Second draft proposal

I decided to change my topic because I felt I wouldn’t be able to write a lot about it. I decided to choose the topic of how the media and technology affects love. Love is something everyone wants. It seems as if life isn’t complete with finding that special someone. What about love is so special? What makes everyone want it so badly? Could it be the role media plays in it? Love is in almost every movie, it seems it’s not a movie without romance. When one does not find love that can affect ones happiness and wellbeing. In todays society and everything that is shown to us it’s all about love and finding that special someone. People look at couples and say “I want that!” but in reality don’t really know what that is. Not having it can make someone sad and hurt because of it. I want to research the affect the media and technology has on love and how it can affect someones happiness and wellbeing.

Jake and Melissa Kircher. “Does media distort love? A look at our corrupting views of romance, relationships and sexuality”. Relevant. Web. 12 April 2011.

This site brought be a view on how social media and technology affects ones views on love. This site gave me the idea to see how the role it has on people and how it can affect their wellbeing. It explains how the media shows us that love conquers all and that it will make you happy and solve all your problems. Also how showing this certain kind of love in media can affect the way people begin to find love and how they look for it because it is seen a certain way.

Tyler Curry. “How Social Media Are Ruining Your Love Life”. The Blog. Web. 26 November 2013.

This website shows views on social media is ruining ones love life. Nowadays people fall in love online or even plane a date that way. It basically says when you fall in love with him you have to fall in love with Facebook or instagram as well. When you go on a date nowadays you have to look them up online and see who they are and see their social media. It can affect our dating life. These websites helped me get a better understand of different way social media and technology can affect love.

Research project part 2 (updated version)

The topic of my research project is how happiness is found more in third world countries compared to developed countries. Many people go from their home land to a well-developed country looking for ways to make more money and be more successful, these people call this the American dream.  This topic is interesting to me because many people say they want to live the “American dream”, but at the same time they then want to go on vacation and/or retire somewhere else. Many people hear happiness and they turn to money, materialistic things and etc. Happiness is not just the possessions you may have, but it is more of what, other than possessions, will make you truly happy. People would fall in love with money and working and forget to give attention to their families. Many people who believe money makes an individual truly happy are the ones who wake up hating their jobs and treating others with a bad attitude. These individuals are not truly happy because they do not take the time off to relax and release stress with their families or close friends. When an individual is truly happy they will be at peace with themselves. To wake up and love what you do throughout the day, love the person oneself is, and love the people who surrounds oneself, is truly being happy.  This interests me and it should interest others as well because it can teach others that happiness is achieved in the smallest matter. In the smallest matter meaning being satisfied with where and how one lives, with the job one has, and being satisfied with the people who spends time with one and etc. Individuals do not necessarily need to have the biggest house nor the newest car in the market. These things are great satisfying goods of course; but as long as an individual has supporting and caring people around them they will be happy.


Some of the resources I will be using will be a documentary movie called “happy” and a post from Forbes staff called “The Happiest (And Saddest) Countries in the World”. Both these resources are relevant to my project because it backs up my idea. Some of the questions I will be addressing are Does the “American Dream” really make people happy? What do they do that makes them happy/happier? Who are they mostly around with? Do people in 3rd world countries work harder or less than people in the U.S? Does this contribute to their happiness?


Annotated Works Cited


Christopher Helman. “The Happiest (And Saddest) Countries in the World” Forbes

C.H. 9 January, 2013 WEB!/ (prosperity index)

This post talks about the different countries they have analyzed throughout the years. They use a “prosperity index” by Legatum Institute to figure out and rank the different countries in the world. This index ranks countries according to economy, health, personal freedom and etc. The index shows that small countries like (Norway) can be small and not so developed but have very happy people. It goes to show that happiness is not attained by working more hours but by having more hours with close friends and family.


Darius20190, “Developing countries much happier than first world countries” LiveLeak.

Darius0190, 31 July, 2014 WEB


This blog talks about how developing countries are happier than developed countries. It shows that people who are part of countries that are not so wealthy, tend to be happier because these individuals know more than money and materialistic possessions. “People in poor countries can find joy in the moral satisfaction that often is not available to citizens of the developed countries.” (Darius0190)


Happy directed by Roko Belic, produced by Eiji Han Shimizu, Frances Reid, Tom Shadyac, edited by Vivian Hillgrove. 2011

This documentary movie asks people from the city what being happy is to them and if they are really happy. It also questions people from third world countries (like India) if they are happy. Some interviews/ documentaries are of how people live in these countries. Also it shows what individuals do and who these individuals surround themselves with. The interviews done explores a variety of people all over the world to be able to come to the conclusion of who are happier. The movie proves how people can have nothing and still feel satisfied and happy with how they are living.


