Research paper: Pre-daft

Many different cultures has their own parenting style. Many would believe that the Chinese way of parenting can be crude, especially to Americans. Chinese parents have high expectations for their children. The expectations of their child getting straight A’s, learning the violin or the piano had many non-Asians defining them as tiger parents. Tiger parents seems to be unloving, strict, and controlling, they do have a connection and relationship with their children. Children doesn’t have to be from the age of five to fourteen, Chinese parents use this term in context of his or her sons and daughter no matter their age. The thirty-five year old Chinese male will still be refer as a child to their parents. Chinese parents expressed love differently then the Americans. Instead of verbally expressing love to their child or with loving gestures like hugs, tiger parents shows their love and communicate by making their favorite dish for dinner, engage in their child’s education progress, and even by what other may see of controlling. These communications and show of love fulfilled the child’s happiness as much as any parenting style would.

Tiger parents do not verbally use the phrase, “I love you” or give out loving gestures like hugs and so as their children. In “Do Asian-American Parents Push Their Kids?”, Kathy Seal expressed, “Westerners who don’t see Asian-American parents hugging and kissing their children or praise them in words may think them cold.” However, it is not that they don’t love them, but they want to the child to know who has authority. It can be compare to an individual won’t be saying phrases like “I love you” to his or her employer. For the child, the show of love and communication is quite similar. Children tend to show their love without the use of words nor using loving gestures. Even though the phrases like “I love you” and loving gestures are not ban from the relationship, however one can say this show of love can happen once in a blue moon.

Instead of the use of words and loving gestures, tiger parents show their love by doing simple tasks that the child loves. One thing the child expect their tiger parents to do is to be “guan” (Seal 1) In other words, Although children would out tiger parents feels that when they are being questioned and told what to do may seems annoying to them, children with tiger parents love the be controlled and demanded from their tiger parents. The children feels and know that the parent care about them. It is what these children is used to and they understand the the meaning of “ guan” as the parents giving them attention. (Seal 1) In a American Television show; Family Guy, an episode shows how westerner see Asian parents; an Asian parents are portray as a not loving towards their child. The Asian dad walks into his son room and ask, “Are you a doctor yet?” and the son replied, “No dad, I’m twelve.” The father then response, “Talk to me when you a doctor.” However the truth behind that is the tiger dad cares about the son and want him to be live up to his potentials.

The tiger parents show of love and communication of controlling and demanding involves with the child success. Many children with non-tiger parents might see the stress that the children of tiger parent has. This is one big purpose of why tiger parents are tiger parents. The want of their children to be successful when they are in their education, jobs, and overall their life. Success to tiger parents on their children would be the child being on the top of his or her class, having gold medals on different academic subjects, and having an full score on the exam. The success of the child doesn’t end there, as for the “children” that are in their adulthood, success involve the child getting married, having kids, being self-sufficient and be able to help out other family members.



work cited

Seal, Kathy. “Asian-American Parents: Pushy or Perfect?” Pacific Standard. N.p., 18 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

“Family Guy – Asian Family.” YouTube. YouTube, 14 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.


hAPPiness Tracking and Promoting

In Flow and GPS 4 The Soul are some interesting apps that has the same purposes. It’s purpose to track happiness and promote it. How does it work(?), one might ask. Does it work(?) or is it all a scam for your money(?) At first I was wasn’t really surprise about all these tracking and promoting happiness apps. There are millions of apps being developed right now as I am writing this blog.  I was however, annoyed when I first downloaded the apps. It’s basically ask me what I am doing and How I am feeling doing it. This is what most of the apps asked me to do. However I came across Happify. It is unlike the other apps. It better and much fun then just asking me questions.

In happily, It looks more developed and more efficient due to it having activities for us to do. One of the game, have us clicking on hot air balloons with positive words to make them go up and if we clicked a negative word, the balloon would go down. It’s quite a learning tool too. I played the game and as the level goes up, the words became outside my vocabulary. I learnt a feel positive words and also some negative words. Happify is free for it user, however for full access, a 15 dollars fee each month is required.

This tracking and promoting happiness reminds me about the first article we read for this class. I remember myself disagree with the fact that the government is trying to track people happiness , but agree that they trying to promote happiness however by picking sides. Since these apps are self-help apps that a user are willing to download it, I am fine with them tracking ones happiness.



