research essay pre draft

The social media: the affects it can have on an adolescents mental health

The internet is used every day and by every one . But people don’t sit down and think is the internet really a good thing . Parents would say the internet is a distraction to people and the world . It takes there focus away from what’s important and brings it to the nonsense that the internet offers . Which now in days it offers almost anything you would want or want to know . But opinions like these bring our attention away from what could be something actually important like , what affects can the internet, mainly the social media , have on someone’s mental health , mainly the social media . My focus is on the affects it can have on an adolescents mental health . Affects such as depression caused by cyber bullying or even a teenager becoming an addict for extreme usage of the internet . Some teens can’t go a day with out checking there face book page or twitter and so on . Little did they know there addicts to it and be totally mindless of it .

From the research performed there’s a lot of info on how the social media helps teens make friends over the internet and also connect to old friends and keeping in contact . Every one loves there social media websites and apps but there should be a limit to how many times one uses it a day . Peoples behaviors of social media usage can pretty soon develop into an addiction . The website “Alter Net “ which has an article on the personal health section called , “ Social Media Dependency Has Become a Mental Health Issue “ written by Emma Stein . Stein discusses the issue of teenagers becoming obsessed with taking selfies . Recent news about a 19 yr old boy who attempted to commit suicide after being obsessed with taking selfies in the UK has received public attention . Because of this issue its brining people to question the dependency’s teens have on social media . The article also states , surveys that were published by CASA columbia collected results that concluded , teens 12-17 that use social media every day are more likely to use tobacco alcohol and marijuana . These results were backed up by the fact that if teens are exposed to pictures of alcohol or drugs in social media sites more likely they would want to try it for them selves .

It is also found that social media can often lead teens to develop into depression . As mentioned before social media helps people connect with friends and make new friends but what happens when there is peer rejections . That can affect the way a person feels about them selves or there self view . Another issue is cyber bullying , the web page “ California Teen Health “ provides information on research conducted in California that had to do with adolescent behavior health and social media . The site states , approximately 23% of teens were reported to being threatened by a peer ( CHIS, 2001) bullying causes higher levels of depression and anxiety and in some cases this can be linked to cases of teen suicides ( Kowalski, 2009) .

Research project: Pre draft

Belonging Needs: The effects of interpersonal relationships

Belonging needs correlates with happiness and individual’s well-being. Happiness has a different meaning to every individual, every individual has different things that brings them happiness. The key to happiness are the bonds and close relationships that are made between an individual and others. Humans value the healthy relationships they’ve made throughout their lives, it’s made a huge difference in the growth of humanity. Belonging needs are a reflection of the desire to be loved have friendships and being family oriented. The importance of belonging needs in personal relationships whether it’s a friendship, family, or romantic, people value close relationships. Everyone deserves to feel like their accepted, loved, and that their important in an individual’s life. Not being accepted or belonged can cause an individual to feel unwanted, lonely, depressed, and have low self-esteemed which cause their well-being and happiness to diminish. To be accepted by others brings forth a great feeling of importance. If an individual has never experienced love, love may not have value to them rather than a person who has experienced love whether in a relationship or family based are able to love others. Individuals are motivated to keep these relationships because it’s satisfying their needs. Interpersonal relationships are needed in order to grow as an individual. The need to belong increases satisfaction in personal relationships well-being and happiness.

Belonging needs are influential in the motivation of individual’s everyday life through social interactions. Individuals seek the need to have frequent interactions with others, people who care about their welfare. Mark Leary states, “Human beings have a persuasive drive to form and maintain at least a minimum quantity of lasting positive, and significant interpersonal relationship” (Leary 497). As human beings individuals enjoy interactions with others showing concern for one another. Without a sense of belongingness causes individuals to have a variety of ill effects such as depression, loneliness, and so on. Constant attachments are made in order to form and maintain relationships. Approval of others are influential towards forming and maintaining social bonds. Belonging needs can be as important and captivating as Maslow’s basic needs of water, shelter, and food. Li-Or states, “Because belonging helps us survive” (Li-Or 1), human beings need each other in order to survive individuals cannot survive without the help of others. Feeling needed results in people to have more meaning in their lives and boost self-esteem, making an individual feel valuable. Li-Or states, “draw strength from within rather than be dependent on others, but until we strengthen ourselves, belongingness to groups of people with life experience and compassion that can offer comfort can be our rocks in stormy seas” (Li-Or 1), belonging in groups settings result in individuals involving as a person and having a support system.