Second Research Proposal

I would like to stick to my first topic proposal I believe it’s very interesting to see the effects of mass media on individuals. But more specifically on children and adolescent. Growing up in a society that is based on technology can be difficult. Teens believe that everything they see on T.V or social media is the ideal way of living and that they should live up to those standards whether they are good or bad. Also communicating with others and reciving information all happens thought a screen. The closet thing teens have to the news is social media like Facebook or Instagram. This is where they recive most of their information and spend most of their time. Other sources of information are the T.V and Radio. So if they are surrounded by constant informations whether it’s good or bad, it tends to leave an impression on them. Some may even use the things they see online or on T.V and comite crimes or pranks that in danger other or themselves. Also through the information they recive though the media they decide whether or not their body image or their friends are ideal in the eyes of society.

I came across this site and I found it very interesting to see that such a site exists. This website is created to inform parents on social media and other forms of media. it explains how apps and social media works in order for parents to talk to their children about them. It focus on tips and advice for parents to prevent cyberbullying and safe online habits. I also found that it caters to every age range and is easy to navigate.It had a section for frequent asked questions and it also gives rates on apps and current movies.


Coleman, Loren. ” The Copycat Effect: How the media and Popular Culture Trigger the Mayhem in Tomorrow’s Headlines New York : Paraview Pocket Books, 2004.

I found this book interesting and relevant to my topic considering that it uses the effects of mass media relating to crimes. This book discusses copycat crimes and how because of the media people get the idea to commit their own crimes, these people feel encouraged and even inspired by people who have already committed such crimes and believe that they can get away with it. Because of the media they are able to follow closely on such cases and plan their own.


Children, Media and Sex: A Big Book of Blank Pages
Published: January 31, 2006
In this article Brody discusses how the media effects children. Brody states that for the most part children are online or on a form of media without being supervised. Parents are usually very busy and are unable to supervise their children at all times despite efforts such as the V chip which monitor what children are able to watch. for the most part the article focuses on sexual behaviors and growing up too fast in our society due to the things they see in movies and during T.V commercials.


Second Research Proposal

As I began to think more in depth of my topic I’ll be writing about in my research project I decided to change it around a bit and find a main point to direct my topic to. The topic of just belonging needs is too broad, and cannot make an argument out of it. My topic is going to be, belonging needs: the effect of not having interpersonal relationships and how it correlates with happiness. This topic interests me because I value the healthy relationships I’ve made throughout my life so far it’s made me who I am right now and I’m evolving as a person each and everyday because of these relationships. belonging needs are a reflection of the desire to be loved have friendships and being family oriented. To be accepted by others brings fourth a great feeling of importance. If an individual has never experienced love, love may not have no value to them rather than a person who has experienced love whether in a relationship or family based are able to love others. Individuals are motivated to keep these relationships because it has great value to them (satisfying that need). Interpersonal relationships are needed in order to grow as an individual. Happiness has a different meaning to every individual, every individual has different things that brings them happiness. The key to happiness are the bonds and close relationships that are made between an individual and others . Everyone deserves to feel like their accepted, loved, and that their important in an individual’s life. The need to belong increases satisfaction in personal relationships well-being and happiness. Think about the clothing you have on your back the shoes on your feet without the help of others such as the job you have in order to get the things you desire it wouldn’t be possible without interpersonal relationships, and you being of importance to the job you’ve acquired. Belonging helps us as humans to survive in the world which dates bck to the Neolithic age, individuals worked together in order to survive for example women were gatherers while men hunted animals. Humans wouldn’t be what they are today without belonging needs everyone needs someone.

Annotated bibliography:

The article, “Belonging: Why do we need a sense of belonging” by Li-Or, serves importance to my topic because it breaks down the question; Why do we need a sense of belonging?. How does belonging shape us a humans and gives me a new outlook on my topic. The article asks a variety of question relevant to my research project and gives thorough explanation of them all. Explaining why belonging needs are so important in order for and humans to get what they need and for them evolve. Li-Or states, ” This is one of the reasons people seek to spend time bonding with family, friends, hobby-buddies, sports fans, and religious congregations.Individuals seek relationships with others to be accepted and discover who they are as a person and have others support.

