HUS 1101 Chapter 4 Discussion Questions

Chapter 4

1. Describe the three models of service delivery in terms of how each impact well-being to either individuals, families and /or communities.

The three models of service delivery are the medical model, the public health model, and the human service model. The medical model impact the well-being of individuals with mental disabilities receive medication, physical therapy if needed (receive treatment from a physician in a hospital or medical center). The public health model impacts families and communities its delivers treatment to those who have been victims of abuse,poverty,or specific illnesses.This model is viewed by the malfunctions of the environment, it focuses on preventing the problem. The human service model impacts well-being because it focuses on balancing out the interaction between individuals and their environments, focusing on environmental conflicts.


2. Describe how Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness.

Philippe Pinel became head of the Hospice de Becetre he impacted the well-being of individual with mental illness because he removed chains from patients and other humane acts.He believed individuals with illnesses should be getting the proper treatment and respect as others ( believed they should be treated with medicines).

3. Describe how the psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession.

The psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession  because it allows client to speak freely without any judgement allows the professional to get a feel of what issues the client may be having and how to help them.

4. Describe how medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses

Medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses because medications are a form of treatment for clients with mental disorders. There are a variety of medication used to control specific illnesses such as antipsychotic drugs, antidepresant drugs, antianxiety drugs, and lithium salts. the drug prescribed to certain patients are prescribed to help manage and control certain behaviors.


5. Describe how electroschock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression, catatonic states.

Electroshock treatment can promote well-bring of a person with severe depression because after several week of treatment the problem in behaviors diminishes. During these treatments it leave the patient unconscious and leaves the patient confused and suffering from memory loss.

6. Describe how the “strengths based” model approach promotes the well-being of clients/society

.Strengths based model promotes well-being of clients/ society because it allows the client to reflect on past issues so they can prevent it ever reoccur

Chapter 4: Models of Service Delivery

Chapter 4

  1. Describe the three models of service delivery in terms of how each impact well-being to either individuals, families and/or communities.
  2. Medical, Public Health, Human Services

Medical model is for an individual that has a problem that is either a sickness or disease. These individuals depend on a physician to provide treatment or a cure for their sickness or disease. The medical model system consists of the symptom, diagnosis, treatment, and cure. It follows these steps in order to provide well-being to the individual.

Public health provides well-being for the entire community. Public health is defined in three ways. The first is by examining the history of the developments, the achievements, and the health successes. The second one is to achieve the mission of promoting physical and mental health to prevent any diseases, injuries, or disabilities. For instance, preventing epidemics being able to control the epidemic before the community is in danger. The third is to learn how to adapt to the circumstances of life. Learning how to handle problems in life in order to maintain physical and mental health to provide satisfaction in an individual’s life.

Human services is between the individual and the environment and balancing out the two of them. For example if a client has a mental illness it will affect their behavior. The human service model will treat this client by working with both the individual and the environment that is around him. In this model it is important to focus on the positive aspects of the client rather than the negatives.

  1. Describe how Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness.

Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness by arguing and practicing that individuals with mental illness should be treated with respect and with mental care not with punishments or with persecutions. Philippe Pinel combined his knowledge with Pussin’s principles and developed the moral method. The moral method says that mental illness is an imbalance that the patient has and could be treated with extensive observation and very detailed therapies. This impacted the well-being of mental illness because it benefits the client more rather than punishing them like before.

  1. Describe how the psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human services profession.

The psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession because it made the clients talk about their thoughts and emotions with the professional. The professional analysis all the thoughts and emotions of the client and then comes up with a treatment plan that will help the client in the future.

  1. Describe how medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses.

Medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illness because they provide the client medicine that helps them control their behavior, relieve depression, or ease pain. Resulting in the client to be able to control negative behaviors and to live a non-harmful life.

  1. Describe how electroshock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression, catatonic states.

Electroshock treatment can promote well-being of the client because it leaves the client unconscious. When the client starts to gain consciousness again they might experience memory loss or confusion. After several weeks the behavioral problem seems to leave.

