

A small sample of fabric intended to demonstrate the look of a larger piece.

Source – Google Definitions

I encountered this word while reading the guidelines for project #6 for COMD1100. “The finished inventory should include an image of the color reference and a series of proportionally sized color swatches.”

Now I know what that sentence was saying, I need to include an image of the fabric that I will be inventorying as references for its color.

[Glossay Entry #15]



A complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building

Source – Google Definitions

I encountered this word while reading the guidelines for project #6 for COMD1100. “Here are few examples of proportional inventories created from color references”

Now I know what that sentence was saying, it’s a list of properties from color references.

[Glossay Entry #13]



the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, especially in dim light.

Source – Google Dictionary

I encountered this work while reading the guidelines for project #5 for COMD1100 “The personal icon should be a simple silhouette”

I now know a Silhouette is a black shape/figure outline of someone or something.







[Glossary Entry 7]

Simultaneous Contrast


the tendency of a color to induce its opposite in hue, value and intensity upon an adjacent color and be mutually affected in return

Source – Merriam Dictionary

I encountered this word while reading the guide lines for project # 5 in COMD1100.

I now understand that Simultaneous Contrast means opposite in color and value.

[Glossary Entry 6]



an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation

Source –

I encountered this word while reading, The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter The city’s emotional divide has remained mostly one of conjecture”.

Now i understand that this sentence means people are divide by opinions and theory even though the information is incomplete or not true.

[Glossary Entry 5]



A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority

(Source – Google Definition)

I encountered this word while reading the guideline from Graphic Design project #3. “Use Visual Hierarchy and Movement to clearly direct the viewer’s eye to the focal point.” Now I understand Hierarchy mean something that is judged by its importance. So now I understand that I have to clearly state an important focus point so that the viewer can see it easily.

[Glossary Entry 4]



sameness of pitch or tone in a sound or utterance.

Source – Google Definitions

I encountered this word from Graphic Design Principles 1 when professor Spevack was teaching the lesson for today. I now understand that Monotony means something repeating. We are starting a new project and we are using a song to draw from, I now understand that this song will have a repeating beat that is the same.

The example of Monotony from class:

[Glossary Entry 3]



The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.

Source – Google Definitions

I encountered this word while reading the description for project #2

“On your walk, look for sites of different New Yorks overlapping—such juxtapositions include old and new,”

Now that I know the meaning of Juxtaposition, I know understand that I will be looking for two things in New York that are close together that looks different.

[Glossary Entry 2]


a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.
(SOURCE- Google dictionary)
I encountered this word while reading the task for Project #1 on September 4th, 2015. “Include in your bio a description of what you are passionate about, what you see as your design aesthetic,”
Now by knowing what aesthetic means I now understand that it is asking me about what I see as my design style and how I go about creating my works.
[Glossary Entry 1]