Color Interaction Parings: Phase 3

Color Interaction Parings
Color Interaction Parings

I really liked this part of the project, since we were able to work with a partner and use illustrator. For this project, me and my partner Romie picked a color that represents us both for the logo color and picked a relative personality color that represented us separately. We came up with idea for the logo should be a abstract. I think it was a great idea, since many people done a silhouette of an animal. I came up with this logo that combined with Romie ‘s hobbies. (*On the right) Including the curves that represents the creativeness and the pointy thorn looking curves indicates his smartness that goes straight to his point. Lastly, the little circle shows his personality that makes everything in put together. It took us about the whole class time to work on gathering ideas of personality wise, colors and hobbies. Including working on the illustrator and finishing it. It took me about hour and thirty minutes to place the logo on to the actual color paring. Ruffly it me about in total of four hours and thirty minutes.

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 2

Group 1 – Achromatic gray studies

Group 1 Chromatic Grays

What I learned on this group is, it was easy to see a difference because I was only working with grays. There wasn’t a lot of options to choose.

Took about 10 minutes.

Group 2 – Shifting value (with color)

This group was a little tricky to create because of the value options. But with many tries, this is what I came up with.

Took about 25 minutes, because I had to experiment a lot to get what i was looking for.

Group 3 – Shifting hue, but not value

This group was easy to create, I first chose a color and the chose another another hue by sliding the hue bar up and down util I see a difference in the middle square.

Took about 10 minutes

Group 4 – Shifting hue and value

This group was also easy to create, I first chose a color and the chose another hue by sliding the hue bar up and down and then I changed the value until I see a difference in the middle square.

Took about 10 minutes.

Group 5 – Extra Credit

Group 5 - Extra CreditThis group was very difficult because I had to keep changing the colors so that I could make the middle squares look alike.

This took about 30 minutes

All took about an hour and half to create.