Without the development of close bonds individuals will begin to feel a sense of loneliness. Interactions and connecting with others are natural in human behavior creating affectionate bonds. Roy Baumeister states, “People are eager to have close relationships and are reluctant to break them once formed… People often avoid permanent separation (breakups, divorce, death), even when the costs of staying in the relationship are greater than leaving” (Baumeister 1). Individuals find it very hard to break bonds even if it is unhealthy in their lives because it is of such value in their lives. With relationships comes emotional attachment positive feelings as well as negative feelings. Shaver and Buhrmester suggested, “That feelings of loneliness can be precipitated either by an insufficient amount of social contact (social loneliness)… Or by lack of meaningful, intimate relatedness (emotional loneliness).” (Shaver, Buhrmester 501). Loneliness can be divided into two different aspects there emotional and social loneliness this can be causes without relationship interactions. When in relationships and things are on bad terms separation causes sadness and stress. Once a relationship ends individuals will quickly form another relationship to fill that void in their lives through gradually sharing experiences, “when a bond is broken, people will readily pursue another in its place” (Baumeister 1). Since individuals value relationships so much once a relationship ends they need to fill that void an get rid of all bad emotions in order to feel that happy feeling that they once felt. Some individuals need love, affection, and closeness with people more than others but in the end of it all everyone needs someone in order to survive.

Lack of belongingness leads to various undesirable effects in an individual’s behavior and health. Belongingness is a need that individuals desire, loss of interpersonal bonds and relationships cause emotional distress. Which is an emotional reaction towards a situation which can include anxiety, jealousy, fear, and suffering. Mark Leary states, “people who do not have adequate supportive relationships experience greater stress then those who do… having other people available for support and assistance can enhance coping and can provide a buffer again stress” (Leary 508). People who have close relationship bonds with individuals that can help them cope with life experiences, tend to not experience stress as much as people who don’t have these relationships.

Works Cited

Baumeister, Roy F., and Mark R. Leary. “The Need to Belong: Desire for Interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation.” Psychological Bulletin 117.3 (1995): 497-529. Web.

“Belonging: Why Do We Need a Sense of Belonging?” SayWhyDoIcom. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

“The.” “Need to Belong” N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.





Research essay pre-draft: the negative affects of an incarcerated parent on their children

An incarcerated parent has many negative effects on their children. Such affects can be residential instability, economic and behavioral problems. All of these factors affect the child’s education. Due to the lost of a parent to incarceration the child can be affected physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. These factors contribute to the way a child performs academically. These problems affect the way a child may think and their ability to learn. It is during the years of a normal child’s development. The incarceration of a parent has a negative impact on the well-being of a child’s education.

“In particular, arrest and incarceration have a negative effect on the health and welfare of a child’. (Sack and Seidler, 1978). When a parent is incarcerated, it is as significant and traumatic to a child as when a parent dies. There is a difference between the two. With death the child may gain sympathy from others, giving room for discussions in understanding the role of death. With incarceration comes stigma. There may not be any open discussions to help the child to understand. This creates coping problems for the child. “Moreover, children may become more susceptive to the antisocial of peers’. (Hagman and Dinovitzer,1999).