This article explains why humans are so motivated to have close relationships, close relationships are part of what makes us human. Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary explains thoroughly their hypothesis belongingness point by point in the article main points such as forming social bonds, Not breaking bonds, Cognition, Emotional high and lows, Consequences of deprivation, Partial deprivation, and Satiation and substitution. Individuals feel the need to be close connected to others being caring and affectionate “close relationships are major part of human behavior.

This word document illustrated the history of background belonging needs in society. Making to many point in society such as the sense of belonging amongst students,sense of belonging and student persistence. Belonging needs are referred to as the need for affection between individuals. Deci & Ryan suggests, ” the need for relatedness ecompasses a persons striving to relate to and care for others, to feel that those others are relating authentically to ones self, and care for others”. The sense of belonging in society is very important for the connections between humans bonds and close relationships rhat are developed brings out a positive healthy relationship as well as happiness. Each relationship an individual makes helps them develope who they are

second draft research proposal

So at first my research topic was about the negative effects of technology , but after wards I realized that my project was supposed to be about well being and happiness . Negative doesn’t scream happiness so I switched negative to positive and instead of society it’s the children . So now my topic is the many positive effects technology has on children . Effects like motivating kids to learn , find help for things like homework , and even change the ways children think about things . For example in the website , ” Psychology today ” , shows an article written by Jim Taylor which discusses how technology is changing the way children think and focus . Taylor expresses the idea of how technology can be beneficial because children minds are still developing  . Another source I found was an article ,” Your Wired kid ” , written by Annie Murphy Paul . In her article Paul mentions how scientist have conducted test and that it has actually been proven that kids who play games on the internet or even a video game console , reflexes improve and so does there ability to stay focused . These are just some of the examples of why Im doing this topic , to inform readers that technology and technology advancement helps a child’s well being and helps them build skills that can improve their learning development all of which are positive effects .

This website is the article I wrote about , Your Wired kid , written by Annie Murphy Paul . This article is about the misinterpretation about video games . Meaning that video games aren’t all bad it can actually benefit your child’s mind . It can give sharper vision and also the ability to be a better multitasker.

This is an article written by , Jim Taylor , that shows ways on how technology can actually help with brain development depending on the technology the child is exposed to and also at what age .

Now this website which I did not mention in my proposal but found interesting to read is an article written by , Hutinger Patricia L. etc. , that is based on assistive technology helping children with disability’s . Two year studies were conducted on this subject with children who had already 2 to 10 years of experience with this kind of technology assistence.

Research Proposal (2): Tiger parents effects on Chinese American Children

According to the urban dictionary, Tiger parenting is “A mother who is overly strict with her child in order to foster an academically competitive spirit.This form of upbringing is intended to direct a child towards financially successful careers at the potential risk of feeling emotionally unfulfilled and/or socially inept.” Many of their parent will defend their parenting style by saying it is for the best of their children. The purpose of this essay is to address what is “tiger parents” and how that could work on child however one may argue that it will leads to children being pressured, in result, child with tiger parents can impact negatively in their child’s happiness. Questions this paper would consider including is that is tiger-parenting really works in a child grades in school(?), What is the term of success means to these type of parents(?), and are children raise by these type of parenting style liked to be raise this way after they grow up(?). The Chinese are putting their children in high standards leading to stressfulness. Chinese children are expected to have above average grades, attend in school activities, learn both English and Chinese, etc. While during the teen years, the expectation has increased into finding a part time job, studying more, having a high SAT score, etc.

Annotated Bibliography:

This article provide information needed about Asian-American parents being a tiger mom. Which is a keyword used in this proposal. It seems to be opposing my idea, which can be great to use as a counterpoint. It mentions how my ideas are just stereotypes rather than the real thing.

This source talks about tiger moms and if it is effected or not. The article proofs that it is  real. This source gives me information about it, then base on the information, i would argue how it won’t work on every children.

Amy Chua is an author of an book (Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)  that helps me with my research. She was raise by strict Chinese immigrants. This link leads to an about page of Amy Chu. I also plan to use the book as my source too. I however don’t know how to site that yet.

Second Research Proposal

The second research proposal the topic will be about the damage that many homosexuals face within our society. Not only that there is harassment when homosexuals walk down the streets it doesn’t only happen there but also in homes , schools and jobs. The way how society treat other human beings is absurd. The damages that are left on homosexuals leave some physical and psychological effect. These harsh words and mistreatment leads to death,depression,being a social outcast,sever condition and maybe even suicide. There is a lot of cases about this even though most people don’t see it through their eyes or they are just being plain ignorant. This a serious thing when we outcast someone for being themselves and not fully understanding the way human are.It start out as little comments , jokes , and teasing from others. In the article its about a boy name Michael who is 16 years old who suffers because people mistreat him about his sexuality. Everyone would treat him different. Michael would notice that his boyfriend didn’t have to suffer as much as he did . Michael actually spoke to a adult which was his teacher but little did she helped. Nothing changed about it because she acted as if everything is normal about it. She thought it was just a playful game that happens in the playground. It is sad to think that even an adult think it is acceptable for these types of actions to occur. No action has happened to the harassment to this boy was taken. Now put yourself in his shoes all the damages was that taken to endure all this pain. Some people sees “homosexuality” as a problem.


