Project #3 10/17:

“A defining characteristic of New York City is its economic diversity, the juxtaposition of people of disparate circumstances in limited space.”

“The gap between top and bottom is greater in New York than in most cities in the country and people at the extremes often live closer together.”

“And as the population swelled and real estate price soared and crime wanted, the affluent pushed deeper into neighborhoods they had once shunned.”

All of these three passages are stated form the article,”Here, Poverty and Privilege are Neighbor; Income Gaps are a Source of Resentment and Guilt” by Janny Scott and all support each other because in New York City, it’s always a busy city and very crowded with people as the population increase. Therefore,  New York had to restricted the limited space it has left. With all the people currently living in New York City, all streets, houses and buildings are very close to each other even the neighbors do either live extremely close or living together with no choice, considering to the limited space that I’ve talked about earlier. Most New Yorkers would describe New York City very expensive for the real estate price soaring, tight for the building and/ or other facilities being too close to each other and somehow rarely unsafe for all the crime happening around the streets and it could be any day now hearing police sirens suddenly appearing out of nowhere. These passages describes the life of New Yorkers  and knowing that one day after another will never be the same.

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