Can $$$ increase your :)

In a 2013 web article; How To buy Happiness: What Good is Money if it Can’t Buy Happiness, a Ph.D; Sonja Lyubomirsky argues that the way you spend money can affect your happiness. Sonja Lyubomirsky supported her claim by pointing out how money is being spend. It’s include buying materials to buying experiences and spending on others (donations, buying something for a friend). In conclusion to the article, Sonja Lyubomirsky answered her claim by saying, “The key to buying happiness… it’s not how much high our income is, but how we allocate it.” In other words, how we spend out money can make us happy or happier.

Like the previous article we read, “How to Buy Happiness?, by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, which argument also includes examples on how happy can one get by buying materials, experiences,  or spending on others. These two articles provide there opinion that money can buy us happiness, according to how we use it.

I agree with Sonja Lyubomirsky’s “How to Buy Happiness: What Good Is Money If It Can’t buy Happiness?” specificity the part about the way people spend money is the key to achieve happiness. People always tell me “Money can’t buy happiness,” and I disagree and this article proof that I was right in a way. There are ways to buy happiness. I don’t believe that people see that though, especially in New York. Many New Yorkers make money just to live on it. In other words, they just put it in the bank and spend it when it is needed. Other New Yorkers only spend it in materials. They would get new apartment to getting a car. Which according to this article, Lyubomirsky suggested it would not guaranteed you being happy for a long-run. There are also some New Yorkers like me who spend their money on experience with others. There are nothing better than treating yourself and some friends to karaoke. I am happy and my friends are happy. It a big boost of happiness to me. This also made me think of Christmas. When everyone usually buy things for each other and spend the time together. It’s one of the happiest time of the year. Everyone is spending money on someone else and sharing the experience with them. I feel happy when I play “Secret Santa” with my friends. I feel really happy buying something for someone else plus we doing it all together. I hope to do it again this year. I think, we can all agree that nowadays, Christmas is another word for “buying happiness”.

However after reading two articles about money can actually buy happiness, it made be questioned myself; is there a negative outcome from using money to buy happiness?,  are happiness bought from happiness different from happiness that are “free, if it does, in a scale which one is higher. Stupidly, I also questioned myself, if money actually can buy happiness, can it also buy other emotions, sadness even. I hope not and if it does, I hope it won’t occur to me.

Money Can’t Buy Happiness or can it?

In the Los Angeles Times , “How To Buy Happiness”, by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, they have some questions in their mind. Can one buy happiness and how happy can one be from buying happiness? In the beginning of their argument, they suggested and provided studies showing that money makes us selfish. It makes us focus on what the money can do for us. For example, buying new possessions like a new phone, or a new car. However, Dunn and Norton also provide us with research that buying a new house doesn’t increase happiness as much. In fact, a study shows that homeowners and renters are as happy as each other.

In another part of the argument, Dunn and Norton suggested and provide facts that buying experiences makes people more happy than buying material things. Buying experiences are like buying tickets to a concert, special meals, and trips. In fact, buying experiences can bring people together. For example, wouldn’t you go to the movies with someone instead of going alone, or to eat in a restaurant?

In an experiment, Dunn and Norton also found out that buying something for someone else rather than yourself gives the buyer an additional boost of happiness. It doesn’t matter if one spends just a few dollars on someone, it still provide more happiness. In another experiment, Dunn and Norton combined buying experiences and giving to see if it would increase happiness. They gave three groups of students of a university campus gift card to go to Starbucks. One were ask to go by themselves. Another was told to give it to a friend and the last group was asked to go with a friend and treat that friend. in fact it shows that treating someone and sharing the experience with that person is happier than just buying something for yourself or just for someone else.

In response to Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, I agree with all of their studies and suggestions. I do believe that money makes us selfish. I would think of something I would get if I found a million dollars under my bed. I might get the new iPhone 6, the upcoming iWatch, beats headphones, etc. I believe that money buys happiness especially when I buying and giving experiences I was so happy when I bought a ticket to a concert I been wanting to go to. I didn’t want to go alone so I bought another ticket for a friend. I treated and shared the experience with a friend. I was so happy that day, it wouldn’t be the same without my friend. I think this example also proved what Elizabeth Dun and Michael Norton experiment were true.  I also think that it made my friend happy too. Making others happy usually makes me happy too. I think that people should treat others more often instead of being selfish. It makes the other person happier and it makes you more happier too. In fact, I am going to treat myself and a friend a Starbuck drink on Monday, and be happy together.



