research essay pre draft

The social media: the affects it can have on an adolescents mental health

The internet is used every day and by every one . But people don’t sit down and think is the internet really a good thing . Parents would say the internet is a distraction to people and the world . It takes there focus away from what’s important and brings it to the nonsense that the internet offers . Which now in days it offers almost anything you would want or want to know . But opinions like these bring our attention away from what could be something actually important like , what affects can the internet, mainly the social media , have on someone’s mental health , mainly the social media . My focus is on the affects it can have on an adolescents mental health . Affects such as depression caused by cyber bullying or even a teenager becoming an addict for extreme usage of the internet . Some teens can’t go a day with out checking there face book page or twitter and so on . Little did they know there addicts to it and be totally mindless of it .

From the research performed there’s a lot of info on how the social media helps teens make friends over the internet and also connect to old friends and keeping in contact . Every one loves there social media websites and apps but there should be a limit to how many times one uses it a day . Peoples behaviors of social media usage can pretty soon develop into an addiction . The website “Alter Net “ which has an article on the personal health section called , “ Social Media Dependency Has Become a Mental Health Issue “ written by Emma Stein . Stein discusses the issue of teenagers becoming obsessed with taking selfies . Recent news about a 19 yr old boy who attempted to commit suicide after being obsessed with taking selfies in the UK has received public attention . Because of this issue its brining people to question the dependency’s teens have on social media . The article also states , surveys that were published by CASA columbia collected results that concluded , teens 12-17 that use social media every day are more likely to use tobacco alcohol and marijuana . These results were backed up by the fact that if teens are exposed to pictures of alcohol or drugs in social media sites more likely they would want to try it for them selves .

It is also found that social media can often lead teens to develop into depression . As mentioned before social media helps people connect with friends and make new friends but what happens when there is peer rejections . That can affect the way a person feels about them selves or there self view . Another issue is cyber bullying , the web page “ California Teen Health “ provides information on research conducted in California that had to do with adolescent behavior health and social media . The site states , approximately 23% of teens were reported to being threatened by a peer ( CHIS, 2001) bullying causes higher levels of depression and anxiety and in some cases this can be linked to cases of teen suicides ( Kowalski, 2009) .