Project #3 10/15

I chose to take a picture of old stores on the front compared to the clearer residential buildings in the back. What’s striking is that they kept the stores the same which might make me think that the store owners may have kept their exterior the same because of nostalgia reasons or they simply didn’t have the funds or right to renovate their storefront. The story I could imagine from this is that people were attracted to how New York’s shops are so close together and wanted to live closer to the street with a variety of shops. However, the existing apartment buildings were too old thus they needed to create a highrise to meet with the demand of new tenants.  If I had to do some research on this project I may look up if the owner is currently occupying the building, when it was created and if they own rights and responsibility for these stores. I could also see when the highrise was created and if possible see an image of how the daily life on that street looked. If it seemed lively then I could perhaps conclude that it was an attraction to live there at some point.



  • Persistently avoid, ignore or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or cautions.
  • This phrase was use in the article called “Here Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and guilt” by Janny Scott and as the population swelled and real estate price increased, the wealthy had pushed into neighbors when they were “shunned.”

Project #3 10/15

The story that I decided to work on is “Here Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and Guilt by Janny Scott because the word poverty was the first phrase that my eyes first caught before reading through the stories. Every single day I see many homeless people roaming around the streets and I always wonder how did they ended up into this mess and as a New Yorker, I believe it’s important for me to know about the issues between society and poverty and why are there people falling behind our backs. My expectations though this article will probably be the problem of the the populations and high income tax, it makes sense to put these reasons for the cause of poverty because it could be difficult for people to find available rents homes or apartments and income taxes are very high on these days now. For instances, in New York City, there are millions of buildings and/ or other facilities surrounding the city and most of them are unavailable rent for the cause of the dramatic increase of the population and the income taxes rapidly increasing and for some cannot catch up and they end up bankrupt leading to poverty for themselves. It would also be great what New Yorkers think about other people from different states or foreign people.

Project #3 10/17:

“A defining characteristic of New York City is its economic diversity, the juxtaposition of people of disparate circumstances in limited space.”

“The gap between top and bottom is greater in New York than in most cities in the country and people at the extremes often live closer together.”

“And as the population swelled and real estate price soared and crime wanted, the affluent pushed deeper into neighborhoods they had once shunned.”

All of these three passages are stated form the article,”Here, Poverty and Privilege are Neighbor; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and Guilt” by Janny Scott and all support each other because in New York City, it’s always a busy city and very crowded with people as the population increase. Therefore,  New York had to restricted the limited space it has left. With all the people currently living in New York City, all streets, houses and buildings are very close to each other even the neighbors do either live extremely close or living together with no choice, considering to the limited space that I’ve talked about earlier. Most New Yorkers would describe New York City very expensive for the real estate price soaring, tight for the building and/ or other facilities being too close to each other and somehow rarely unsafe for all the crime happening around the streets and it could be any day now hearing police sirens suddenly appearing out of nowhere. These passages describes the life of New Yorkers  and knowing that one day after another will never be the same.



  • “Marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude”. (Merriam Webster)
  • This phrase was use in the article called “Here Poverty and Privilege are Neighbors; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and guilt”  by Janny Scott and along the beach in Brooklyn appear a stark line of demarcation (dividing lines) and one of these lines are the “serene” immigrant line separated from the others.



-a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength

-used to classify something, or suggest that it can be classified, in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme or opposite points.


  • adjective
  • fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse
  • Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt “To the west, Brighton Beach is packed with modest row houses, apartment buildings, dilapidated bungalows and frame houses, many of them subdivided, with an occasional sign: ”Se Renta Cuarto”



nearness in place or time” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

This word was used in the article  “Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a source of Resentment and Guilt” by Janny Scott, in the sentence “It’s always an empirical question, to what extent propinquity matters to people.”

Upon reading the word it confused me along with another and causing a stop at the flowing thoughts on the reading and causing a confusion.  Now looking up the word I now know what it means and its purpose within the sentence and how it makes sense. The article itself was already talking about different characteristics within New York , but not limited to anything in specific, so it can range within the Propinquity, or a ‘near time or place’ and how important it can be to a person.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary-Propinquity



relying on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory”  -Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

The sentence the word was used in the article  “Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a source of Resentment and Guilt” by Janny Scott, in the sentence “It’s always an empirical question, to what extent propinquity matters to people.”

At first the word sounded as if it was synonym for important. However upon looking up what the word meant it gives a more clearer idea of what the sentence meant.  Which was in questioning about the experience and observation of a person about a certain or nearby time and place for them and seeing how much it mattered to them.

Merriam Webster Dictionary: Empirical


    • verb
    • To show sudden displeasure or anger at some provocation. (
    • Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt  “Some oldtime P.S. 38 parents bristled at the influx at first”
    • it help me understand the senteced because now i know to bristled me a sundden displeasure. they parents were suddently angry.