Article: How happy are you?… Summary/Response

According to The New York Times’ 2011 article; “How Happy Are You? A Census Want to Know” by Jon Tierney, Somerville, Mass. started to question, “How happy do you feel right now?,” on their census. Citizens are given a scale of one to ten. Ten meaning really happy. The purpose of this is to become United States’ first city to track people’s happiness and to advertise policies that gain happiness. Somerville wish to see the effects on installing bike paths and how opening new parks is happiness.

However I don’t believe that happiness can be measure the way Somerville did. The Census usually don’t come in every day. Everybody feels different every day or even different time of the day.  The Article also backed me up by stating the a citizen of Somerville, Coner Brennan , “…any survey like this is going to depend on the mood of the person at that moment.”  If I were to fill this census now, I would put a five, but if I would fill the census at a concert wouldn’t I put a ten? Even though I don’t believe in the measuring, I actually don’t mind that question to pop up in every census in the world. This gives the people doing the census to realize how they are feeling. They might do something about it if it was a low number. They might even try to keep up their own happiness if they picked a high number.

I believe that happiness can be promoted, however only to a specific side or group. Fr example, in the article Somerville wanted to promote happiness by installing more bike lanes. Many bikers would be really happy about that, however car drivers might feel that it would produce a lot of traffic and wouldn’t be happy about that at all. In the article, it also mentions that if many low-income people shows a lot of small numbers in the scale of one to ten of ten being the happiest, they might introduce policies of that specific group.

I think many things are important to our well-beings. Which according to Merriam-webster “Well-being” means the state of being happy, healthy or successful. As a New Yorker, the cost of living is high, I really hope the government would lower that cost. It is something that would improve everybody well-beings, not just one side or group. To me myself, doing something that I love is something important to my well-beings. I won’t be happy if I don’t love doing it, like helping others for example. However, there can also be conflict between individual, one group and the community well-beings. One I would be increase the tax for the rich. The community might like the idea but the rich might not.

In Conclusion, measuring citizen’s happiness might not be accurate, but can still help introduce new policies or programs that promote well-beings to the citizens in different groups. I hope to see this question, “How happy do you feel right now?,” to be in every census around the world.


Jack’s Introduction

Hi, my name is Jack Hon. As a freshman in City Tech, I don’t feel like it. It’s not because I still feel like a high school student, its because I took a remedial class here for the summer. I basically know how to go to my classes in the Namn Building and the Midway Building. I already made a group of friends from my remedial class. We did our own study groups and have lunch together. I am usually shy as first, but really social after a few days. I am also part of the SEEK program in City Tech. They gave me a huge welcome to the college and I get to receive more benefits than regular students. Its includes tutoring for many subjects. Which I think I would need for my English course.

I don’t like writing. Essays and DBQ is not my strong suit. My weakness as a writer is when it comes to editing. My grammar needs work, I admitted. I also bad at getting started and knowing when to conclude. I mostly conclude too early leaving out many information that I could still put in. Lets put things in a positive direction, one of my hobby is creative writing. It’s the only writing I love to do. I had written three shorts stories and one play so far.  I want to become an author or a playwright one day. I however choose to major in Human Services just because I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket. I do want to become a social worker too or a case manager and work with kids.

When I comes to writing my short stories, I enjoy when I develop my characters. It usually doesn’t represent me, I try to develop them to be who I want to become or who I don’t want to become. If only writing a  essay is as fun as writing a story.  One thing I dislike is giving making the theme to the stories. It really hard for me to make my themes clearer so who ever is reading will understand it.

A lot if things makes me happy. Little things like watching T.V shows to getting an A on a test. I believe that a person can be happy as long as they stay positive. Even during the summer, taking a non-credit class in college. It not something to be happy about, but I stayed positive and made friends and get to know the college a little better. I was happy that I took it and not wait till the fall semester. I also got used to the amount of classwork and homework given out in college during the summer.

In this Eglish Comp course I hope to read more and maybe inspire me to write more in the future. I hope to be positive in this course and be happy and not stress out along the way like most other college student is.

Hope for a wonderful college life!

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