Second draft proposal

I decided to change my topic a bit. Instead of researching happiness in abused foster children I was going to take a few steps back and research happiness and well being in foster children. When I went to research the topic to find my sources a lot of links came up. I figured I would get a better amount of articles and other research if instead of just using plane Google I would instead use Google scholar. This helped narrow down the links and sources that I got. Foster care is a huge issue nowadays. Most foster children and put into homes where the foster parent already has at least a dozen other foster children. Stating the fact that everyone knows that if you take care of a foster child you get money from the government. There’s a lot of questions that can be asked as to why the amount of children in the foster care system is slowly increasing every year. Every child although if they are in foster care should be able to have the chance to achieve well being and happiness. If a child is not able to do so then their life can and will be affected drastically. For example school is a big issue. The can end up acting out in school and have behavioral issues. Seeking attention anyway they can get it. Some foster children are put through abuse and neglect.

Bruskas, D. (2008), Children in Foster Care: A Vulnerable Population at Risk. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 21: 70–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6171.2008.00134.x

This article was all about foster care and the effect it has on a child well-being. Stating that children in foster care have been through traumatic events and also abuse. Loosing the child’s parents or knowing they didn’t want them can have a huge impact on the child’s life. Considering they are young when this all happens. In the article it states “experience feelings of confusion, fear, apprehension of the unknown, loss, sadness, anxiety, and stress.” A child’s life is becoming a mess before they even hit puberty. The article also talks about how if a child is going through any of these feeling (named above) need to be treated as soon as possible. Or negative affects can occur such as problems with development of issues with mental health.

This article talks about how two studies were conducted. The studies were basically about the well being of children in foster care. In most cases children in foster care don’t usually stay in one foster home for very long. This can cause the child to be unstable, due to them never being in a stable environment. In the article it states “Children adjust well to long-term foster care”. Children are happy in a environment where they know well. So having children stay in one foster home for a extensive period of time will benefit the child in the end. In the article it talked about how a study was conducted. Talking about how most children were happier in all aspects of life in the current place that they were in. Other children felt that they weren’t getting all the help that they needed, and they wanted more. This resulted in the foster child not liking their foster parent. A foster child should be happy in the home that they are in, and if they are not they should be switched to another home where they have a better chance of being happy.

This article talks about how that they are almost 750,000 children who are in foster care, but that’s only in the united states. Also talking about how more people are trying to push adoption so that children in foster care will not increase. Most children who are put into foster care already have mental health or developmental problems. What is even worse is that the children in foster care who do have this problems are not treated with the right care. So the problems that the child has may get worse because of the treatment they are not receiving but need. Most people would call that neglect. The article also talked about how these problems can be decreased also increasing the well-being of the child. This can be done by evaluating the foster parents more thoroughly to insure that the people they are putting these children with are able to take care of them the right way.

second draft proposal

Happiness in culture/ temporary pleasures

 I feel like my first proposal was week and didn’t have enough information to expand on and research. In this essay I will be discussing happiness and quality of life. There are many different prospective of happiness between people of different cultures.  Doesn’t many people have different views on happiness and what makes them happy? People can say that the environment a person is brought up in can have a major effect on their views of happiness. Wouldn’t a poor little boy from Ethiopia’s view of happiness be a nice hot meal and some water that’s not miles away from home? And now wouldn’t a young boy from the suburbs who was raised in a nice home view of happiness be getting rid of their food before their parents see them, or even going to Disney land? Even little kids have their views of happiness, but a person’s culture and their quality of life has major effects on your prospective of happiness. Even we as adults have many temporary pleasures that make us believe we are happy, many find their temporary happiness through sex, alcohol drugs, and fashionable clothing.

The first book I a saw was about culture and happiness “The Geography of Bliss,” by Eric Weiner. In this book, Weiner travels the globe to find secrets of happiness and unhappiness in many locations.

Another interesting part to happiness may involve a lack of thinking. In India, Weiner was struck that thinking was discouraged because it contributed to unhappiness. As an Indian told him, “You should not think too much. You should not have anything in your mind. The more you think, the less happy you will be.”