“One of the most important factors in the development of a child is a strong attachment or bond to a caregiver during infancy”. (The Yale Law Journal, 1978). This guides the child’s engagement in, interpretation of, and interactions with others. The bond helps the child to be able to relate to other people. When the bond is broken it disrupts a child’s emotional development and ultimately causing socialization problems. The child may also develop feelings of shame, anger and rejection. A stigma that can impact their emotional reactions to traumatic life events. During early childhood years (2-6 years), children have not yet developed the skills to understand traumatic events. In the middle childhood years (7-10 years), separation from a parent creates a sense of loss. It is during these years that the children are developing their social skills and independence.

When a parent is incarcerated, it has lasting social, emotional, and developmental impacts that manifests in economic difficulty, socialization, attachment issues, stigmatization and traumatic stress. It is a process that unfolds over time. Providing children with information concerning the arrest and reasons for their parent’s incarceration can be a problematic factor as well. (Ayers, Sandler,West, & Roosa, 1996; Compas 1987) suggests that “uncertainty and lack of information undermines children’s ability to cope, it is not surprising that children who are uniformed about their parents incarceration are more anxious and fearful”. Children are more likely to have negative reactions to the experience when they can’t talk about it. (Sack et al. 1976) reported that “over 50% of the children of incarcerated parents had school problems, such as poor grades or instances of aggression. (Sack et al. 1987) study, “16% exhibited transient school phobias and were unwilling to go to school for a 4-6 week period after their parents incarceration. In another report, (Stanton 1980) found even higher rates of school problems: 70% of 166 children of incarcerated mothers showed poor academic performance and 5% exhibited classroom behavior problems. Another school- based problem is that children are often teased or ostracized by their peers as a result of their parent’s incarceration. (Jose-Kampfner,1991) as children reach adolescence, suspension and dropout rates are even higher.




Research paper: Pre-daft

Many different cultures has their own parenting style. Many would believe that the Chinese way of parenting can be crude, especially to Americans. Chinese parents have high expectations for their children. The expectations of their child getting straight A’s, learning the violin or the piano had many non-Asians defining them as tiger parents. Tiger parents seems to be unloving, strict, and controlling, they do have a connection and relationship with their children. Children doesn’t have to be from the age of five to fourteen, Chinese parents use this term in context of his or her sons and daughter no matter their age. The thirty-five year old Chinese male will still be refer as a child to their parents. Chinese parents expressed love differently then the Americans. Instead of verbally expressing love to their child or with loving gestures like hugs, tiger parents shows their love and communicate by making their favorite dish for dinner, engage in their child’s education progress, and even by what other may see of controlling. These communications and show of love fulfilled the child’s happiness as much as any parenting style would.

Tiger parents do not verbally use the phrase, “I love you” or give out loving gestures like hugs and so as their children. In “Do Asian-American Parents Push Their Kids?”, Kathy Seal expressed, “Westerners who don’t see Asian-American parents hugging and kissing their children or praise them in words may think them cold.” However, it is not that they don’t love them, but they want to the child to know who has authority. It can be compare to an individual won’t be saying phrases like “I love you” to his or her employer. For the child, the show of love and communication is quite similar. Children tend to show their love without the use of words nor using loving gestures. Even though the phrases like “I love you” and loving gestures are not ban from the relationship, however one can say this show of love can happen once in a blue moon.

Instead of the use of words and loving gestures, tiger parents show their love by doing simple tasks that the child loves. One thing the child expect their tiger parents to do is to be “guan” (Seal 1) In other words, Although children would out tiger parents feels that when they are being questioned and told what to do may seems annoying to them, children with tiger parents love the be controlled and demanded from their tiger parents. The children feels and know that the parent care about them. It is what these children is used to and they understand the the meaning of “ guan” as the parents giving them attention. (Seal 1) In a American Television show; Family Guy, an episode shows how westerner see Asian parents; an Asian parents are portray as a not loving towards their child. The Asian dad walks into his son room and ask, “Are you a doctor yet?” and the son replied, “No dad, I’m twelve.” The father then response, “Talk to me when you a doctor.” However the truth behind that is the tiger dad cares about the son and want him to be live up to his potentials.

