Chapter 4

1.Medical sees a person who is coming for help as a person who has a disease or a sickness. Public health is when someone is hard to define as a cleint or patient. Human services is their to provide help to individuals who need it

2.Philippen pinel impacted the well being of those with mental illness by making a campaigne to secure a new status for those with mental illness. So that they will no longer be known as people being possessed by demons but people with an actual disease.

3.Psychodynamic model promoted well being of human service professionals by creating a safe enviroment where the client can speakl freely about thier emotions , thoughts and feelings.

4.Medications promote the well being of those with mental illnesses becuase those with severe illnesses need medications to keep the illness that they have at a stable rate where it can be controlled by the medication they are taking, They will seem normal as if they dont have a mental illness. Also without being on medication a risk is ooccuring where the client can become a danger to themself or a danger to society.

5.Electroshock treatment can promote the well being of a person with severe depressions, catatonic, states, because after recieving the electroshcok treatment clients will see a decrease in the problem behaviors that the client is having. But to recieve the decrease in problem behaviors the client will have to recieve serval electroshock treatments.

6.The strengths based model approach promotes the well being of clients/society by making the client go back in time and visit their past. So that it can be made sure that they wont relive the past in the present.

Chapter 8

1. The clients empowerment model of change effectively impacts a clients well being status because by the humans service worker showing the client that change is possible can help the client make that change. But also helping them along this path of change is a big part of making change happen. Clients need assurance!

2. A community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients. This is because community based agencies focus on their surroundings. In other words they are not just focusing on one thing but many; being diverse. They help anyone and everyone weather they are young children or homeless. Really no one is turned away.

3. An agency’s organizational chart promotes well being through the chain of command. Each person has a job in the chart. Each person is accountable for those under he or she’s supervision. There is less authority so decision making is more of a shared responsibility.

4. The referral process is utilized in the relation to the client’s well being because when a human service worker is making a referral they think of always the client. For example will the new agency be able to provide the services the client needs or is the client going to be able to travel to the new agency. Basically the client is thought of through the whole process.

5. An informal network can aid in the referral and well being goals. The informal network includes informal workers such as family and friends who provide needed support for the client.

6. Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well being of the client. This provides a permanent record for the services received by the client. This lets it be known about the client and what are the services that the client requires.

7. Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being. This can cause for the human service worker to become the complete opposite of what they should be, for example insensitive and uncaring! This can result in poor performance at work.

8. Professional development activities can impact the well being of the clients. Most importantly is that you must stay being positively engaged and well supported while delivering services. Always support the clients in a positive way.

9. A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well being of a client. Letting the client learn how to be more independent meaning letting them do things on their own rather then you helping them all the time. This will help the client become more self sufficient.