There are many cultural services stopping Americans from creating deep connections with other people. For example, Americans work longer hours and travel more than any people in the world. This takes away time from our loved ones, an important source of true happiness.

Helaine Selin, Gareth Davey Springer Science & Business Media, Feb 29, 2012 – History

The West is considered “materialistic, and happiness comes from achievement and gaining”. The East is said to be more “people oriented, where happiness is a result of deep personal relations. So, poor people can be happier in the East than the West, because they are not so concerned with possession and more with society. It is definitely true that people experience happiness differently. Some people are strong, and can put difficult times behind them easily; others stick to sorrow and hard times. Whether this is a problem of culture or personality its hard to measure; most likely it is a blend of both.

by: Jacob Garcia

Second Draft Proposal

So as I still decided to keep looking on about my topic technology and the effects it has on teenagers health various articles came up about this topic. Many things having to do with their sleep, paying attention in class, body posture and etc. This topic is very controversial because so many teenagers are constantly using technology for every little thing such as, looking up a contact, searching through Google, playing video games, texting someone and etc. How bad your health can become can also determine your happiness/well-being because if you don’t have a good health most likely you won’t be so happy about much in life. Although, many good things can come out from using technology such as, learning how to socialize more, teaching kids in an engaging way and etc.This is a topic that can be viewed from two different point of views in a good way in which it can teach kids or disrupt their health. I’m interested in this topic because nowadays technology is used for so many things but how much teenagers use it we don’t really know the effects it can have on us and I want to find these kinds of things out. I want to find out the statistics and facts about technology and the effects it produces on teenagers. So many little things can effect us from using technology so much. How you use the computer can affect your body posture. When using the computer you should be at a desk and use a chair or something that can help support your back to be straight. When texting this could lead to anxiety, falling grades, and etc because you’re not paying attention to the important things but always want to be texting. We are constantly seeing how much teenagers are on their technological devices not knowing the effects these things has on them.

Hafner, Katie. “Texting May Be Taking a Toll.” The New York Times 25 May 2009. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. <>.

This article had to do with all the studies done on teenagers about technology and the health effects. This article mentions the types of effects it has on teenagers such as distraction in school, falling grades, sleep deprivation and etc. Also by how much you text would begin to result in cramping in your thumbs. Just like when you write a lot nonstop your hand begins to hurt. Many teenagers are becoming very attentive to their phones only even while eating out, walking in busy streets and late at night when their parents have fallen asleep. They are becoming more obsessed with wanting to answer their phones. Like mentioned in the article teenagers are also becoming less aware about things because they are more interested in answering their phone right away when they feel it vibrate or light up. Basically, the more you begin to use your phones and other technological devices you’re doing more harm to yourself rather than another person.

Clinton, Chelsea, and James Steyer. “Is the Internet hurting children?.” CNN 21 05 2012, n. pag. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. <>.

Beginning from a very young age children are becoming more aware about technology because they are introduced to it by their parents. So many kids are spending more time with their technological devices than with their parents. So much media and technology is impacting teenagers lives. They are having limited attention span, lower comprehension, poor focus and etc. It has become so complex this topic that we really don’t understand these effects. Things I didn’t know that technology could effect in so much. This article also mentions how all of this technology has even changed the way we think and feel about ourselves. So much technology is like already doing this. Also this article mentions how much technology could be changing our education, help advance our democracy and etc in the near future. In the article a researcher at Harvard says, “we have no choice but to engage with this new reality and work to ensure that it affects our kids in healthy, responsible ways”(Gardner 3). Even though kids are involved with technology it should be used in a positive way as well.

“Here’s What A Constantly Plugged-In life Is Doing To Kids’ Bodies .” Huffington Post 17 10 2013, n. pag. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. <>.

This article is all about these negative effects technology has on teenagers such as, hunched over, fingers and wrist suffering, sight could be affected, sleep is disrupted, losing bit of hearing, and brains are different. So many effects of using technology and teenagers are not stopping from using less of it. Although, this article mentions these effects and ways in which the teenager can change this a little more. For each topic mentioned about the effects they mention a brief description about why teenagers sight might be affected or sleep disrupted. Than they mention how you could reduce these effects. The effects of sleeping being disrupted is from so much light the brain confuses so you stay up later. Things you could do to reduce that would be getting at least your 9.25 hours of sleep or making a plan with your parents of no phone after 11pm. All the other topics were just like this in a way letting you ways you could reduce and be more healthy for your life.