The tiger parents show of love and communication of controlling and demanding involves with the child success. Many children with non-tiger parents might see the stress that the children of tiger parent has. This is one big purpose of why tiger parents are tiger parents. The want of their children to be successful when they are in their education, jobs, and overall their life. Success to tiger parents on their children would be the child being on the top of his or her class, having gold medals on different academic subjects, and having an full score on the exam. The success of the child doesn’t end there, as for the “children” that are in their adulthood, success involve the child getting married, having kids, being self-sufficient and be able to help out other family members.



work cited

Seal, Kathy. “Asian-American Parents: Pushy or Perfect?” Pacific Standard. N.p., 18 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

“Family Guy – Asian Family.” YouTube. YouTube, 14 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.


Second Proposal

After giving it some thought , the proposal of the topic chosen, has definitely made a turn around. Realizing that my source last time listed doesn’t really have to do with what I had stated, I decided to pursue that lead instead. The topic I decided to choose now is happiness in marriages, how to obtain it and how to keep it. There are several factors that make up a marriage, trust, communication, love and desire for one another. How does one achieve happiness in a marriage is the question in play. Many people to keep a marriage happy, you need communication while other say it’s keeping the romance alive. In this research project I intend to research and define what a marriage is, why people get married, how does well-being of people factor into everything. It is interesting to see the different kinds of marriages, for example there are some people who are married to more than one person why could that be? Is one person not enough for them, do they not satisfy them?
This topic interest me because I’ve always said that I would never get married, but after reading in an article that married people are more happier than the single person, I began to question why. In sociology there’s a famous figure that’s always talked about, by the name Emile Durkheim, who wrote a book on suicide, exposing the number of people who committed suicide between two larger groups Protestants and Catholics. He also found that people who were married were less likely to commit suicide, marriage probably kept them from it, so maybe marriage does aid us in our well-being. In this project I plan to use books, articles and even videos. I think it is important to take a closer look at Durkheim’s book, statistics on marriages, articles on how to keep a healthy marriage, and what marriage even really is. I think marriage on its own is a big topic but well-being in marriages is an outlet from it. I think it’s the right topic to choose because some of us are planning to get married in our future that is if we aren’t already. I think it’s important to discuss the benefits of being married and why its good for us to in the future get married. I believe my argument would be that it is beneficial for a person to consider marriage and some day in the future get married.

This video is a speech given by Jenna McCarthy where she speaks about the topic of marriage. In a comedic style she explains the ins and outs of marriage. She also speaks on her own personal experience. She answers the question on why married people are so happy, or at least why they appear to be. She lists some reasons why people seem to be happier, and how a person could prevent a divorce.
This is an article found in psychology today that speaks on the troubles of marriages. Barreca speaks on her own experiences , she’s been married for 23 years. She states that getting married and staying happily married is a sensitive topic. She has her own views on marriage that she feels aren’t recognized as they should be. For example that couples should celebrate their anniversaries and be proud of themselves for staying married, always in big ways. She doesn’t believe in the gifts advertised people should give to each other every 10 or 15 years.
This article is more of a to do list to keep a marriage alive & well. It recognizes flaws that are often seen in troubled marriages, lacking in something like communication, romance, or problems. It offers 11 friendly tips on how to keep a marriage going. Being married for a long time is something to be proud of because it’s a hard thing to do. Many people get divorced but appraisement for the people who decide to stick it out even in the hard times should be made.

