Project#3:phase 4

This project was very interesting. My favorite part of this project was painting, it allowed to practice some  different techniques to help improve my painting skills. I also love making collages out of copies of a photograph of myself to create something new. I kearbel alot about broad and narrow value ranges. These ate things I will take into account when creating an image or taking a photo .I also learned how to drag a viwers attention towarst the focul point of an image.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3 


Project#3: phase 3

Narrow Low-key Value Range Painted Collage
Narrow Low-key Value Range
Broad Value Range
Broad Value Range Collage

The first image is my painted  Narrow Low-key collage created with gouache paint. The second image is the original collage  I created and used as reference the create my copied versions of it.  The third image is my Broad Value range digital collage. This image was created on photo shop. The last image was the original broad value range collage I created and  used this image as a reference to create the the third image.

Time: 7 hours




Project#3: Phase 2

Broad range

This is my broad image collage. This is image represents a broad range value because there is almost a neutral light to dark distribution in this image. The focus point in this image is my nose. The way the images is alligned kind of helps lead the viewer to the focus point.As you can there is a strong stable figure/ground relationship.

Narrow Low-Key Value range

This is my Narrow value range. This represents my Narrow low-key value range because there is mostly darkness in this image compared to the light, it also transition from dark to the little bit of light you see near the end of the right side of the image. The focul point in this image is the eyes. I put them in the central of my face and kind of stacked them to draw attention to themselves and kind if help lead the viewers eyes towards the focul point. This image has an unstable Ambiguous figure/ground relationship. There’s a lot going on with the collage in this image that makes it difficult for you to determine what is the figure and what is the ground.


High Key/Light Value range
Low key/ light value range
Broad range

Hours worked: 1 hour

The first image represents a high-key/light value range. This is because there is mostly light in this image and less darkness or shadows in the image. This image also kind of  graduates from dark to light  creating the feeling of success or hope.The second image represents low-key/light value range. This is because there is little to no light in the image, instead there is  mostly darkness and shadows. This image kind of expressea despair, mystery,and creepiness. Lastly, the final image represents broad a broad range image. This is because there a similar amount or equal amount of light and darkness in the image, there’s a neutral clash between light and dark. This image expresses balance. 

Project#2: Phase 4

This Project was very interesting ,I learned a lot about staccato and legato sounds. Drawing sound was a bit difficult but it was also very fun to do as well. Animating my drawing took a lot of time,there were a lot of issues that I ran into, but I took the time to resolve them. I really enjoy playing around with the animation part of photoshop. It took me 3 days to complete the animation, and after all the hard work I put into, I could say that I’m happy with how it turned out.  Oh and also, after todays critique, I fixed the fading out of my animation so that it begins to fade early than it did before, resulting in a clean fade towards the end, so that’s no longer an issue as well.






Field Trip to New Lab

Farm Shelf

New Lab was filled with many interesting creations and inventions from many different company’s. One of the things I saw and remembered the most was the U Farm shelf. Most good that you by at your local market or restaurants, travel 1500 miles before they are prepared to eat. Eating Fresh grown food is better for the environment and its healthier. With Farm shelf, you are able to almost effortlessly grow ur own food where you live,work, or commune.I think this a really cool, because you could also learn a little about how to farm and grow food.

Peoject#2: Sound Visualization Mashup-Phase 3


This anime is representing a mash up of two songs, Summertime and Feels Summer, both songs created by the artist Childish Gambino. The swirls are the Legato, they represent the long flowing manner of Childish Gambino’s voice in Feels like Summer. The circles and lines are the staccato. They represent the separated notes played by the repeated beats played summertime.

Time: 4 hours


Yarmulke(noun)- a skullcap worn especially by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish males in the synagogue and the home

This word was encountered in ” A literary Visitors Strolls in From the Airport”

The sentence in which this word was encountered says, ” Proceeding along Eastern Parkway, Mr.Self studied the streetscape carefully, eager to discern the exact point when it turned from a black and hispanic neighborhood to an Orthodox Jewish one, and was delighted when he spotted a guy in a yarmulke talking to two coffee-colored men.

The author describes a man wearing a Yarmulke. A yarmulke is a skull cap worn by people  Orthodox neighborhoods.


Psycho-geography- the effect of a geographical location on the emotions and behaviour of individuals

The term psychogeography was invented by the Marxist theorist Guy Debord in 1955 in order to explore this. Inspired by the French nineteenth century poet and writer Charles Baudelaire’s concept of the flâneur – an urban wanderer – Debord suggested playful and inventive ways of navigating the urban environment in order to examine its architecture and spaces.

This word was encountered in “A literary Visitor Strolls in from the Airport”

The sentence in which this word was found says, ” what recommend it was that it would take him through parts of the city that most people while driving in a car: and experience that Mr.Self, a student of psycho- geography, believes has imposed a ” windscreen-based virtuality” on travel, cutting us off from experiencing our own topography.

Psychogeography deals with the different effects a geographical location can have in your emotions. In the sentence the word was used in , Mr. Self is said to believe in the idea of psychogeography and he says that driving around in a car limits a person from experiencing psychogeography because they are not able to experience  their own topography.Mr.Self basically explains in the following sentence that  walking is the only form of real exploration that’s left.