First Year Learning Community

Category: COMD1100 (Page 9 of 15)

Midterm Grade Post

  • “What have you learned?”

What I have learned from the three projects that we have worked on so far is that it made me realized what my capabilities are in terms of both creativity, and skill. I don’t really believe that my work was really that good, but it seems to be speaking otherwise judging by the comments I have gotten so far from my fellow classmates. These three projects actually pushed me out of my comfort zone to paint as I never liked painting as oppose to other techniques of coloring. I also had the time to do what I wanted to do in order to improve, and that is inking.  I feel that I have improved my skills as I wanted from working on these three projects.

  • “How would you do things differently next time?”

The way I would do things differently next time is that I would upgrade the projects I have done with my improved creativity, and skills in order to make something better so that I could learn more.

Midterm Grade Post

Throughout the semester, the projects that I have done were interesting and challenging. The first project we did was the Urban Artifacts, I did not get the idea of taking pictures of objects on the street and make it into art, however we did. Throughout each phase, I learned how to create an obvious and ambiguous figure ground relationship and using Photoshop to make a stable and unstable figure ground. What I would do differently, have different objects and recreate the ambiguous composition and make it more chaotic.

The second project was Sound Visualization, I learned how to create a video, animating, and adding sound in Photoshop, it was pretty difficult because it was my first time and I did not know what part of the song I wanted in the video. During this project, I would retry doing the animation again, I feel like it could have been better, and getting each part of the layer in the right place.

In the current project we are working on, Value-Added Portraits, what I learn is making a collage of a portrait in a high key and low key composition. I thought it was really interesting making a collage that was narrow because my photo did not appear anything like my portrait and i had a different perspective. What I would recreate again is my painting, Currently, it is challenging me, because it is hard for me getting the right colors to match the original Broad Range collage.

Urban Artifacts

Sound Visualization

Value-Added Portraits

Midterm Grade

Throughout the three projects that we have already done, I learn different things and vocabulary. On the first project, I learn about the difference between stable and ambiguous. While one is stand out and one is hard to tell which is the object and which is the ground. Next time if we are doing similar project, I will choose something interesting and  easy to cut out because I had chose the gum on the floor as one of my artifact.

On the second project, the Sound Visualization, I learn how to use photoshop to make gif or video.I have a bit of hard time on the beginning with the program because it is my first time making a video. I will position my piece more on a pattern than just randomly jumping across the screen.

On the one that we are working on right now, I learned about the difference of high key and low key, broad and narrow,and how we can use an black and white portrait of ourself can make some different kind of art piece.What I can do better will be my painting of my broad piece because it is my first time using the gouache paint and I couldn’t mix to the color I want or when the paint is dry, the color show up more darker than I wanted.



Urban Artifacts

Sound Visualization

Midterm Grade

From doing these projects, I’ve definitely learned a few different things. I’ve learned how to turn what people see as trash into works of art with a meaning. I’ve picked up on basic and some advanced tricks with Photoshop. In addition to this, I’ve grown attached to looking at the smallest of things and trying to transform them into something much bigger. This does make a few things complicated for almost no reason but it’s something that I feel comfortable doing. I also learned how important it is to keep yourself on track, especially when it comes to artwork. Being able to stay on top of things and not fall behind is a very important thing in the real world, and it’s something that I’m constantly struggling with. In order to avoid the present problem of procrastination, I know now that I need to plan ahead and account for the possibility of things going wrong. I need to be prepared, and have things ready the day I’m notified that I need it. Handing things in late is not what I want to be known for. Overall, this experience has been a huge turning point for me and I intend to make the most out of this learning experience.

Urban Artifacts Phase 4

Sound Visualization Phase 4


Midterm grade

I’ve learned a lot thoughout this midterm, learned new vocabulary how to use photoshop and do an animation. I also learned how to use the actual drawing pens and what’s a hard and soft pencil. Lastly I’ve learned that my weakest side is how to use a paintbrush. That’s probably not my best job done. But I’ve put a lot of effort and time into my projects. And I’ve also lost my shyness to present in front of a classroom. (I usually couldn’t even stand up and look out to the from of the classroom).

Project 1

project 2


Midterm Grade Post

During the first half of this semester, I’ve learned a lot about how specific arrangements of shapes and colors can manipulate the message delivered by a composition. I also learned how compositions can be gathered and portrayed from more than one medium.

However, I have also learned that I still have things to take away from this project. For instance, one of the qualities I feel that I need to improve on the most is craftsmanship. My works haven’t always been the neatest in terms of organization and projection so I believe that’s one quality I need to improve on to get to the next level.

Sound Visualization

Urban Artifacts

COMD Class 15 | Painting Lab

October 26, 2016

What’s Due?

  • Broad and Narrow Value Collages finished. See Project #3: Phase 2 Define for details.
  • Create a new blog post called Value-Added Portraits: Phase 2.
    • Add an image of your 2 collages. Don’t forget to caption them Broad Range and Narrow Range (high-key or low-key).
    • Include the hours that you worked on this part of the project.
    • Don’t forget to comment on at least 3 other student’s posts.
  • Come prepared to work on Painting.

Materials needed: 

Painting Supplies:

  • white and black gouache paints
  • sable-type watercolor brushes (do not buy brushes for acrylic or oil)
    • FLAT:  1/2″ angle, #4
    • ROUND: #1, #5
  • two water containers (yogurt cups, soda bottles with tops cut off, soup cans)
  • palette (round 10-well)
  • cotton rags (old white t-shirts or scraps)

Show and Tell

  • Anyone have any interesting design-related ideas, objects, or events to share?


  • See Painting Demo in Class 14 for details

Work Time / Meetings with Professor

  • Work on your paintings using the technique demonstrated.
  • Discuss grades and any questions about coursework.


  • Complete your Broad-Range Painting. NOTE: Do not glue! We will mount your finished collages and paintings in class together.
  • If you have a laptop computer with Photoshop (any version), please bring it.

Materials TO ORDER or Pickup (don’t delay!):

  • mini color wheel
  • primary colors gouache set – Utrecht Designer Gouache (Recommended)
    Set of 8 – Primaries includes:

    • black
    • white
    • rose tyrien or primary magenta
    • turquoise blue or primary cyan
    • brilliant yellow or primary yellow
    • flame red or primary red
    • ultramarine blue or primary blue

Download PDF

Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

Common – Book of Life

The song starts of with the hook of the song which is the beat scratching and the artist repeating a statement. For the beat scratching I imagine zig-zag lines in a medium thick black line. The beat and the verse start in the exact moment. The loudest part of the song are the vocals, the beat is lower and just in the background with some distinct sounds. When the hook starts again, the beat changes to the same from the very beginning with an added rhythm on top to connect it to the verse.

Just as the hook and verse have a different beat, when the artist either slows down the beat adds a different one to emphasize certain words he says. This causes the flow of the songs to be almost distorted, the sounds could go from smooth to sharp to smooth to rough all to help the lyrics stand out more. The entire instrumental of the song is used to help emphasize the vocals.

Time worked : 30 mins.

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