  1. Describe how the “strength based” model approach promotes the well-being of the clients/society.

The strength based model approach promotes the well-being of the client because the professional tells the client to think about the problems or situations that were solved in the past. This promotes the well-being of the client because it helps the client realize their strength and the possibilities they have to deal with the problems they have and how to cope with them.

Chapter 4

1. Describe the three models of service delivery in terms of how each impact well-being to either individuals, families and/ or communities. a.Medical b. Public Health c. Human Services

The medical model is for clients who have an illness and come to human service workers for prescription to treatment or cure the point to medical model is trying to get the patient back to their normal state. The public health model examines people to find an approach to prevent diseases, injury etc . Human Services model will help people be able to solve their problems. And try to make the best of their well-being and quality of life.

2. Describe how Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness.

He impacted the well-being of those with mental illness because he didn’t see it as them being possessed by demons or anything but as a sickness. He said they should be diagnosed as mentally ill and to be treated as patients by physicians. He removed all the inhumane things done on human for having a disorder.

3. Describe how the psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession.

The psychodynamic model promoted well-being of the human service profession because the professionals speak with their clients and let them get anything of their mind. They can have the right to speak freely. Than all of this lets the professional determine how to help them and what are the causes of their problems.

4. Describe how medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses. 

Medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses because their has been medicine for various illnesses. Such as Psychiatric drugs, Antipsychotic drugs, Antidepressant drugs and antianxiety drugs. Each drugs works for different illnesses each patient might have. For instance, Antipsychotic drugs are for patients who might have schizophrenia or depressive psychosis. Each medication works for the patient with the illness.

5. Describe how electroschock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression, catatonic states.

Electroshock promoted well-being because it would leave the patient unconscious and when they woke they might tend to have memory loss. With so much treatment after a while the problems of patients began to go away. It was most effective for those patients with depression.

6. Describe how the “strengths based” model approach promotes the well-being of clients/society.

The “strengths based” model approach promotes the well-being of clients/society because it makes each client think about their past problems and helps them to learn from them and not make that mistake again. And also to find out if they might need still need help such as their basic needs.


HUS 1101 Ch.4 Discussion questions

1. Describe the three models of service delivery in terms of how each impact well-being to either individuals, families, and/or communities.

The three models of service delivery are the medical model, the public health model and the human service model. The medical model impacts the well-being of an individual because it helps a person who is ill and needs medicine to cure their disease or sickness. The public health model impacts communities because it’s goal is to prevent and protect people from plagues and promote healthiness. The human service model impacts individuals because it helps them identify their problems and how to solve them, it teaches them how to realize their strengths and how to use their own knowledge to make decisions for themselves.

2. Describe how Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness.

Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness because he believed that those who were suffering with these sicknesses deserved to be treated equally to those with medicinal issues. He promoted the idea that they should be treated like humans and not animals with chains.

3. Describe how the psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession.

The psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession because it addresses the foundation of psychological processes to improve people’s lives.

4. Describe how the medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses.

Medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses because patients can’t handle it on their own and need assistance. Through these medications they can lead healthier lives.

5. Describe how electroshock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression, catatonic states.

Electroshock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression because it made problem behaviors decrease after several weeks of treatment.

6. Describe how the “strengths based” model approach promotes the well-being of clients/society.

The strengths based model approach promotes the well-being of clients/society because it allows them to identify what their issues are, analyze them and then work through them to properly solve their troubles. If these steps are worked out accordingly the client will be able to successfully work through future dilemmas.

Chapter 4

1.Medical sees a person who is coming for help as a person who has a disease or a sickness. Public health is when someone is hard to define as a cleint or patient. Human services is their to provide help to individuals who need it

2.Philippen pinel impacted the well being of those with mental illness by making a campaigne to secure a new status for those with mental illness. So that they will no longer be known as people being possessed by demons but people with an actual disease.

3.Psychodynamic model promoted well being of human service professionals by creating a safe enviroment where the client can speakl freely about thier emotions , thoughts and feelings.

4.Medications promote the well being of those with mental illnesses becuase those with severe illnesses need medications to keep the illness that they have at a stable rate where it can be controlled by the medication they are taking, They will seem normal as if they dont have a mental illness. Also without being on medication a risk is ooccuring where the client can become a danger to themself or a danger to society.

