First Year Learning Community

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Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

In phase three of this project we had to illiterate our image compositions that we created on phase 2. These two phases relate in that we have to reposition our images based on the critique received on our photoshopped images. For example, if an image that we created  as ambiguous was in fact more obvious; we would need to extend the objects more to the edges and create an unstable relationship.  Overall I spent about and hour and a half on making the final pieces of phase 3.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

Overall hours on this project probably three hours.

COMD Class 6 | Critique

September 18, 2016

ALL PARTS OF Project #1* are DUE:

  • Bring finish Inked Sketches (1 stable, 1 ambiguous) to class for critique.
    • Your inked compositions should be labeled ON THE BACK with your full name and the project number (ie: Project #1)
      NOTE: Points will be deducted from your grade if your work is smudged, wrinkled or bent. Protect your work with tracing paper and transport in a portfolio (refer to recent class demo).
  • Complete all Design Process Blog posts Phases 1-3 for Project #1.
    • We will use the class blog to present finished work during the critique next class.

* You will complete your final post (Phase 4: Deliver) after the critique


  • Present and analyze your finished work in terms of concept, craft, what you learned, and the design process.
  • State your name, your understanding of the project goals (ie: what is the point?), which parts are successful and which parts need more work.
  • Your peers and the professor will provide feedback. You will have an opportunity to revise your work based on the feedback and improve your grade.
  • When critiquing other student’s work, clearly describe what works and what doesn’t work using the project vocabulary:
    • Shape (Organic, Geometric)
    • Frame
    • Figure-Ground (Obvious, Ambiguous, positive space, negative space)


  1. Complete your final post (Phase 4: Deliver) for this project:
    • Create a new blog post called Urban Artifact: Phase 4.
    • In the post, document your thoughts about this project. Think about what you learned, what you could have done better (planning, material use, craft), and how you will apply what you learned to your next project. Consider and respond to the comments made in class during the critique.
    • Include links to your three other Design Process posts for this project. (ie: Phase 1: Discover, Phase 2: Define, Phase 3: Develop)
    • Don’t forget to comment on at least 3 other student’s posts. Review commenting guidelines first.
    • NOTE: You will receive a grade and comments from the Professor on this post. If you do not create this post, you will not receive a grade for the project.
  2. Materials needed for next class:
    • your favorite piece of music
    • headphones
    • sketchbook (always)
    • Pencils (wide range from 4h to 4B)

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Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

Work Time : 1 hour

Urban Artifacts Phase 2

Work time: 2 hours

Urban Artifacts Phase 2



Work Time: 3 Hours


Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

Dead Bird- 330 Jay St

Dead Bird- 330 Jay St


gum and leaves


crumpled paper


New York City is known to be as the “city that never sleeps”. Therefore, due to the constant movement of people, no matter the time, trash can be located about anywhere. Fast paced individuals tend to throw garbage on the floor simply because of not having “enough time” to be strayed away from their plans. During my walk along Jay St, I stumbled across a few “urban artifacts” as portrayed in the images above. You tend to wonder ,” how did this get here?”


My first observation was the dead pigeon located next to a tree. I began to question what occurred to cause the death of the pigeon. I concluded that it may have been harmed which lead the pigeon to simply accept the idea of not being able to heal properly. Maybe, I’m wrong but those were my conclusions.


In my second image, I captured leaves and gum stains on the ground. Gum is always spit out onto the ground but i often wonder if it would be better if people were to spit the gum into a napkin and throw it away instead of spitting it onto the floor.


in my last image, I shot a crumpled piece of paper found on the floor. I began to question what the paper had on it that made it unimportant. I began to think maybe it was a receipt from the stores that were located a few feet away. You can never know for sure, therefore all of these thoughts and scenarios are just assumptions.

Urban Artifacts:Phase 2

work time : 2 hours

Urban Artifact Phase: 2

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