ENG 1101 Project #4 Cover letter and process post

Please write a private post to share your thoughts as you ordinarily would in class on paper for the cover letter, and on the site for the process post.

To make your post private when you write it, click on Edit next to Visibility in the right sidebar, and choose Private instead of Public or Password protected.

In combining both letter and process post, please write about the following:

  • What are you most proud of in Project #4?
  • What challenged you the most in Project #4?
  • How did you figure out your approach to the topic, both in terms of page choices and in terms of the theme?
  • How did you approach writing critically about your own work your project?
  • How did you approach writing didactic panels that were exactly 60 words?
  • Did you meet the requirements of the assignment?
  • When you found out you had more time, what did you change?
  • How much time did you spend on each phase of the project?
  • What did you take away from reading your classmates’ work, from their comments, from my comments, and from class discussions?
  • If you could have changed the assignment, how would you have changed it? What would you insist on not changing?
  • Is there anything else I should know about your work or about you as a writer or as a student?

Please categorize your post as ENG 1101 Project #4, and find and use the tag Phase 4: Deliver, plus any additional tags you find useful.

ENG 1101 Project #2 Cover Letter

Please write me a letter addressing the following questions in any order you like. I will then write a letter to you to provide feedback on your work.

  • What are you most proud of in Project #2?
  • What challenged you the most in Project #2?
  • If you had more time, what would you change?
  • If you could have changed the assignment, how would you have changed it? What would you insist on not changing?
  • Is there anything else I should know about your work or about you as a writer or as a student?