5.Electroshock treatment can promote the well being of a person with severe depressions, catatonic, states, because after recieving the electroshcok treatment clients will see a decrease in the problem behaviors that the client is having. But to recieve the decrease in problem behaviors the client will have to recieve serval electroshock treatments.

6.The strengths based model approach promotes the well being of clients/society by making the client go back in time and visit their past. So that it can be made sure that they wont relive the past in the present.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Describe the three models of service delivery in terms of how each impact well-being to either individuals, families, and/or communities.                              Medical model addresses to the individual as someone who has a disease or sickness. The elements of this system are: symptom-diagnosis-treatment-cure. This model helps to the wellbeing of the individual by helping them with any type of malfunction of their brain or body. It provides medicine such as: antidepressant, antipsychotic and anti anxiety drugs. These help to the well-being of the individual.

Public health addresses to the community as a whole in health aspects. There are three different approaches to define public health. One is to first know the history of the community: the failures, achievements and health successes. The second is to know what is the purpose of the community towards the promotion of mental and physical health, preventing injuries, diseases and disabilities. The third one is to focus explicitly on how to prevent all of the diseases. Public health helps to improve the well-being of the communities by focusing on a larger scale.

Human services addresses the individual, families and communities. In human services, it is determined that a problem of an individual is caused by their environment. This model helps the wellbeing of individuals by using the problem-solving method. In this method human service professionals are in charge of identifying what the problem is, help the individual identify their strengths to solve the problem, and teach them how to solve the problem on their own. It could be possible that this models works along with the other two because individuals could need help from them as well.

Describe how Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness. Philippe Pinel helped those with mental illness by declaring that they were suffering from a disease and not from being possessed by demons. Pinel was appointed as physician by ideologues because he had connections with them. Therefore, by having connections with ideologues he was successful in his declarations. Since back in 1800s the church had a lot of influence in society. Moreover, he published three books that helped in different ways. One was for the classification of diseases, second was the foundation for modern psychiatry and third spread his methodology to the next generation.

Describe how the psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession.                                                                                                       The psychodynamic model itself was developed by Sigmund Freud. In this method the clients would speak all of their thoughts and feelings to their therapists. This method is still used today in human services. Human service professionals ask many questions to clients and let them speak all of their thoughts and feelings in order to determine their problem. Eventually, once the problem is identified thanks to the client speaking all about their feelings and thoughts: the professional could think of a solution.

Describe how medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses.                                                                                                                       There are medications that help to promote the wellbeing of individuals with mental illnesses. Some of these medications are: Antipsychotic, Antidepressant, and Antianxiety drugs. Antipsychotic helps individuals who have depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorder. This medicine controls certain behaviors such as hallucinations and impulsivity. Antidepressant alleviates depression. Antianxiety alleviates anxiety, fear or tension. All of these medications are for the well-being of the individuals with mental illnesses.

Describe how electroshock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression, catatonic states.                                                                    A person with severe depression could be treated with electric shocks of 70-130 volts on the brain. This treatment was used during the 1940s. The shocks would leave the patient unconscious or convulsing. The effects of the shocks would be confusion and memory loss but the problem of behavior would decrease after weeks of treatment.

Describe how the “strengths based” model approach promotes the well-being of clients/society.                                                                                                               The strengths-based approach consists of asking the client to think about situations and problems in the past. The purpose of this is so they could remember what were the skills that they used that helped them solve those problems. If the client remembers the skills that they used then they may be able to use those skills for their current problem. It is the same with society. We study the past so we don’t repeat the bad things in the present, and we remember the effective solutions that we used so we can use them again now.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Describe how the trends of technology , in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.                                                           Technology has been improving the past years. Therefore, the human services field has used it for its benefit. The areas of communication, information management, service delivery and professional development have been impacted by technology. By using technology in these areas, clients receive help faster and more efficient. Also, it helps the professionals to reach clients with limited access to services. Moreover, it has helped to provide service in a more cost-effective way.

Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients.                                                Using technology as a source of professional development is very beneficial. Since information has become available in CD-ROM and DVD, these are convenient for the professional because they are found in local universities or libraries. Also, softwares have been developed where programs teach problem solving, counseling, case management and more. Therefore, professionals have easier access to the required information. Moreover, podcasting has also been of great use by professionals. Audios and videos with information are sent to professionals without them requesting it, in order to keep them updated of today’s information. Ultimately, professionals can acquire information more quickly and this helps to prepare themselves to help improve more effectively the well-being of the clients.

Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client well-being.       Managed care has sets of tools and methods that are used in the areas of healthcare, and mental health. These tools are made to manage resources and deliver human services. These sets of tools and methods help the clients by receiving sources more efficiently and effectively. A client will be able to have greater well-being with these tools and methods.

Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.                                                                                                                            The main limitation of managed care is gatekeeping. This method is to control access to services. A client who needs mental health services requires to have a referral from a physician. Therefore, this makes it harder for the client to acquire the services needed. Whenever clients go through this, they may see that having a referral is just a barrier for them to get services and this disappoints them.

Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.                 In service delivery a professional provides information to the client according to what his/her needs are. Also, a professional needs to make sure that the information that is being provided is accurate, useful and reliable for the client. Service delivery promotes well being because a professional has to make sure to take good care of the client. Eventually, the client will receive the services needed and will improve their well-being.

Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.                                   Professional development is always needed. Therefore, when a professional studies about different cultures and backgrounds they acquire knowledge to apply it to their services. By having this knowledge, the professional is able to understand any kind of clients from different cultures and backgrounds. Hence, these specific populations will acquire the services that are needed.

Describe how, what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of US citizens.                                                                                                       A lot of immigration has been occurring in the past decades. Therefore there has been an increase in the population of the United States. Things that are debated due to this “issue” is whether immigrants should be given the right to education, healthcare etc. It might not be possible that US citizens will be hindered by this, that is if the government provides laws that help immigrants become citizens. Hence, making it possible for them to provide taxes as well and from there resources can be made for everyone.

Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.         A professional is in charge of helping a client to reach self-sufficiency. Since “teaching a man to fish” means to teach an individual how to help themselves. Ultimately, that is what a professional is doing: teaching the client to support him/her self. Therefore, if a client learns to support themselves then they have reached self-sufficiency and they can increase their well-being.

Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.                                   In order to provide efficient services a professional must have knowledge about different cultures to address the different needs of clients. By having knowledge of various cultures, a professional is considered competent to deal with different individuals. When the professional has cultural competency, the services that he/she provides could be faster and more efficient. The individual’s well-being will eventually increase by being taken care of someone who has the ability to understand him/her.

ENG 1101 Essay #1 Extension: Final Draft Due NEXT Tuesday (10/28)

Hi folks:

I hope that you had good weekends. I’m just writing with some “happy” news for you: I have decided to extend the due date for Essay #1, to give you another week to work on your revisions (by now you should all have either met with me or receive your comments back via e-mail … if you didn’t, please make sure to check your e-mail again). The final draft is now due next Tuesday (10/28), instead of tomorrow.

You will be doing important in-class work this week, so please make sure to come to class and have a wonderful time with each other and the professors who will be covering classes. I’m heading up to Canada (for my two conferences) this morning, and will return in time for next Tuesday’s class.

Remember, you should be using this deadline extension to re-think your argument (many of you need to re-read the texts and analyze/think more critically through them), revise, edit, and proofread your essay, and you can also visit the City Tech Learning Center to get more one-on-one help with revising your essay. Just a friendly reminder that your updated Reflection Cover Letter for the final draft should take all of this work (including peer review and individual conferences with me, if you had one) into account.

Please “reply” here to let me know you read/understood this message, and have a great week. Happy revising!

Professor Belli

10/16/14 Class Notes

Today in class we discussed how to put all essays ideas and evidence together in a formal way to convince the reader of your own opinion.

HomeWork for Tuesday 10/21:

*Essay #1 Final (for grade) Draft , Email professor Belli the Word Document File Before class, also submit the portfolio folder in class

*Remember, proffesor Belli will not be in class next week but the essay is still due and class will still be in session (there will be a subsitute with work for the class) , If you have not received the proffesors revision of your first draft, email her so that you are able to pick it up tommorow, or so the proffesor can scan it to you

*Reminders* Email proffesor Belli the final essay draft correctly: ( Your Name, Essay1, Final Draft ) She will respond “thankyou” if she has received it correctly

The portfolio folder should include:   Cover letter and final draft, previous draft and peer review sheets, also any related free writing that you may want to include. (free writings do not have to be typed.)


it is how you approach the reader about your idea.