Parental involvement affects your future happiness/ Second research proposal

There are many factors in life that can have a positive or negative effect in achieving happiness. One of these factors is the absence of a parent during child development. In my research project I am going to explain with different sources how a child is affected in their life by the absence of a parent. In the research that I have made so far, I obtained results that indicate that the absence of a parent is very negative to a child’s development. When a parent is absent too often in their home, their children tend to acquire emotional distress. This will eventually lead them to depression and other diseases that may affect other aspects of their lives. Also, when a parent is involved more often in the child’s schooling, their children are triggered to be more successful and have more academic achievement. Moreover, I intend to do more research and make connections of how the characteristics that are developed in childhood affect a person in their adulthood. An example would be how due to a negative characteristic from a person such as: insecurity caused by parental absence, affect their life. If a person is insecure then he/she won’t be able to make important life decisions such as getting married or even just having enough confidence to believe in himself/herself to achieve economic success. Therefore, based on the research I have done so far I believe that a person’s characteristics are impacted greatly by parents. According to the characteristics developed in an individual, these will determine how the individual achieves happiness. The definition of happiness in this research paper will be: economic stability, emotional stability, and ability to maintain relationships. To acquire economic stability a person requires self-sufficiency, which means that it will involve the characteristics that were formed during child development in order to achieve this. Also, in order to achieve emotional stability the person will require these characteristics that were formed. By emotional stability I mean a person’s ability to maintain a strong character. Moreover, being able to maintain relationships such as love relationships will also require of these characteristics. In conclusion, the absence of a parent during child development can affect the individual later in life when trying to achieve happiness.

“” Parental Involvement and Children’s Well-Being. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.

This source explains how parental involvement in adolescence impacts a teenagers life. In further detail this website explains that when the amount of time parents are present at home affects the teenagers’ emotional health and can cause them emotional distress. Self- esteem is something that also gets affected due to exhibit of love and responsiveness from parents. Moreover, this source explains that when parents are more involved in the schooling of their teenagers they tend to have higher achievements. The source will help me to explain how an individual’s life can be impacted by the type of involvement from their parents.

“Father Absence, Father Deficit, Father Hunger.” Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

In this article, something that is emphasized is how the courts of the U.S don’t understand how essential it is for a child to have their fathers. It is important for a child to spend time and experiences with their father because otherwise the children will have difficulties adapting to society. Its been reported that children that don’t have a father have more issues in trying to form any kind of relationships and being social. This source will help me to narrow down my topic and focus on how specifically fathers are needed for a better child development. It will also help me to explain how the absence of a father can impact the behaviors of a child.

Fiona Macrae for the Daily Mail. “How Absence of a Loving Father Can Wreck a Child’s Life: New Study Shows Relationship with Both Parents Is Crucial.” Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 14 June 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

This source explains how a large part of the population of kids in America lack of a father figure and this affects all aspects of their life. Also it explains how if parents rejected individuals during their childhood, they felt more anxious and insecure: including more aggressive. Furthermore, this will help me to support the rest of my research regarding fathers and their absence in individual’s childhood. I think this article explains well and straight to the point how a father’s absence affects a child.

Negative effects of drug use

My first proposal I feel like I was very vague. I narrowed my topic to one way to prevent suicide in adolescents is by the absence of drug use. I find this topic interesting because it shows the reality of the negative effects drugs have in individuals. I want to focus more on the drug use in teenagers because the decisions that a teenager makes has a huge impact in the beginning of their adult hood. If an individual is well educated in the negative effects of drug use they are more likely to not have the urge to try it. It is also beneficial if they have a stable lifestyle such as having a support system that could guide them in the right direction, talk about their problems with, and depend on them for any questions or concerns they have. The stage of teenage years are known as the time where the most confusion and overwhelming takes place. Therefore, to prevent teenagers to seek to drugs as an escape it is important for them to have someone that they could count on and also learn how to problem solve without getting overwhelmed. Drug abuse is one of the leading causes of suicides in the world. Once a teenager is hooked on a drug it is hard to sober them up because they don’t want to live the hard reality they have been escaping all these time. Drug use also stops and prevents an individual to develop in life. It also makes it harder for them to set goals for themselves, which means they will be less likely to evolve in life. If a teenager is well educated in the negative effects of drug use the more likely teenagers will not consume drugs.

