Second Research Proposal

As I began to think more in depth of my topic I’ll be writing about in my research project I decided to change it around a bit and find a main point to direct my topic to. The topic of just belonging needs is too broad, and cannot make an argument out of it. My topic is going to be, belonging needs: the effect of not having interpersonal relationships and how it correlates with happiness. This topic interests me because I value the healthy relationships I’ve made throughout my life so far it’s made me who I am right now and I’m evolving as a person each and everyday because of these relationships. belonging needs are a reflection of the desire to be loved have friendships and being family oriented. To be accepted by others brings fourth a great feeling of importance. If an individual has never experienced love, love may not have no value to them rather than a person who has experienced love whether in a relationship or family based are able to love others. Individuals are motivated to keep these relationships because it has great value to them (satisfying that need). Interpersonal relationships are needed in order to grow as an individual. Happiness has a different meaning to every individual, every individual has different things that brings them happiness. The key to happiness are the bonds and close relationships that are made between an individual and others . Everyone deserves to feel like their accepted, loved, and that their important in an individual’s life. The need to belong increases satisfaction in personal relationships well-being and happiness. Think about the clothing you have on your back the shoes on your feet without the help of others such as the job you have in order to get the things you desire it wouldn’t be possible without interpersonal relationships, and you being of importance to the job you’ve acquired. Belonging helps us as humans to survive in the world which dates bck to the Neolithic age, individuals worked together in order to survive for example women were gatherers while men hunted animals. Humans wouldn’t be what they are today without belonging needs everyone needs someone.

Annotated bibliography:

The article, “Belonging: Why do we need a sense of belonging” by Li-Or, serves importance to my topic because it breaks down the question; Why do we need a sense of belonging?. How does belonging shape us a humans and gives me a new outlook on my topic. The article asks a variety of question relevant to my research project and gives thorough explanation of them all. Explaining why belonging needs are so important in order for and humans to get what they need and for them evolve. Li-Or states, ” This is one of the reasons people seek to spend time bonding with family, friends, hobby-buddies, sports fans, and religious congregations.Individuals seek relationships with others to be accepted and discover who they are as a person and have others support.

This article explains why humans are so motivated to have close relationships, close relationships are part of what makes us human. Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary explains thoroughly their hypothesis belongingness point by point in the article main points such as forming social bonds, Not breaking bonds, Cognition, Emotional high and lows, Consequences of deprivation, Partial deprivation, and Satiation and substitution. Individuals feel the need to be close connected to others being caring and affectionate “close relationships are major part of human behavior.

This word document illustrated the history of background belonging needs in society. Making to many point in society such as the sense of belonging amongst students,sense of belonging and student persistence. Belonging needs are referred to as the need for affection between individuals. Deci & Ryan suggests, ” the need for relatedness ecompasses a persons striving to relate to and care for others, to feel that those others are relating authentically to ones self, and care for others”. The sense of belonging in society is very important for the connections between humans bonds and close relationships rhat are developed brings out a positive healthy relationship as well as happiness. Each relationship an individual makes helps them develope who they are

Changing the face of new york city

In 2 victory speeches of Bill De Blasio and Joe Lhota both men expressed their beliefs and efforts towards making New York City a better place to live and raise your families.Bill De Blasio victory speech was held in Brooklyn while many others did their speech in Manhattan, Bill De Blasio went straight for the people he uses ethos to persuade the people of New York targeting their emotions about the tragedy of 9/11 ( 09:11-09:24). New Yorkers come together in times of need. Bill De Blasio expresses that he wants to keep the city safe using every tool to protect the people of our nation. De Blasio Talks About “The Tale Of Two Cities” (11:26-12:30) one city of the well privileged and the fact that even after a great depression their able to bounce back and life becomes much better for them whereas the other city of the less fortunate the under privileged, half of the city living on or near the poverty line. De Blasio as a New Yorker himself can relate and now how the people feel. De Blasio wants to make a change he want to change the face of New York City  by putting a end to racial profiling in the police department NYPD ” Stop & Frisk”, and better education which give the people hope that thing can change and get better in society people ill begin to be much happier, most parents of New York fear their child aren’t receiving the best schooling. The government thinks that asking the fortunate workers of New York to pay more taxes is asking for to much when it can go towards day care, after school programs, and pre-k. Bill De Blasio fights for change in the nation to make New York City welcoming he cares about the well–being of the people fighting for what their need their happiness and changing the face of their environment.

Joe Lhota believes in continuing a strong future for New York City.Yet, he doesn’t show care for New Yorkers the same as Bill De Blasio. Joe Lhota want the city and the government to be more united and thrive as a nation.Joe Lhota supports the NYPD and believe that ” Stop and Frisk” must continue whereas many people believe that racial profiling has a major role in “stop and frisk” and want it to end. He wants to improve education and the whole vibe of New York City.” The issues that mattered to new yorkers and how the major can best serve the people” (02:49). The first step should be more involved with the people and their opinions.

Both Speeches represent two different men persuading different group of New York City,De Blasio run for the poor whereas lhorta runs for the middle class. Both Candidates character is very present in both victory speeches.Both men supports their ideas and their beliefs on what will influence New York to thrive and grow as a city. Change will occur and be very influential towards the people of New York’s well being and happiness over-all. The unique use of Ethos in De blasio speech how he targets the people and persuade them to vote him for major, speaking of their needs and thriving a a country. Alot of