I could learn more.

Midterm Grade

One of the things I learned the most is to pay attention to things a lot more. To visualize things that you can’t see and to basically just imagine whats bot there. For the first project Urban Artifacts, I think we were all confused at first, but then as the professor explained more in depth we got the hang of it. It was a bit tedious once we got to photoshop because we had to copy and paste the same exact shapes on the page. If I were to do this projectile over again I would have spent more time on phase one which was discover so that I could have more shapes and objects to choose from that could probably have resulted in a better composition. Nevertheless, I still love my compositions. ♡

Urban Artifacts

At first this project seemed very  difficult because we had to listen to songs and visualize something that we can’t see such as sound waves. However, I think the best way to do it is to just imagine how the sound waves would sound and that makes it a lot easier. Making the grid was a little hectic because we need to visualize where we would place the patterns that will be arranged in a way that makes a path to the focal point. However, if you did thumbnails it would be easier because you have an idea of the placement. The last step was to animate,  I must say it was vexing to be fitting and pasting the different pattern squares to different layers but after that everything was smooth. I really like this project because it teaches you things that on your own you wouldn’t thought about like the shapes of sounds. If I were to do this project all over again I would have spent more time animating I do feel like I rushed the animation part. I do also like the final product but I could have done better.

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