Annotated sources:

“10 Reasons Teens Abuse Alcohol or Drugs.” Promises Addiction Treatment Alcohol Drug Rehab Malibu. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

This article mentions ten reasons why teenagers consume drugs in their life. The ten reasons the article gave are all very common to have and experience as teenagers. For example, one of the reasons the article gives is modeling parent’s behavior. In fact this reason is key because throughout the teenager’s life they never really had a guardian that could guide them to the right path and help them make the correct decisions. But it is also very controversial because if the teenager grew up with a parent that abused drug use and they saw how it affected their parents they will stay away from drugs. Another important factor is that teenagers try drugs for curiosity of to escape realty for a moment and in the long run they end up becoming addicted.

“Why Do Teens Use Drugs?” Why Do Teens Use Drugs? N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

This article explains why young adults find the need to use drugs. Teenagers sometimes feel like they don’t fit in with the rest of their peers. Sometimes not fitting in becomes overwhelming in a teenagers life that they are willing to do anything to fit in. A teenager might just use drugs once to fit in but in reality they will continue to use it to fit in or just because they liked it. The use of drugs is to change the way an individual feels at a moment. With time if the individual keeps using drugs to escape and feel better about a problem, the individual will always depend on the drug.

This article mentions that drug use among teenagers has been a problem for many years. The drug use in teenagers is because they have not reached maturity. Once they have passed the teenage years without learning from their mistakes and continue to consume drugs, then that a problem because they have now become dependent in drugs to cope with their everyday problems. This article also gives out ways a teenager can be treated once they have abused and become dependent on drug use. One of the treatments is to have family based therapies which shows how important it is to have a support system at a young age.


Second Proposal

After getting more depth into my topic  it wasn’t as I hard as I thought it would be because our main topic in our class that we are focusing on is happiness. In high school my english class did a topic on happiness, therefore what we are doing in class isn’t brand new to me because I was recently doing this project right before I graduated. Generally I’m choosing my topic “ why gay people are happier than straight people “ ? Because it’s a topic that can be fought for many reasons and have many opinions, but state facts as to why gay people are happier than straight people . Researched  I have done and read generally come to a sense that gay people are more likely happier than straight  people because,  there more honest with each other and coming out into the world to be accepted from society. Although some may disagree, but LGBTQ has taken a role in societies because now gay marriage is legal in some states, but it’s legal in New York City. Which is city that has to fight a lot for something they want and it happened? Because they’re more free within themselves. As I introduce in my first proposal as to why I think they are happier than straight. Then I will talk about research I found and how it supports my thesis because based on researched I found gay people are more open, honest, experimental with one another and not carrying a burden on their shoulder just because their gay. There able to express themselves in their own way and be judged.As I continue to research more into my topic are gay people happier than straight people?  A general consensus is that know one sits down and decide that they are gay. Study shows that it starts at a young age such as 12 years old until you turn 17 and  actually have an understanding of what they like ,but doesn’t mean that they  are born with a prefix orientation, unlike heterosexual  study showed more instability in their love life and percentage of their unleveled happiness over all doesn’t compare to gay people happiness.

Annotated Bibliography:

This source  is just a short article that talks about how couples in the UK are more happier than straight people.  Also they discuss how men are more positive and happier rather than heterosexuals because they have a more positive thinking when it comes to their relationship. Tanaye Happiness movie.mp4 (4).m

This is a movie I made in high school and I have 3 sources that supports my thesis and I have an interviews with people who are gay and they voice their opinion on happiness and if they think gay people are happy than straight people? Also I came to a general consensus as to why I think gay people are happier than straight people because they can be honest within themselves and I have researched that help me supported my idea .

This source helps me support my idea because it goes into death with are gay men happier than straight men? Based on the article by psychology today states that gay men are less likely to be depressed than heterosexual men because as I stated previously they are more open and free. Therefore a huge burden was taken off their shoulders to where they don’t have to worry what anyone says.