Many have been making the mistake of sounding to chatty, or like they are talking to a friend. Keep in mind you are writing a formal essay, caps and exclamation points (!!) are inappropriate.

Third Person:

Many are having difficulties staying in the third person, remember “in my opinion” etc.. is in 1st person,

Using the third person will make you sound confident about your idea and you will better convince the reader, for example “This is the case …” This way you are convincing the reader to see the idea through your eyes.

Topic Sentences:

Keep in mind that the topic sentence should be specific. It should consiste of a fact and why is it significant. Topic sentences should 1. Introduce the main claim, 2. Relate to the thesis, 3. Connect to the previous paragraph

The transition handout can be of much help.

After you finish your final draft make sure to double check your arguments. Write down your topic sentences in a seperate sheet of paper and read them. Does it make sense? Do they flow with each other? Does it make sense? After that proof read, read it outloud and slowly.

Incorporate Evidence:

After quoting remember to analize it. Why is the quote significant to your paragraph? Does it belong there? Does it relate? What is your point? It should show the reader what you are trying to say. Good ways to start analyzing is “This statement shows, this example portrays…” etc

Quotes, texts, and topic sentences should not start with because. The evidence handout can be helpful.


The essay should be in the present tense and so should words when introducing quotes. For example  “proffesor Belli argues/talks/asks…” After including a quote you should cite it like this: (last name of author and page number) no comma in between. If you have already introduced the quote with the authors name then you do not have to include it while you cite it, just include the page number.

 Works Cited Page:

This page should include the articles you stated in your paragraphs, it should be at the end of the essay.

Color Coding:

This is a technique to help you get your ideas together. It is using a color to highlight a certain idea and another color to highlight another idea. You would do this throughout your essay and see if you have any ideas that are the same in different paragraphs. This technique can help some people do better organize their paragraphs. This video can be helpful to explain color coding aswell.


Many people did titles and others did not. The professor wants us to try the two part title. It is having a catchy frase a colon (:) and then something else, preferably your point on the essay. Try your best on completing the title as asked –>    _______ : _______

 I hope everyone finds my notes to be very helpful, if any questions please contact me through open lab message.

Good Peer Review

After days and hours spent on my essay I was proud of the outcome. I really thought my essay was really good. I was a little nervous in giving my essays to my peers because even though I was proud of my essay, I new it was not going to be good enough. I am not the best essay writer, but then again who is (?). The important thing was that I tried my best and its only a first draft. The fact that I was going to have feedback and have my essay reviewed actually calmed me down. Even being proud of my essay I am open to my peers comments and thoughts.

When I got my essay back I was ready to see all the mistakes I had done. After my peers explained their comments and revision, I noticed my essay can be better. They showed me simple mistakes I did like typos. They showed me that I did not introduce my quotes from the texts and articles. My peers also showed me that I had a few ideas in one paragraph. Another helpful tip my peers showed me was their opinions on the structure of my paragraphs. My peers, Meena and Jocelyn, showed me ideas on how they think my essay would sound better. They showed me that I could switch up some sentences so my paragraph can run smoother. Overall my peers liked my essay and the main idea, they just pointed out plenty of things I should fix in order to make the best out of this argumentative essay.

After this experience of talking to my peers about my essay, I felt good. I liked the experience because I had the opinion of two other people who are willing to help me better my essay. I also like the experience because my peers helped me look and point out the mistakes I did not notice even after rereading my essay. I liked this peer review and would look forward to it again. I think peer review is a good way to make a very good and interesting argumentative essay.

For my essay 1 revision, my next steps are as follows. I will reread a few times over my peers corrections and revisions. Then I will start making an outline or draft including my peers editing. I will do this in a manner were I get all the ideas out on paper. This will help me to figure out which way I like better including my peers ideas and revisions. After I get everything out and organized I will type up my essay and have my boyfriend read it. I will also reread it again myself to feel satisfied with it. Finally I will print it out after I feel satisfied.