Second Draft Proposal

Many people see music as a reliever of stress, a comfort in a time of grief and also a help to isolate one from the world. From yester years unto now people still se music to do different things. Every age group of people has different preferences of music. Older people may like more sophisticated music while younger people may like more crazy, loud and outrageous music. Now a day’s teenager’s behavior is more often based on the music they associate themselves with. As many may say music is the key to the soul. Sometimes people may not even realize that they are reacting on the music that they listen to. Teenagers are all at the age where they are trying to find themselves and because music is such a great influence hey give off a behavior that is portrayed from the music. This essay is mainly about what kinds of music influences what kind of teenagers. It is also about how music preferences can form what kind of person a teenager can be and who they associate themselves with. For example \you will hardly ever see a Caribbean teenager hanging out with a Gothic kid at the lunch table because they will believe that the Gothic kid is weird or abnormal because he or she doesn’t like the kind of music that they like. Music can have a negative and a positive reaction on teenagers lives.

“How Music Affects Teens.” Teen Ink. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

This article talks about how certain types of music can define who a person is. It says that you can tell a person’s mood by the type of music that they are listening too. This supports the idea of music creating a teen’s personality. It also explains how teens cling more to the people who are more like them because they like the same type of music as them. That is also true because you would hardly see a person who likes country music hanging out with somebody who likes rock. It’s not something that is done on purpose but it’s something that is done naturally. They wouldn’t do that because like article also states teens would always be disagreeing with what genre of music is right or what kind of music is right. The article mentions that music helps teens show emotions and express their feelings in way they sometimes can’t so by themselves. This article was a little short but gave a basic outlook on my topic.

“Media Influence on Youth.” Media Influence on Youth. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

This website gives an overview on studies that were taken. The studies where taken on the age group of young children to teenagers. It talks about how the media including music, magazines and television shows influences the youth to react certain ways. For instance pictures of fashion models makes teenagers and kids as young as 8 years get more self-conscious about their weight. It speaks of sex and how the media also influences teens to believe that it is something that is good.

Liljequist, Kevin C. “Does Music and Lyrical Content Influence Human Behavior?” Does Music and Lyrical Content Influence Human Behavior? N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014

This article supports the idea of violent music being one of the causes of increase in aggressive behavior. It says that teenagers dedicate about 40 hours a week to listening to music. It was found that the earlier an adolescent invest their time in listening to music were more likely to not listen to their parent and listen more to their peers. When the music is constructed into a music video it has a stronger impact on teenager’s behaviors an outlook on society.



Second draft proposal

I decided to change my topic because I felt I wouldn’t be able to write a lot about it. I decided to choose the topic of how the media and technology affects love. Love is something everyone wants. It seems as if life isn’t complete with finding that special someone. What about love is so special? What makes everyone want it so badly? Could it be the role media plays in it? Love is in almost every movie, it seems it’s not a movie without romance. When one does not find love that can affect ones happiness and wellbeing. In todays society and everything that is shown to us it’s all about love and finding that special someone. People look at couples and say “I want that!” but in reality don’t really know what that is. Not having it can make someone sad and hurt because of it. I want to research the affect the media and technology has on love and how it can affect someones happiness and wellbeing.

Jake and Melissa Kircher. “Does media distort love? A look at our corrupting views of romance, relationships and sexuality”. Relevant. Web. 12 April 2011.

This site brought be a view on how social media and technology affects ones views on love. This site gave me the idea to see how the role it has on people and how it can affect their wellbeing. It explains how the media shows us that love conquers all and that it will make you happy and solve all your problems. Also how showing this certain kind of love in media can affect the way people begin to find love and how they look for it because it is seen a certain way.

Tyler Curry. “How Social Media Are Ruining Your Love Life”. The Blog. Web. 26 November 2013.

This website shows views on social media is ruining ones love life. Nowadays people fall in love online or even plane a date that way. It basically says when you fall in love with him you have to fall in love with Facebook or instagram as well. When you go on a date nowadays you have to look them up online and see who they are and see their social media. It can affect our dating life. These websites helped me get a better understand of different way social media and technology can affect love.